Chapter 71 – Shameful Tricks

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Wei Chen was taken aback when he heard the words, but quickly recovered and returned to normal. “No need,” he said, his voice lowered a few degrees.

Wei Hua, upon hearing this, didn’t say anything. He knew about the relationship between Wei Chen and Wei Zhenxiong. He wasn’t sure if it was because Wei Chen had been raised by Grandpa Wei since he was young, but Wei Chen had always been someone who was not easy to get close to. Wei Zhenxiong and Fang Yun were not close to Wei Chen either, giving him the feeling as if…

It was as if Wei Chen was not their son at all, and their relationship was even more distant than that of strangers.

Although Wei Hua knew about this relationship, he never thought of being the intermediary to help repair the relationship between Wei Chen and Wei Zhenxiong.

In this matter, Wei Hua was ultimately an outsider and had no right to intervene.

“I understand,” Wei Hua rubbed his slightly bulging belly and said, “I guess staying in the country for a while will make me gain weight. There are delicious foods everywhere, and they are all tempting!”

Chen Li drank his porridge quietly and glanced at Wei Hua during a break. He was curious about this person who looked a bit like Wei Chen, and even more curious about why the corners of his mouth were often upturned.

Wei Hua noticed Chen Li’s gaze, looked up, and smiled, revealing a set of white teeth. “Hello, Chen Li, I’m your big brother, Wei Hua.”

Chen Li’s gaze withdrew, no longer looking at Wei Hua, and he slowly drank her porridge. When he finished the porridge, he shifted his gaze to Wei Chen’s side, as if asking why this person was so strange.

Why could he always maintain an upturned mouth?

Wei Chen shook his head. He didn’t know the answer either. He didn’t know it in his previous life, and he hadn’t found the answer in this life yet.

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Wei Hua didn’t know what Wei Chen and Chen Li’s exchanged glances meant. He took another pancake and asked while eating, “Grandpa told me that you were the one who made the development plan for the Wei family in the capital. I just took over recently. Can you explain the market and the plan to me?”

“Well, I’ll send it to your email tonight,” Wei Chen said.

“Thank you so much,” Wei Hua said with a smirk, somewhat teasingly.

After speaking, Wei Hua couldn’t help but think to himself. Initially, that plan was given to Grandpa by Wei Chen. It was evident that Grandpa was very satisfied with Wei Chen’s plan, and Wei Chen was probably the best candidate in Grandpa’s mind to take over the subsidiary in the capital. Grandpa surely didn’t expect that after Wei Chen handed in the plan, he wouldn’t implement it and would go straight to Changfeng Group.

Grandpa was a person who liked complete control over everything. He had a strong desire for control, which could be seen from Uncle’s many years of working at the Wei family without much actual power. Wei Chen’s actions this time could be considered as breaking free from Grandpa’s control, and Grandpa was probably very angry about it.

However, with Grandpa’s character, even if he was angry, he wouldn’t show it. Instead, he would make some moves in Wei Chen’s current job, teaching him a lesson while letting him know how easy it was to work at the Wei family.

Thinking like this in his heart, Wei Hua couldn’t help but feel some sympathy for Wei Chen. The burden on his shoulders was much heavier than theirs, and Wei Chen hadn’t had an easy time all these years.

After finishing breakfast, Wei Hua left Wei Chen’s house. Today, he had to report to the Wei family in the capital. As a paratrooper like him, if he didn’t achieve something, he would be looked down upon.

For him, what lay ahead would be a tough battle.

However, Wei Hua also knew that compared to the difficulties he faced, Wei Chen faced much bigger challenges. Changfeng was a large enterprise, and a state-owned one at that. Wei Chen was young, and even if he was appreciated by his superiors at Changfeng, it would be much harder for him to establish himself than Wei Hua.

If it were in the past, Wei Hua would definitely have advised Wei Chen not to burden himself and obediently accept the old man’s arrangements. But after spending the day together, Wei Hua had forgotten about his original intention.

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Wei Chen’s abilities should not be buried under the title of Wei family’s young master. He could carve out his own path and become a respected figure in a few years. And by then, he wouldn’t be the heir of the Wei family, but simply Wei Chen, and only Director Wei.

Wei Hua thought that Wei Chen should be moving towards this goal now. It might be tiring to carry such a heavy burden, but he believed that Wei Chen would persevere because he had found someone who could walk hand in hand with him in his life.

This person didn’t have to be extremely powerful or intelligent, nor did they need vast wealth or an influential background. This person only needed to awaken the hidden “human” side of Wei Chen, allowing him to experience joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness as a human being.

And Chen Li was that person, someone who could help Wei Chen understand what emotions were.

“Thank you.” When Wei Hua was leaving, he approached Chen Li, who had a timid look in his eyes, and whispered these two words in his ear. Then he confidently walked away as the elevator doors closed.


He Keqiang had been in a good mood these past few days. It was already the end of the month, but Changfeng’s performance showed no sign of growth. He could see Wei Chen about to fall from his position as director, and just thinking about it made him ecstatic. Today, He Keqiang arrived early at work, whether intentionally or coincidentally, and he happened to meet Wei Chen in the elevator.

“Director Wei, the quarterly meeting is coming up in a few days. I wonder if you’ve prepared the reports?” Although his words sounded concerned, there was malice in his narrow eyes. He wished he could hold a quarterly meeting right now and slap Wei Chen in the face with reality. The thought of it was immensely satisfying.

He Keqiang didn’t bother to hide his malice, and Wei Chen felt the mockery coming from him. Wei Chen merely glanced at He Keqiang and calmly replied, “Thank you for your concern, Manager He.”

He Keqiang’s punch landed on cotton again, feeling powerless. Just when he was about to make another sarcastic remark, the elevator reached the floor where the Marketing Department was located. Without giving He Keqiang a second glance, Wei Chen calmly entered his office.

He Keqiang narrowed his eyes and sneered, “You still have the audacity to put on an elite appearance at this point? Everyone in the company knows you’re finished, Wei Chen! Disgusting!” He Keqiang returned to his own office right after Wei Chen entered his, and as he settled in his seat, someone knocked on the office door.

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He Keqiang had a good guess about who was knocking on the door. He straightened his body, put on a managerial air, and shouted, “Come in.”

As expected, the person who entered was He Keqiang’s informant planted among the Marketing Department’s employees. After closing the door, he approached He Keqiang with a nod and a bow.

He Keqiang didn’t lift his chin and glanced at the person sideways, saying, “What’s the matter?”

“Manager He, I have something to discuss with you today,” the person respectfully stood beside the desk and lowered his head.

“Just say it quickly, I don’t have time to waste listening to you blabbering around.”

“Manager He, it’s like this,” the person said, “You haven’t been to the company these past few days, so you might not be aware. The colleagues outside are all in a bad mood. They know that the performance cannot be improved now. They look completely different from the energetic appearance at the beginning of the month. They all seem to be just getting by, trying to pass this month without any effort.”

He Keqiang listened and felt delighted inside, but his face showed anger. He forcefully slapped the table and scolded, “How can it be like this? We work in the market. If we lose our drive, how can the market continue?”

“Yes, yes!” the person quickly echoed, “I don’t know how Director Wei manages people. The marketing department is not doing well now!” He knew that He Keqiang didn’t like Wei Chen, so he specifically chose to say things that He Keqiang would like to hear. As long as He Keqiang was happy, it didn’t matter how much he belittled Wei Chen.

“Ah, I have already reported this issue to the higher-ups,” He Keqiang immediately put on a pained expression, “How old is Wei Chen now? He’s just a young kid who hasn’t grown up yet. He can’t even manage himself properly, let alone a team. But what can we do? The higher-ups value him! Ah, having connections is beneficial nowadays. They don’t care about your abilities as long as you have connections. You can manage hundreds of people at a young age, and they don’t care about your capabilities,” he sarcastically mocked Wei Chen.

The informant nodded repeatedly, showing agreement with He Keqiang’s words, but he actually didn’t take them seriously.

How could he not understand the meaning behind He Keqiang’s words? He was basically saying that Wei Chen lacked ability but occupied the director position. This position should have been given to him, an experienced and talented old employee who had dedicated many years to the company.

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But look at you, He Keqiang. Besides being good at flattery, what other abilities do you have that are worthy of recognition? The company didn’t make you a director because the people above have clear minds. If they had made you one, the Marketing Department of Changfeng Company would probably be ruined!

Of course, this person could only hold his contempt inside. He maintained a respectful appearance on the surface.

In fact, who can compare to whom? Afterwards, this person continued to compliment He Keqiang in his ear, praising him excessively to make He Keqiang feel pleased. After the person left, he even received a cigarette from He Keqiang.

Although it was nothing special, the person was extremely happy when he received it, as if he had obtained a precious treasure. However, once the office door was closed and He Keqiang couldn’t see, he immediately threw the cigarette into the trash can with a disdainful expression.

In the office, He Keqiang now had a somewhat euphoric feeling. After lighting a cigarette for himself, he made a phone call to the director of the Sales Department.

The call was quickly answered, and He Keqiang’s voice sounded full of smiles.

“We really owe you this time. Wei Chen is probably going to suffer a big setback.”

“Hahaha, have you seen the performance? Tsk tsk, with such results, Wei Chen dares to call himself an elite in the industry as a double doctorate student from a prestigious university?” the person on the other end of the phone laughed heartily.

No matter how good Wei Chen’s plan is, what’s the use? As the executor of Wei Chen’s plan, as long as the Sales Department doesn’t implement it, everything is just wishful thinking. If the Sales Department doesn’t perform, Wei Chen’s desired results won’t be achieved.

With such an arrogant attitude at such a young age, if he’s not given a taste of hardship now, he’ll become unruly in the future.

Dissatisfied? Then show your extraordinary abilities. Otherwise, just keep quiet and stay in your place. You, a junior, think you can steal the limelight from your seniors as soon as you join the company?

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