Chapter 78 – Go to the Snack Street

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Not long after Gao Sheng left, Wei Chen informed everyone about the celebration dinner that evening. It was said that they could bring their partners and enjoy a famous seafood buffet in the capital city. The office was filled with excitement, and all thoughts of work vanished instantly.

Wei Chen knew that his subordinates had worked hard with him for the past month, so he announced an early dismissal, allowing them to go home and prepare for the celebratory dinner with high spirits.

Naturally, this gesture was met with enthusiastic approval from the employees.

As the night fell, colorful lights shimmered, and the splendid night in the capital city began.

The celebration dinner of the Marketing Department at Changfeng Group commenced as the night descended.

This time, Zhuge Feng was genuinely happy. He spared no expense to book the best seafood buffet in the capital, and the Marketing Department employees didn’t hold back either. They arrived with their partners, some even in groups of three or five.

The celebration dinner began, and Wei Chen naturally became the center of attention. It was he who turned the tide and accomplished tasks that others deemed impossible.

So when Wei Chen entered the restaurant hand in hand with Chen Li, the Marketing Department employees swarmed around, holding glasses of wine, ready to toast Wei Chen.

Although Wei Chen had no expression on his face, there was a hint of warmth in his eyes.

He didn’t refuse his colleagues’ toasts, but the Marketing Department coworkers knew Wei Chen’s situation, so they offered him tea instead of alcohol. Chen Li followed closely behind Wei Chen, staying calm and quiet without disturbing him.

Even though Wei Chen was surrounded by subordinates, bombarding him with compliments and flattery, he didn’t get lost in their words nor did he feel any sense of pride.

What he had to do now was to steadily move forward, one step at a time, and build a happy future for him and Li Li.

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Although this celebration dinner was initiated by Zhuge Feng, he didn’t show up until the end. This didn’t surprise the Marketing Department people because after all, Zhuge Feng was the general manager of Changfeng, and his position was there for all to see. The fact that he personally funded and organized this celebration dinner was already unexpected. If he had come, the employees of the Marketing Department would have been both flattered and restrained while eating, losing their sense of freedom.

Most likely, Zhuge Feng also had this concern, which is why he didn’t attend the celebration dinner. However, even though he wasn’t there in person, his intentions were clear—to let them eat to their heart’s content without any budget restrictions.

For the employees of the Marketing Department, this was much more beneficial than Zhuge Feng being personally present.

As the night grew darker and after three rounds of drinks, the celebration dinner was coming to an end. Someone suggested continuing the gathering at a KTV, and naturally, it received support from other colleagues.

Wei Chen didn’t agree to go, but he took out his phone and reserved a private room for them. He then left with Chen Li by his side.

Perhaps influenced by the lively atmosphere of the celebration dinner, Chen Li didn’t eat much tonight. He stayed by Wei Chen’s side throughout the entire event, not having a strong desire to eat. During the entire process of the celebration dinner, while Wei Chen was busy dealing with colleagues toasting him, he didn’t overlook Chen Li’s situation. He realized that Chen Li hadn’t eaten much at the dinner, so after leaving the restaurant, he planned to take Chen Li somewhere else to have some food.

“What do you want to eat?” Wei Chen held Chen Li’s hand as they strolled in the night, tilting his head to ask Chen Li.

Chen Li shook his head. He didn’t know what he wanted to eat. He had already eaten a little at the celebration dinner, and he didn’t feel hungry at the moment, nor did he feel full.

Wei Chen also had no ideas, so he simply held Chen Li’s hand and walked forward slowly.

Suddenly, Wei Chen thought of something and turned to Chen Li again, saying, “Li Li, let me take you somewhere.”

Chen Li looked at Wei Chen and nodded without hesitation.

Due to the presence of a university nearby, this street was filled with food stalls. This time was when the university students came out to find food after their self-study sessions.

The street was filled with fragrant smells, accompanied by the scent of smoke. Groups of students were coming and going, chatting and laughing. In the summer night, it was hot and bustling.

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Wei Chen brought Chen Li to this street and looked at the passing crowds. A nostalgic expression unconsciously appeared in his eyes.

During his college days, when someone called in the dormitory or after playing basketball, as soon as someone proposed going to the snack street, a group of three to five people would gather at a street stall or barbecue stand. Once the beer was opened, they would chat about anything and everything.

In those years, who hadn’t boasted? In those years, who hadn’t fantasized about the campus belle?

In the years of youth, there was no scheming or plotting, just a night of laughter and joy after cracking open some beers.

The past rose like the smoke from the stalls, filling the air with fragrance, gradually dissipating, leaving only a lingering scent that brought back endless memories.

Wei Chen snapped out of his thoughts and led Chen Li towards a barbecue stall.

The dishes displayed on the stall seemed to be more abundant than he remembered. Wei Chen took the tray handed over by the owner and, following Chen Li’s gaze, placed the dishes onto the tray.

The aroma of charcoal and charred flavors filled the air. Chen Li suddenly felt hungry, and he glanced at Wei Chen, unable to contain his eagerness.

Wei Chen handed the tray with the selected dishes to the owner and led Chen Li to a corner to sit down. The hygiene at the stall was always a bit careless, with oil smoke seemingly present everywhere. However, Wei Chen didn’t mind that. He grabbed a tissue from the table and wiped it before sitting down.

It was Chen Li’s first time here, and his curious eyes scanned the surroundings. Eventually, his gaze always landed on the stall, as if he wanted to try every type of food.

Wei Chen noticed Chen Li’s thoughts and reached out to rub his belly, teasingly saying, “Li Li, can your stomach handle so much food?”

Chen Li looked at his own belly, then at the various snacks at the stalls outside, with a blank expression, shaking his head.

Soon enough, the skewers Wei Chen had ordered arrived. As soon as the skewers were placed on the table, Chen Li’s gaze locked onto them. Wei Chen removed the bamboo skewers from the grilled meat and piled the skewers in front of Chen Li, speaking gently, “Go ahead, be careful, it’s hot.”

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Following Wei Chen’s command, Chen Li started to eat heartily. The skewers were deliciously seasoned and smelled fragrant. Chen Li didn’t care if they were hot; he kept taking bite after bite.

Wei Chen simply watched Chen Li, his eyebrows and eyes filled with a smile, displaying his deep affection.

Fortunately, Chen Li wasn’t just focused on eating. When he came across particularly tasty skewers, he would feed them to Wei Chen’s mouth. Naturally, Wei Chen obediently opened his mouth, enjoying Chen Li’s gesture of feeding him.

When the last piece of tofu skin entered his mouth, Chen Li burped contentedly. He looked at Wei Chen, his eyes shining.

Seeing Chen Li so satisfied with the meal, Wei Chen naturally felt satisfied as well. His heart was full, filled with the image of Chen Li looking at him.

The boss had put too much tomato sauce, and after Chen Li finished eating, there was a smear of tomato sauce on his lips. Wei Chen, for some reason, uncontrollably leaned in and captured Chen Li’s lips, also picking up the smear of tomato sauce with his own mouth.

Hmm, there was not only the sweetness of the tomato sauce but also the savory taste of cumin and pepper. It tasted much better than the grilled skewers they had just eaten.

The people at the adjacent table noticed the situation and murmured in response, followed by sporadic discussions. Wei Chen heard these voices but paid no attention. He was completely immersed in the deliciousness brought by Chen Li.

Chen Li, too, disregarded the surrounding voices. He enjoyed the feeling of kissing Wei Chen, and the trembling sensation caused by their entwined lips and tongues often left Chen Li indulging in it.

After the kiss ended, Wei Chen used his slender fingers to wipe away the traces of tomato sauce from the corner of Chen Li’s lips and asked, “Are you full?”

Chen Li didn’t know what he was thinking, and he subconsciously shook his head.

In the next moment, Wei Chen saw Chen Li’s face suddenly approaching him, and then his lips felt a warm touch. This time, Chen Li didn’t repeat the morning’s mistake; he firmly sealed Wei Chen’s lips with his own.

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So, Li Li’s dissatisfaction meant he hadn’t kissed enough! Wei Chen thought to himself, feeling the air inexplicably become heated.

The surrounding discussions grew louder, and the shouts of hawkers could be heard nearby. The environment was noisy and filled with smoke, but Wei Chen and Chen Li’s little world seemed to be isolated from it all. It was tranquil, harmonious, and romantically cozy, as if nothing around them mattered.


In the dim night, a car came from a distance and stopped in front of a villa. Shortly after, a man wearing a white suit stepped out of the car.

The man was in his fifties, and his hair seemed to have been dyed as there wasn’t a single strand of gray visible.

The man was in a good mood as he hummed a song while entering the villa. However, as soon as he stepped into the living room, he heard a long sigh. Surprised, the man looked in the direction of the sigh.

“Zhuge Yu, why are you sighing as if something’s wrong?” The man, Zhuge Feng, walked over to the sofa and looked at the colorful-dressed man sitting there, asking.

Zhuge Yu raised his head and looked at his twin brother. He let out another heavy sigh and said, “You wouldn’t understand.”

Zhuge Feng couldn’t be bothered to continue the conversation with Zhuge Yu. “If you’re in a bad mood, then be in a bad mood. Just don’t sigh in front of me and affect my mood.”

Zhuge Yu stared at Zhuge Feng with a grievous look. “How can you, as my younger brother, not even ask why I’m unhappy?”

Zhuge Feng looked at Zhuge Yu incredulously. Wasn’t his first question when he entered the room asking him what was wrong?

“Zhuge Yu, have you gone crazy from painting? I just asked you that, and you said I wouldn’t understand. Of course, I wouldn’t understand if you don’t tell me!”

“Well, can you understand the anxious feeling of not being able to find the person you’ve set your eyes on and really want to have? The feeling of not being able to locate that person?” Zhuge Yu asked.

“Oh, that.” Zhuge Feng suddenly realized, then grinned and said, “I truly don’t understand. After all, the good seed I set my eyes on has already been recruited by me, and he even handed in a perfect answer sheet!” Zhuge Feng’s face was filled with pride and boasting, almost blinding Zhuge Yu’s eyes.

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