Chapter 81 – Some Things

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Some fear, even if you try your best to ignore it, exert all your efforts to forget, and believe that you have completely forgotten and no longer feel afraid. But when it resurfaces inadvertently, you realize that it’s not that you no longer fear, but rather that fear has silently grown within you, like a deep-rooted ailment attached to your bones, becoming a part of your being that you can’t escape from.

For Wei Chen, it was exactly like this.

Although he had been reborn, he was still filled with fear for the death that awaited him in the future. He didn’t know if his rebirth had altered the course of the future, but that death had already taken root in his memories, unable to be erased.

Wei Chen still couldn’t dare to imagine what Chen Li would do when he died. Would he, like in the previous life, disregard his own life and only seek to vent his anger for him?

Wei Chen had wondered more than once if, in the previous life, Chen Li had emerged from the dark world before his death. Would things have ended up less tragic and brutal?

Wei Chen didn’t dare to delve further into that thought. The sensation of his heart being tightly grasped by someone made him extremely uncomfortable. His breathing became rapid, his eyes bloodshot, and his pupils suddenly turned crimson.

Chen Li couldn’t see the change in Wei Chen, but he could sense the intense emotional fluctuations emanating from him. It left Chen Li somewhat at a loss, and he could only hold onto Wei Chen tightly, unwilling to let go.

Although Wei Chen was currently engulfed in an indescribable emotion, he still sensed Chen Li’s unease. It instantly pulled Wei Chen away from his fear of the unknown death in the future. He gently patted Chen Li’s back and softly said, “Li Li, I’m fine.”

Chen Li didn’t move or respond. Soon, Wei Chen felt a moist sensation on his chest, causing his entire body to stiffen.

Was Li Li crying?

“Li Li, don’t cry. I’m really fine.” While feeling heartache, Wei Chen also felt that oppressive feeling in his heart disappear, leaving only the warmth Chen Li brought him.

Wei Chen released his grip on Chen Li and wanted to wipe away the tears on his face. However, Chen Li clung tightly to him, refusing to let go. Even though he was crying, there was no sound, his lips tightly sealed, but tears uncontrollably streamed down from his eyes.

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It was unknown how much time had passed. Perhaps Chen Li had run out of strength in his hands, so he released his grip on Wei Chen’s hand. At this moment, his eyes were swollen from crying, and his face appeared red, looking pitiful.

Wei Chen raised his hand, gently caressing Chen Li’s face with his fingertips. Soon, his fingers became damp. Finally, Wei Chen couldn’t hold back any longer. He lowered his head, starting from Chen Li’s swollen eyes, and gradually descended, placing gentle kisses one after another. The taste was a mix of the salty wetness of tears, while what seeped into his heart was an incomparably soft and warm heat.

His Li Li, this time he was truly heartbroken.

Chen Li stood there, motionless, allowing Wei Chen to kiss him. It was only when Wei Chen’s lips landed on his own that Chen Li trembled slightly, obediently closing his eyes.

Filled with tenderness, sweetness, and comfort, their lips lingered and gently exchanged kisses. The soft sound echoed in the quiet office, as if they were intertwined for eternity.

“Li Li, you just cried.” When their lips finally parted, their foreheads met, and Wei Chen spoke in a hoarse voice.

Chen Li looked puzzled. Cried? Did he just cry?

He didn’t know, he only knew that his heart felt so uncomfortable, so uncomfortable that water would uncontrollably flow from his eyes. This water must be tears?

Wei Chen sensed Chen Li’s confusion and reached out to ruffle his hair, his gaze gentle.

Regardless, his Li Li gradually experienced the joys and desires of life, which was ultimately a good thing.

After that day, the two of them never discussed Chen Li’s schooling and art studies again. It was as if it had never happened, just a brief episode to be forgotten.


Chen Li and Wei Chen lived their lives as they saw fit, but Zhuge Yu grew anxious. He had finally found Chen Li and was planning to bring him under his wing, but why was there still no progress?

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“Zhuge Feng, tell me what’s going on? It has been a week, why hasn’t Wei Chen replied to me yet? A whole week! That’s quite a long time!” On that day, Zhuge Feng came to Changfeng Group again, in the office of the general manager, he was chattering incessantly, looking quite anxious.

Zhuge Feng rubbed his throbbing temples and said, “It’s normal. You know the situation of Wei Chen’s husband. Can he leave Chen Li now? You want him to be your student, do you also want to take Wei Chen along?”

“If Wei Chen is willing, I can take him too!” Zhuge Yu didn’t care. If Zhuge Feng was willing to let Wei Chen take Chen Li to the company, he could also let Chen Li take Wei Chen to study art!

“Zhuge Yu, let me tell you, if you dare to have any ideas about Wei Chen, believe it or not, I will kick you out of Changfeng Tower in a minute.” Zhuge Feng became displeased. Wei Chen was the subordinate he had set his sights on. If he was taken away by Zhuge Yu, what would he do?

Zhuge Yu pouted and said, “I’m just saying, why are you so fierce?”

Zhuge Feng didn’t believe him. He knew Zhuge Yu well. He could do anything for his goals. Staring at Zhuge Yu, he warned, “Zhuge Yu, you better behave!”

As soon as Zhuge Feng finished speaking, his internal phone rang. Gao Sheng urged him to attend the meeting. Today was the board meeting, and Zhuge Feng couldn’t afford to be absent no matter what.

“I’m going to the meeting. If you have nothing to do, you can leave!” Zhuge Feng packed up his files and prepared to go to the meeting.

“Alright, alright, I’m leaving.” Zhuge Yu also stood up and planned to leave.

“Seriously, don’t cause any trouble!” Zhuge Feng still felt uneasy as he left and said.

Zhuge Yu waved his hand impatiently, “Go, go, go, attend your meeting. I absolutely won’t cause any trouble!”

Despite Zhuge Feng’s lingering worries, the time for the meeting was approaching. He gave Zhuge Yu one last stern look before quickly heading to the meeting room upstairs.

Once Zhuge Feng left, Zhuge Yu couldn’t stay in the office any longer. However, he didn’t leave Changfeng. Instead, he asked the secretary about the location of the Marketing Department and confidently walked towards it with his hands behind his back.

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Zhuge Yu had the temporary pass given to him by Zhuge Feng hanging around his neck. He easily made his way to the marketing department as if entering a no man’s land.

Coincidentally, the marketing department was having a meeting at that time, so when Zhuge Yu arrived, there was no one in the office area. He leisurely walked around the marketing department’s office area until he saw a sign on a door that read “Director” and Zhuge Yu stopped in his tracks.

He knocked on the door but received no response, so he gathered the courage to open the door and enter.

Inside the spacious office, there was only Chen Li sitting in front of an art portfolio, painting.

Curiosity sparked in Zhuge Yu’s mind, so he walked over, deliberately making loud noises while walking to avoid startling Chen Li with his sudden appearance.

Zhuge Yu stood next to Chen Li without saying a word, silently watching him paint.

Similar to the time at the hospital entrance in Shanghai, Chen Li’s paintings still had a dark color palette, with heavy black as the main tone. However, Zhuge Yu quickly noticed a difference from the previous painting.

A faint glimmer of light seemed to be shining in this world filled with darkness.

While observing Chen Li painting, Zhuge Yu came up with a plan. He took a set of art supplies from the office and, without making any rash moves, sat down next to Chen Li. After arranging the supplies, Zhuge Yu squinted his eyes, contemplated for a while, and then began drawing.

When Chen Li finished his own painting, he finally noticed the presence of someone sitting next to him. However, he didn’t pay attention to who the person was because, in the next instant, his gaze was captivated by the painting that person had created.

Chen Li sat in his seat, motionless, staring at Zhuge Yu’s painting. Compared to the unconventional methods Chen Li had been experimenting with, every stroke and color block in Zhuge Yu’s painting exuded a sense of elegance. They appeared casual but produced astonishing effects.

Chen Li’s gaze remained fixed on Zhuge Yu’s painting, and his emotions fluctuated with each stroke. When Zhuge Yu made the final stroke, Chen Li still couldn’t divert his attention.

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“Is it good?” Zhuge Yu asked.

Chen Li looked at the painting, his eyes sparkling. He didn’t answer directly, but his emotions betrayed his thoughts regarding the painting.

“I can teach you,” Zhuge Yu seized the opportunity.

Only then did Chen Li turn his head to look at Zhuge Yu, his eyes immediately showing a guarded expression.

Zhuge Yu sensed it and felt a pang in his heart.

“Don’t worry, I won’t harm you,” Zhuge Yu quickly raised his hands in a surrendering gesture, reassuring Chen Li.

Although Chen Li remained cautious, he didn’t feel afraid, perhaps because the other person had a great skill in painting.

At this moment, Zhuge Yu remembered what Zhuge Feng had told him earlier. Chen Li couldn’t be separated from Wei Chen at the moment, and now it seemed to hold some truth.

“Chen Li,” Zhuge Yu said, “Your name is Chen Li, right? Can I call you that?”

Chen Li simply stared at Zhuge Yu, neither nodding nor shaking his head.

“I’m Zhuge Yu, you can call me Zhuge or Old Yu,” Zhuge Yu introduced himself, hoping to gradually eliminate Chen Li’s guardedness.

“I really like your paintings, but there’s something I have to say: your paintings aren’t perfect yet.” Zhuge Yu knew that Chen Li liked painting, so he started the conversation from that angle, trying to engage with Chen Li. “But that’s okay. I hope I can teach you and make your paintings more and more perfect.”

As expected, once this topic was brought up, Chen Li’s thoughts focused on Zhuge Yu’s words, listening attentively.

Zhuge Yu inwardly exclaimed that he had made progress and continued, “Your paintings lack something. Do you want to know what it is?”

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