Chapter 86 – Bigger Than His

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Wei Chen and Chen Li had a cold war, even though Chen Li didn’t know what a cold war was at the time.

Wei Chen also knew that after their evening walk, Chen Li got angry. It was the first time Chen Li had shown anger towards Wei Chen, and Wei Chen was caught off guard. He watched Chen Li’s silent figure as he returned to the room, feeling a sense of loneliness in his eyes. He walked to the balcony, feeling the autumn night breeze, and sat there lost in thought.

Wei Chen’s mind was in turmoil at the moment, and it was unknown what he was thinking. There were scenes from his past life when he neglected Chen Li, scenes of Chen Li going crazy to kill Chen Qing and Wu Zikang for him, and scenes of this life where he wholeheartedly cared for Chen Li. There were scenes of Chen Li smiling in front of him for the first time, and scenes of Chen Li showing more emotions in front of him. Amidst all these conflicting images, Wei Chen’s heart was as if the seasonings had been overturned, and the five flavors were mixed together.

Wei Chen knew that he liked Chen Li, that his feelings were deeply engraved in his heart. But he also knew that he wanted Chen Li to experience the joys and sorrows of the world like a normal person, not confined to a dark world, withdrawn from everything.

However, when Chen Li took that step and looked at others with the same focus as he did with him, Wei Chen wanted to close the door to Chen Li’s world, making it a world where only he existed.

Wei Chen knew that Chen Li was sensitive, especially when it came to sensing his emotions. Chen Li was more sensitive than others. With a little thought, Wei Chen understood the reason behind Chen Li’s emotions tonight. It was because Chen Li sensed the resistance emanating from Wei Chen when his focused gaze turned to others, even though Wei Chen hid it well, Chen Li still sensed it.

So when Wei Chen asked Chen Li tonight about going to school, about learning painting from Zhuge Yu, Chen Li resisted. It was because he didn’t want to make Wei Chen unhappy or cause him to struggle because of him.

Chen Li wasn’t afraid of being away from him; he was afraid that Wei Chen would not be happy. That’s why he got angry when Wei Chen tried to force him to make a decision.

Wei Chen understood all of this, and for a moment, he felt enlightened. He straightened his back, looked ahead into the pitch-black darkness, and felt as if a weight had been lifted from his heart. He felt relaxed.

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Just then, Wei Chen heard familiar footsteps behind him. He knew it was Chen Li coming out, but he resisted the urge to turn around. He wanted to see what Chen Li would do next.

Chen Li walked up behind Wei Chen and stared at his back for a long, long time. Finally, unable to resist, he bent down and embraced Wei Chen from behind, burying his head in the nape of his neck.

His anger wasn’t directed at Wei Chen; it was directed at himself. If only he could rely less on Wei Chen for everything, would he not have to be so cautious around him? Would he not have to constantly consider him in everything and lose his own desires?

Wei Chen hoped he could live according to his own wishes, but wasn’t he also hoping that Wei Chen could live according to his own wishes?

Chen Li still didn’t say anything; he just buried his head in the nape of Wei Chen’s neck and gently rubbed against him, as if apologizing to him for his recent anger.

Wei Chen’s heart had softened, but he suppressed the urge to hold Chen Li in his arms, waiting for Chen Li to make the next move. He was filled with curiosity, wondering what Chen Li would do to make him happy. Wei Chen’s back stiffened as he thought about it.

However, reality made Wei Chen feel hot all over. Chen Li just held onto him, burying his face in Wei Chen’s neck, occasionally licking it gently, like a little dog that had annoyed its owner and wanted forgiveness. Chen Li extended his soft pink tongue a little and lightly licked Wei Chen’s neck.

A soft and moist sensation spread from his neck, causing Wei Chen to stiffen. An unnamed fire ignited from the place where Chen Li licked, and it quickly spread throughout his body. Wei Chen knew that he couldn’t resist pulling Chen Li into his embrace now. If Chen Li continued to tease him like this, he felt like he couldn’t control himself and might do something inappropriate.

“Li Li, it’s enough. I forgive you,” Wei Chen’s voice became hoarse. Each word took a long time to come out of his mouth. He felt hot all over, and even the cool night breeze couldn’t help him.

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Upon hearing Wei Chen’s words, Chen Li lifted his head but still leaned on Wei Chen’s shoulder. His big eyes were slightly watery, looking pitiful.

“Li Li, come sit over here.” Wei Chen patted his own thigh, but as soon as he said it, he regretted it. Under his suit pants, that thing had become hot and swollen due to Chen Li’s teasing. If Chen Li sat on his lap, Wei Chen felt like he would really lose control and do something inappropriate.

While Wei Chen was thinking of getting up to fetch a chair for Chen Li to sit across from him, it was already too late. Chen Li had already moved around and sat on his lap.

Wei Chen couldn’t help but wonder if all of Chen Li’s recent weight had gone to his butt. Wei Chen felt an extremely soft object make intimate contact with his thigh the moment Chen Li sat down. Even though there were two layers of fabric, his suit pants and Chen Li’s jeans, that soft sensation almost made Wei Chen groan comfortably. That area seemed to swell a bit more, pressing against Chen Li with fervor.

Chen Li, not understanding the situation, wanted to reach down and touch it, but Wei Chen quickly stopped him with a quick hand motion. “Don’t touch!”

Chen Li looked at Wei Chen, his face filled with confusion, his eyes clear and innocent.

Wei Chen cursed himself as a beast in his heart. He took a deep breath and quickly changed the subject. He said, “Li Li, you were angry at me just now, and it was my fault.”

Chen Li’s attention was immediately diverted by Wei Chen. His cool fingers gently caressed Wei Chen’s face. The icy touch not only didn’t lessen the heat in Wei Chen’s heart but instead poured fuel onto the fire, making it burn even hotter.

Wei Chen couldn’t care less about explaining anything to Chen Li right now. He knew that if things continued like this, they would definitely end up crossing the line tonight. But he didn’t want to take Chen Li when Chen Li didn’t know anything yet.

“Li Li, I’m a little tired. I’m going to take a shower first. Let’s talk about it tomorrow,” Wei Chen said, using his eyes to signal Chen Li to get up.

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However, Chen Li seemed determined to clear things up with Wei Chen today. Instead of complying with Wei Chen’s words and standing up, he twisted on Wei Chen’s lap, brushing against that area.

Wei Chen couldn’t help but let out a groan, only to be met with an even more puzzled look from Chen Li.

‘Beast! Wei Chen, you’re truly a beast!’ Wei Chen mentally slapped himself several times, took a deep breath, and recited a self-made mantra to calm his mind, slowly suppressing the heat.

“Li Li, could you let me take a shower first? After I’m done, we can talk, okay?” Wei Chen knew very well that his current state was not conducive to a heart-to-heart conversation. He had to extinguish the fire within him, or he wouldn’t even know what he wanted to say.

Chen Li seemed to sense Wei Chen’s urgent need for a shower and, granting his wish, got up and let Wei Chen go wash up.

Relieved, Wei Chen rushed into the bathroom and turned the water temperature to the lowest setting. He didn’t even have time to undress before letting the cold water pour over his body.

However, Wei Chen was in the prime of his youth, and the fire burned fiercely within him. Cold water alone couldn’t extinguish it. Eventually, Wei Chen had to use something as a last resort.


Once Wei Chen entered the bathroom, Chen Li fetched a piece of paper and a pen, leaning over the coffee table to write something. Perhaps dissatisfied with what he wrote, he tore the paper with a loud rip and started over. This went on repeatedly, with Chen Li tearing over a dozen pages until he finally wrote something he was satisfied with. He placed the pen on the paper, sat on the couch, and waited for Wei Chen to come out.

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However, half an hour passed, and Wei Chen still hadn’t emerged. Chen Li couldn’t help but feel concerned. Wei Chen had never taken this long to shower before. Why was he staying in the bathroom for so long today?

After waiting for another ten minutes or so, Chen Li grew restless. Considering Wei Chen’s earlier odd behavior, his worries escalated. He forgot to even put on his slippers and hurriedly stood up from the couch, running towards the bathroom.

Wei Chen had a habit of locking the bathroom door when he showered, but in his haste, he didn’t even have time to undress, let alone remember to close the door.

So when Chen Li rushed into the bathroom from the living room, he heard Wei Chen’s uncomfortable voice at the bathroom door, but in his concern, he forgot to knock and simply turned the doorknob, pushing it open.

Chen Li was Wei Chen’s fantasy object, and while Wei Chen was indulging in his own imagination with the help of his five fingers, Chen Li’s face suddenly appeared vividly in his mind as soon as the door swung open, and Wei Chen couldn’t help himself.

The result was naturally awkward.

Wei Chen stared at Chen Li, who remained stunned for a while before snapping out of it. Wei Chen quickly used the showerhead to wash away the evidence of his crime and then forced himself to look composedly at Chen Li.

“Li Li, why did you come in?” Even with his lowered, hoarse voice, Wei Chen couldn’t hide his embarrassment. Chen Li looked at Wei Chen’s naked body, his eyes widening in surprise. With a quick glance, it seemed like he saw Wei Chen’s… well, it appeared larger than his own. They were the same thing, so why was Wei Chen’s so much bigger?

Chen Li had this doubt in his mind, and when he looked at Wei Chen, that doubt manifested right in front of him. However, at this moment, Wei Chen had no mind to speculate on what Chen Li was thinking. He was embarrassed to the extreme.

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