Chapter 371 - Sylvia: I Must Be Overthinking Things

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"Is this spirit magic?"

Lilith was a little surprised when she saw Canlat's expression suddenly turning dull. Afterward, she stood up, got closer to Canlat, and waved her hand before the man's eyes. Then, after failing to get a reaction, she balled up her hand, pulled back her fist, and swung a fierce punch at Canlat's face. However, just before her fist made contact with the thief's face, she suddenly stopped.

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The average person would have long since shut their eyes out of instinct when faced with such a situation. However, Canlat remained motionless, showing no intentions of closing his eyes even when Lilith had swung a fist at him. It was only after Lilith's fist had stopped in front of his face for a moment did his eyes blink out of necessity.

Alice had only used Consciousness Transformation to manipulate Canlat's consciousness and stop him from putting up any resistance. She did not try to stop his physiological functions, such as blinking and breathing. After all, her goal wasn't to kill him.

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Of course, Alice had also noticed that when she used Consciousness Transformation on Canlat, her taboo had met with a little obstruction. It would seem that even though the police had searched and confiscated his personal belongings, Canlat still had a tool hidden on him that functioned to protect him from spirit magic.

Unfortunately, similar to Sylvia's Ring of Divine Wisdom, such tools were only powerful enough to defend against spirit magic under the taboo level. So, Alice easily broke through the defenses of Canlat's tool and invaded Canlat's spirit, causing him to lose consciousness temporarily.

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After depriving Canlat of his consciousness, Alice added the brute-force command of "You cannot lie for the next ten minutes" to the end of Canlat's memory code. She didn't need to ask the thief many questions, so ten minutes were more than enough for her to get the information she wanted.

Alice also didn't plan to plant a command such as "You cannot lie from now on." After all, Canlat was only doing his job. Canlat might have to do some jail time because of his theft of a taboo book, but he would be released from prison sooner or later. If he couldn't lie for the rest of his life, he'd probably have no way of working as a thief anymore.

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After planting the command in Canlat's mind, Alice released her control over Canlat's consciousness. Immediately, Canlat snapped out of his daze. Then, seemingly realizing he had been controlled using spirit magic just now, he revealed a horrified expression as he looked at Alice:

"What did you do to me?"

"Let's give it a test." Alice did not answer Canlat's question. Instead, she looked at the thief and asked, "The police should have searched you when they arrested you. Logically, apart from your clothes, you shouldn't have anything else on you. Yet, I could feel a clear resistance when I cast my magic on you just now… Do you have a magic tool on you that can stop spirit magic?…

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