Chapter 412 - Traumatized?

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Sure enough, as soon as Alice finished speaking, the shadowy figure next to Fugallo suddenly started to merge with Haydn's body. This situation was similar to when Fugallo's soul merged with Haydn's body previously.

Of course, since Fugallo's projection did not have a consciousness, there'd be no worry that Haydn's spirit might be turned into a mess from having two additional souls stuffed into him.

The possession process was rapid. Before Alice and Andusia could even do anything about it, the Demon King's Shadow had already fully merged with Haydn's body, which was currently under Fugallo's control. Immediately afterward, a powerful burst of mana came from Fugallo, and the severe injuries that covered his body disappeared in the blink of an eye.

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Originally, Fugallo had already suffered bone-deep injuries to his head, chest, waist, and left leg. The wound on his head even exposed a part of his brain. Simply put, he had been in a terrible state.

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Now, though, all of these wounds were covered up by a black substance. It was as if the body of the Demon King's Shadow was used to replace the missing parts from Fugallo's body. However, it wasn't just a hasty patchwork. Instead, the black substance melded with Fugallo's body perfectly. Although the black patches gave Fugallo a somewhat strange appearance, they allowed Fugallo to instantly return to full strength.

In fact, after Fugallo had his body repaired, his strength felt even stronger than before. In Fugallo's current state, neither Alice nor Andusia should think of defeating him without each other's help.

"I see. So, you possessed the Demon King's Shadow?" Andusia narrowed her eyes and scrutinized Fugallo's changes. "But all this has done is increase your mana pool's size and your body's toughness. Your strength might have increased by a lot, but you still aren't invincible."

Andusia was aware that neither she nor Alice could defeat the current Fugallo by themselves. But, in that case, they could simply work together. With Fugallo's current strength, he would still have trouble going up against the two of them together.

Meanwhile, Alice couldn't help but frown when she heard Andusia's evaluation. Even now, she still had a feeling that something was amiss. Did Haydn and Fugallo really expend all that effort just to summon a Demon King's Shadow to possess and increase their strength?

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If Fugallo and Haydn's plan was to do just that, Alice and Andusia would have no trouble eliminating Fugallo. Not to mention, Luna would likely hurry her way here once she recovered her mana. Once that happened, Fugallo's fate would be sealed.

Hence, Alice couldn't help but feel that Fugallo and Haydn should have something else prepared. They definitely didn't possess a Demon King's Shadow just to increase their strength.

However, Fugallo did not respond to Andusia's provocation. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and entered a combat-ready stance.

Seeing this, Alice also dismissed her thoughts and focused on the upcoming fight. Although she strongly believed Fugallo and Haydn still had something planned, she couldn't afford to get distracted in this situation. Not to mention, as long as she could eliminate Fugallo here, their follow-up plans would be nothing but empty talk.

Subsequently, Alice and Andusia entered a staring competition with Fugallo, neither side taking the initiative to attack the other. Meanwhile, this stalemate continued for well over a minute.

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Eventually, Alice chose to make the first move. She had reason to suspect Fugallo was trying to buy time. Otherwise, with Fugallo's personality, there was no way he would stay put for so long.

Perhaps it was just like she guessed, and Fugallo and Haydn truly did have a follow-up plan. Only, they needed some more time to realize this plan.

If that really were the case, Alice naturally couldn't let Fugallo do as he wished. Since she didn't know their follow-up plan, she would simply get rid of Fugallo and be done with all this!

Because Alice had lost the Feathers of Silver after getting ambushed by the Demon King's Shadow, her right hand was currently empty. Immediately, she stuffed her right hand into her waist pouch, fiddled around inside for a moment, and caused the Hero's Sword to appear before her.

When Alice grabbed the Hero's Sword with her right hand, faint white light surrounded her again, and a large amount of mana gushed out from her body. Although she still looked like an immature child on the surface, there was no denying that she had the presence of a Hero.

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Subsequently, Alice pointed the Hero's Sword at Fugallo and summoned a gigantic spring above him. Then, a torrent of water brimming with mana poured down from this spring.

Fountain of Uys!

This was a water-type taboo that Alice had previously used during her fake fight with Luna in the Elven Forest. However, compared to the Fountain of Uys back then, the one Alice used now was much more powerful, with the size of the spring being significantly larger and the summoned water containing much more mana. Even with his current strength, Fugallo would suffer greatly if he got hit by the magic water.

Of course, Fugallo wouldn't just let himself get hit. Upon seeing the torrent of water falling toward him, he summoned a gigantic colorful barrier to protect him. With this barrier in place, none of the magic water would be able to reach him.

In reality, with Fugallo's strength, he could easily wrap himself in the Feathers of Silver again and use it to neutralize Alice's Fountain of Uys. However, after suffering from Alice's right hand previously, he no longer dared to recklessly use the Feathers of Silver anymore.

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