The Taming of the Yandere

Chapter 24: 24

The Taming of the Yandere

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Chapter 24: Lu Fan #10001 is Also a Fraud



The sound of a fruit blender blasted from the kitchen.

I sat on the living room sofa, tensely waiting for the girl's chilled juice.

Before I walked in, the black cat was comfortably napping in a curled position. But once I sat down, it seemed to sense the presence of a stranger, and swept its lazy eyes around the room. The black, sharp pupils fixated on my face. *

*You're not hallucinating, and I didn't skip anything. Our Lu Fan is currently in Jiang Muqing's apartment. This is a mini time-skip. The whole story will be revealed as you read on.

It meowed and snarled, seeming to be annoyed.

Looks like it didn't forget the hasty kick I made that day. We probably will never be friends.

It silently watched me for a while, and suddenly stretched its legs to jump. It leaped to the coffee table in front of me from the distant windowsill.

Opening its mouth to yawn, the cat seemed to show off its small canine teeth with pride. Its sharp eyes never lost me in its sight.

"Hello there, I didn't hurt you too badly last time, did I? I'm terribly sorry."

I started talking to the cat out of boredom.

"Meow, meow—"

It pitifully wailed, and turned around.

What's wrong? I moved closer to see.

The little black cat had a sticky note stuck on its back. Because the glue couldn't stay on the cat's fur, someone used clear tape to wrap it around the cat's belly.

No wonder it looked so painful. Anyone would be uncomfortable with tape around their waist.

"Alright, behave now. I'll get it off for you."

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I slowly inched towards the cat, wanting to remove it without touching the fur.

As for why I didn't want to touch it, it's not that I'm allergic to pets or anything. I just thought that these small animals were quite dirty, who knows what kind of diseases they might be carrying to infect humans.

But as I moved closer, I recognized what was written on the note.

"Lu Fan #10000."

"The hell is this?" I thought in surprise.

I looked around the room, and began to find many small notes just like this.

The sofa was Lu Fan #235; the coffee table was Lu Fan #237… Why is there a skipped number? After close investigation, I found the #236 note on the carpet I was standing on.


Who can tell me what the fuck this is?!


Yes, Jiang Muqing did finally open her door for me. The reason why Suite 212 stayed silent was because the girl was already slammed against the peephole when I came out of the elevator.

The moment I was going to enter 213's door, Jiang Muqing kicked open her door with a boom, snatched my arm away, and began dragging me to her room.

The short-haired girl let go of my elbow at once. She stood at her door, waving at me with a smile. She might as well be sending off a dying relative.

"Looks like you won't get to drink my house's juice, hehe…."

The girl hid her laugh.

So, I was dragged into the house by the stubborn girl, with a cold feeling in my chest. Just like last time, she slammed the door shut, and peered through the peephole for quite a while.

Only after 213 closed their door, did she turn around and stare at me.

Today she wore a light grey pajama top, with slippers embroidered with black bunnies. The cold tone of her clothes, paired with her stale expression, seemed to act as a cliff to anyone in front of her.

"I don't want to talk, no talking, no talking. I'm saying this three times, because this is important."

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Her atmosphere seemed to convey this to me.

She leaned against the wall with her arms crossed. She gazed at me with large, dilated pupils.


I was going to ask her quite a lot of things. But under her weird stare, I started to stammer, even though I've always been a smooth-talking person.

"Would you like some fruit juice?"

She opened her mouth, and asked in a low tone.

"Oh… Okay…."

I awkwardly smiled.

Then, she left me alone, and walked to the kitchen herself.

The sound of splitting fruits and the thuds of the blender rose from the kitchen.


The blender spun furiously.

Sitting in the living room, I listened to the ruckus from the kitchen. The whirring blender sounded like the girl was waving a chainsaw.

My nerves stood on a high-end.


Not too long after, Jiang Muqing walked out of the kitchen with a cup of juice.

A fruity smell wafted from the small glass. It looked like freshly blended orange juice.


She set down the cup, and sat across from me.

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"Just one cup? Don't you want to drink, too?"

I smiled as I held the glass.

"Are you going to drink or not?"

Her eyes centered on me, glancing at the juice in my hands.

The girl's tone seemed to tell me, if I didn't drink, she would pull a knife on me immediately. I started to wonder if she put anything funny into the drink.

"I'm not really thirsty right now, can I drink a bit later?"

I set down the glass.


The girl ground her teeth angrily.

"Actually, I wanted to discuss some other matters beforehand, but would you please explain the meaning of this right here?"

I showed her the note I took off the cat.

"Who said you can mess with my stuff? Don't poke your nose anywhere you want!" The girl shouted at once.

The shoujo leaped to her feet. Her expression was scary and intimidating.

"But the note has my name on it. You wrote my name on all of your exam papers, why did you do this, why didn't you try on the test? What the hell do you want?! This is really troubling to others, isn't it!"

I also stood up heatedly, and my voice became several times louder.

"Because I hate tests, I hate homework. Because Lu Fan thinks of them higher than me!" The girl screamed out loud.

"What…. What are you talking about…?"

She might as well be insane.

"As long as I write the name of my lover on everything I hate, I'll be happier, won't I?"

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Her laughter was terrifying.

"Hear me out, you can't just…."

I lost all my composure, and calmed down. I wanted to comfort her, but I had no idea what to say.

"Then, I realized I can turn everything around me into who I liked, isn't that wonderful?"

She grabbed the note, and stuck it on herself.

"That one is Lu Fan, and that's Lu Fan too…. In the end, even I become Lu Fan…. Haha…."

She pointed at the various furniture around her, and spoke to me.

It seems that the girl's become truly hopeless at this state.

"You can't stay here by yourself anymore. You have to come home with me!"

I couldn't bear another second, and grabbed her arm.

At least, I have to get her out of this crazy place full of "Lu Fan".  If this keeps up, she'll definitely break apart.

"Why should I?"

She furiously shook my hand off.

Why not?  Shouldn't she feel happy now that she can be with me?

"Because I'm the real Lu Fan, and all those are frauds from your imagination. Don't you want to stay by my side? Then come with me!"

I felt that I too was becoming insane.


"You're a fraud, too!"

The shoujo snickered, and took a note from her pocket. With a marker, she wrote a line of words, and stuck it on my arm.

"Lu Fan #10001".

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