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Today, Jiang Muqing was very obedient, and excelled in every way.

Just like Mo Shiyu, she became a fine studying partner, and we both quickly got my studies out of the way through hard work. With time to kill, we thought about places to go in the afternoon.

“Jiang Muqing, where would you like to go? We’re just about done with the schoolwork; why don’t we just have fun for once?”

I wanted to do something to reward her.

“Where does Lu Fan want to go? Wherever Lu Fan goes, I will go.”

Jiang Muqing didn’t seem very enthusiastic.

Normally, Jiang Muqing would always bother me to be with her, but she didn’t seem so eager today.

“Do you want to go to the movies?”

Maybe a comedy would make her happier.


Jiang Muqing smiled lightly.

“But there aren’t really any good movies lately.”

I scrolled through my phone.

“Should we go to the amusement park?”

I asked.


Jiang Muqing agreed.

“But it’s so hot, we might get heat stroke if we stay out for too long.”

“Then let’s go to that ice cream shop, if it’s so hot.”

The shoujo suddenly said.

“Ice cream? Then, alright.”

I didn’t have any complaints.


After coming out of the library, we took a city bus and arrived at the ice cream shop.

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Lately, I’ve been coming to this shop every day after cram school ends. We were all getting a little sick of the same menu, why does Jiang Muqing still want to come here?

I didn’t understand.

“Mm? You’re back again? Where’s the other one?”

The waitress was already familiar with us, and she smiled as she saw me and Jiang Muqing.

“She’s busy today.” I answered.

“Then what would you two like today?” The waitress asked.

I looked at the menu, which I had already eaten all the way through. While I was agonizing over the choices, Jiang Muqing suddenly perked up after seeming so detached all day.

“Alaskan Frozen Volcano.” The girl replied without hesitation.

“Then what about you, sir?”

“He’s the same.” She spoke before I uttered a word.


Her action made me stop for a moment.


I witnessed the intriguing “eruption” for the second time, and felt the lack of surprise. But Jiang Muqing, who had seen this for the first time, seemed oddly disinterested.

From what I’ve seen, Mo Shiyu’s excited expression was more suited to the shoujo complex, and acted cuter for her age.

“Is this it?”

The girl watched the flying sparks, puffing her cheeks ever so slightly. She seemed to be staring off.


I didn’t understand.

“I’ve also seen the ‘volcano’.”

The shoujo lowered her head, and exhaled.


Was it because of what Mo Shiyu said to her yesterday?”

“Mo Shiyu…”

I tentatively prodded.

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“Don’t mention her, okay?”

The shoujo shuddered when she heard the name, and shoveled a spoonful of the “volcano” forcefully in her mouth.


The shoujo ate spoon after spoon of ice cream, swallowing mechanically. Yet, I hadn’t touched a single bite. It was clear that she was hiding something.

“Whrr, whrr….”

My phone vibrated in my pocket.

I immediately stood up, found an empty corner, and picked up the phone.

Was it Mo Shiyu?

I was worried about what really happened to her. It didn’t make sense for her to not come after just telling Jiang Muqing alone. Since we were close, she would’ve at least sent me a text.

The caller ID was Mom’s.

“Mom, what’s up?”

“Mo Shiyu is your classmate, right? Is she with you?”

I heard fear in her voice.




“No, what’s wrong?”

My heart started to beat faster.

“Oh, her parents called the cram school, and they said that she left with classmates to study. But from yesterday afternoon, she hasn’t come home for a whole night and day. Right now, the teacher is calling all parents in the student roll asking if anyone’s seen her.”

Mom’s breathing was rapid.

“She did study with us, but I haven’t seen her today. Could anything have happened?”

My head was confused.

“Her family is looking everywhere like maniacs, and any parent would freak out if their child went missing. It’s still not completely safe on the streets, is Qing by your side? Come home early.”

“Mm, she’s right here. Don’t worry, we’ll be home soon.”

I tried my best to control my emotions, and promised my mother.

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“Jiang Muqing, Mom just called saying that Mo Shiyu went missing. Do you know where Mo Shiyu went yesterday?”

I returned to our booth, and asked Jiang Muqing.

“I don’t know. Lu Fan, I want to go home.”

The shoujo looked tired.

“Jiang Muqing, answer my question!”

My tone grew serious; she was definitely hiding something.

“Lu Fan, can we go home?”

The girl seemed to be almost pleading.


If Mo Shiyu’s disappearance was really linked to Jiang Muqing, then she could only be at one place, and that was Jiang Muqing’s house. She had hidden her there.

What will happen? I didn’t dare to imagine more, the things Jiang Muqing would do.

First, I have to find Mo Shiyu.

“Yesterday, you went to get some things from your house. Did you get them all? I saw that you didn’t take a lot, how about we go back and get some more?” I tested.

“I-I got everything, there’s n-no need.”

Jiang Muqing started to stutter, and she didn’t meet my gaze.

“But, I left some of my things in there.”

I insisted.

It was obvious.

I violently pulled her from her seat, left a wad of cash on the table, and didn’t look back. She kept trying to escape my grasp, and finally did.

“Does it have to come down to this? Lu Fan, can you not care about her?”

Jiang Muqing stopped behind me, and asked coldly.

“Mo Shiyu is there, right?!”

I turned around and shouted.

“Lu Fan, you only need to worry about me, not for her! Please! I’ll do whatever you want!”

Her shoulders shook.

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“I only want Mo Shiyu right now!”

I was nearly mad with anger.

I didn’t care if she was coming or not. I had Jiang Muqing’s house key, anyway. Just in case, I had secretly made a copy of her key long ago.

I walked briskly forward, and Jiang Muqing kept her distance behind me.

I boarded the city bus, and she did, too.

Finally, I arrived at her building’s ground floor. I opened the lobby door with my key, and was about to enter. Jiang Muqing ran to me, and hugged my back.

“Please don’t go, let’s go home!”

The shoujo was shrieking, I had never seen her like this before.

“I must see Mo Shiyu today. If I don’t, I won’t just give up like this.”

I spoke furiously.

It’s all my fault, why did I have to drag Mo Shiyu into this? I should’ve been the only one with this curse, yet I’ve been dragging Jiang Muqing to harm others all along!

I pushed Jiang Muqing back, and rode up to the 21st floor on the elevator. Jiang Muqing had no choice but to follow.

The doors opened, and I made my way immediately to suite 213.

It had almost been a month before my last nightmarish visit, do I have to live through another one? So unlucky.

I unlocked the door, and pushed it open.

“Lu Fan, this is your last chance. If you keep walking, then there’s no road back. If you take me home, we can still be together.

“There is no road back!”

I shoved her aside.

Next, I saw, on the living room’s sofa…


Before I finished, the girl took out a white handkerchief, and muffled my nose.

What a beautiful smell….



I heard my head slam against the floor.

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