I could see why they said the male characters shouldn’t be allowed to laugh.

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That brief smile kept me awake until the morning. It was the visual shock I’d only heard about.

I swept my face off roughly with one hand. I can’t be like this. I’ve got to get around quickly and get as much eye contact as possible. I put my tablet down on the chair while reading “10 Tips for Preventing Visual Shock Death for Newbie” on the community.

The first tip was to go outside more often and get used to the aesthetic pleasure. I pulled back the carriage curtains roughly.

And I bit my lips while looking at the scenery of Ezhina Street in my eyes.

This place was a paradise for the eyes. There were visual explosions everywhere, so powerful that the warm sunshine and blue sky lost their colour.

The gentleman walking down the street, the coachman driving the carriage, and even the owner of the restaurant carrying the large barrel are handsome.

The lady reading a book near the fountain, the owner of the dressing room who was dressing the mannequin, and the bakery owner who displayed warm bread were also beautiful.

I don’t know who designed the characters, but I was very worried that their wrist might have been split.

As we entered an alley lined with buildings, the shadow of the carriage fell. The glass windows that showed the streets of Ezuhina reflected my reflection like a mirror.

At first, I suspected that I might be the most beautiful woman in the world, but now I see that I have the suitable face.

I touched my soft cheek and lowered my eyebrows.

I’m an average in this world.

“My lady, we have arrived. This is Ezhinna 3rd Street.”

“Yes, thank you.”

I gathered my regained modesty and stepped out of the carriage.

I walked down the cafe street in search of the dessert cafe that the girls of Spring Empire mentioned, and it wasn’t hard to find it. I could see women chatting through the transparent glass windows. They had smartwatches dangled from their wrists.

When I entered the store, their eyes were fixed on me.

“By any chance, are you Newbie Young Lady?”

Perhaps because of the familiarity of their description, the appearance of the young ladies gave the impression that I had seen them somewhere.

Purple eyes with silver hair, red-haired with green eyes, blue-haired with black eyes, green-haired with blue eyes. They look like household-name idols from the 00s.

I took a seat, feeling nostalgic for the distant past in the midst of advanced technology.

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One of the young ladies, with her silver hair and purple eyes, clapped her hands and greeted me, “Young lady, how nice to meet you! I’m Duchess Young Lady, the one who offered to help you yesterday.”

My nervousness disappeared with the youthful reaction that was not like a noble lady. I also tried to express my gratitude with joy, but at that time, the red-haired young lady, who looked like a cat, smiled and filled my glass.

“Have some tea first, Young Lady, you’re just getting settled in, aren’t you? I’ve been here for about a month, but I still barely got used to everything.”

The tea she poured was a flower tea with yellow petals floating around.

“Thank you!”

I took a sip of the fragrant tea, and it made me feel refreshed.

“You know, Young Lady.” A young lady called out to me softly. I lifted my gaze from my teacup. My gaze was immediately drawn to the young ladies who were watching me. The five young ladies twinkled their eyes as if they were curious about me.

The Duchess Young Lady spoke first as if she could not bear it anymore.

“What is the title of the novel that the young lady possessed?”

I smiled and answered the question that was simpler than I thought, “It’s The Daily Life of an Imperial Villainess, do you know it?”

“Oh my!”

“Awesome“, “Crazy“, “That’s my favourite novel!” were the wild reactions I got when I told them the title of my novel.

“I didn’t expect it because it was a new work, but that novel has also been adapted into the scenario!”

“But I think they only borrowed the character designs. I don’t have any money and I don’t have a handsome escort yet.”

As I replied a little sullenly, the light blue-haired young lady across from me spoke up, “There’s a mercenary market just around the corner from here, and sometimes there are hapless gladiatorial male leads there, so you should check it out. Last week, a young lady posted a recruitment review, and she said that the physicals of the gladiators are crazy.”

The last word was whispered quietly so only I could hear it. I quickly pulled out the watch I’d been hiding under my sleeve and stored the information she’d given me.

‘Gladiator. Ezhina Street No. 5. Physical madness.’

Shall I come see them tomorrow? I’m suddenly feeling adventurous.

However, the red-haired young lady frowned and said, “Ah, it’s kind of weird to find male leads that easily. The hidden male lead character will show up easily, right?”

I intervened cautiously, “But is there a need to find the hidden male lead?”

The young ladies looked at me, a little surprised.

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“Young lady, are you not interested in the hidden male lead?”

I answered with a clasp, “Of course it would be nice to find it! I just think that he seems hard to find.”

If no one hasn’t found it in 50 years, then it’s done. I don’t know when will someone find him, but wouldn’t it be better to just choose a male lead next to me and grab the 2 billion won instead of wasting another 50 years?

It’s worth waiting a year or two, but I don’t think it’s worth waiting decades.

“Don’t the other male leads have good scenarios? The platform said our happiness comes first.”

At my words, the young ladies were silent for a moment. Soon, they laughed as if they had promised.

“Don’t you think you’re too naive to believe that, young lady?”

“Me? I’m naive?”

I was bewildered by the pristine labels that had been placed on me. I’d been called obscene and demon-possessed before, but naive was a new one.

However, the young ladies were smiling broadly as if they were serious.

The green-haired young lady opened her mouth while enjoying the afterglow of her laughter, “If the happiness of the users was really their goal, they wouldn’t have divided the rankings.” She took a sip of her tea and shrugged, “I mean, the way they designed the ranking system means that they’re going to run it so that users care about the rankings. There will probably be rewards depending on your ranking. Maybe even penalties.”

Her voice was full of conviction.

I asked her out of curiosity, because what she said doesn’t sound like something out of the blue.

“How do you know that?”

“Because I played the game in this life….”

Suddenly, all the sounds disappeared as if they had been muted.

[The conversation is blinded by the mention of current information.]

“Oh, the censor again.” The green-haired young lady frowned disapprovingly.

The Duchess young lady laughed at the green-haired young lady, then turned to me, “Still, the Newbie young lady is right. Self-satisfaction comes first. Most of the young ladies don’t care about rankings. The hidden male lead is a different story.”

I nodded, adding, “I do understand why the young ladies are greedy for the hidden male lead.”


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“Hidden. S-class. He has been given all the good modifiers. How handsome would he be?”

This beautiful world where even the pebbles on the roadside are perfect. It’s not hard to imagine how hard the design team must have worked on the hidden male lead.

I’m really curious what he looks like. It doesn’t matter if he’s not my male lead, I just want him to show me his face at least once.

However, the Duchess young lady cautiously opened her mouth, “Well. Everyone has their own preferences.” She smiled at me, “even if the world says the hidden male lead is the best, there is no guarantee that he is the best in my eyes.”

The green-haired young lady chimed in with the Duchess, “Well, for me, I like long hair, but there are young ladies who don’t like it. It would be nice if the hidden male lead has long hair.”

“I hate long hair. I wish he has black hair and blue eyes.” The blue-haired young lady immediately interrupted the green-haired young lady.

At that time, the red-haired young lady coughed. When she finally caught her breath, she spoke in a shaky voice.

“That man is definitely a male lead, right?”

Following her gaze, the young ladies looked out the window. I also moved my eyes after them.

Black wheels, black doors, black windows. A man in all-black got out of a smooth carriage that was also all black. All the sunlight that slipped through the gaps in the stacked buildings clung to him.

Is it a halo? For a moment, the man’s slicked-back black hair appeared golden. His face was clearly visible when he entered the complete area of sunlight.

A neat brow, a high nose, and full lips. His face was like a sculpture carved from white marble, with red eyes and lips that flaunted their vivid colour.

The man, as tall as the large carriage, brushed the hem of his coat collar with his hand as soon as he got off.

A young lady muttered to herself, “Is this a car commercial? His carriage looks like a supercar.”

“Yes, it’s 100% a Male Lead. He’s got a main character narrative on his face. Look at those deep emotional lines. I think I’m going to cry.”

The green-haired young lady took a napkin and wiped her eyes as a joke.

In the midst of the commotion, I observed the man presumed to be the male lead. Still, it didn’t take long for the Duchess young lady’s calm voice cut through the excitement.

“Oh, I know the character. He’s the Duke Allen Kaield.”

Instantly, all eyes were drawn to the Duchess.

“A Duke?”

“Yes. I remember him because my husband used to swear at him all the time. He bought Ezhina Street all of a sudden, for some reason, and hired people to work in his townhouse. He’s always been in the north, so the nobles are very wary of him because they think he’s trying to take a step on the imperial family.”

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The Duchess looked at him wistfully and muttered to herself, “Ah, I wouldn’t even think of a divorce if my husband was Duke Kaield.”

I asked in surprise, “Are you getting a divorce?”

“Ah, yes. I’m going to find a new male lead because I have the keywords #ReturningFemaleLead #BrandNewMaleLead.”

I was contemplating whether to comfort her or congratulate her, but suddenly I felt a warmth behind me.

The green-haired young lady approached and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, “Young lady, when your collar touches like this, the slot window is activated.”

She touched my collar at the nape of my neck, then her own, then rubbed them together.

Tiling! A translucent status window appeared before my eyes.

[The Male Lead Slot has been activated.]
[Checking character information].

[Sorry, but you can’t save users to the slot.]

“You can’t save me because I’m a user, right?”

“Wow, yes.” I nodded, my gaze fixed on the status window in wonder.

The green-haired young lady’s laughter permeated my ears, “If you rub your collar with a male lead like this, you can save him to your slot.”

“Ah, I see. Thanks for letting me know.”

I was grateful for the warm information sharing without without the sense of being territorial.

I licked my lips and looked back at her, but her face was full of mischievous smiles.

She leaned in and whispered seductively.

“Do you want to try adding a slot today? To that Duke.”

Translator’s Corner:

A world full of handsome men and supportive beautiful unnies? The MC is living my dream life….

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