This iron-lung brother has become quite famous among the fan community. He's a level 15 superfan of the Salt Grain hashtag and can't write articles or edit videos. He always leaves a 'thumbs-up' comments under the Weibo posts of other CP fans, and whenever there's a lottery event in the hashtag, he generously participates and adds to the prize. This year, the Salt Grain couple is finally attending fan events as a couple. Unless he can't take time off from work, this brother will be always there every time.

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Originally, he was a fan of Wen Li. Two years ago when Wen Li announced her relationship and marriage news, many boyfriend fans left. However, this brother loved her deeply and refused to stop being a fan even after their "breakup". He started paying attention to Song Yan, wanting to see what kind of man could steal his "girlfriend". The result was surprising.

He ended up becoming a CP fan.

Since the viral video of the airport send-off, the solo fans of Song Yan and Wen Li also became aware of this brother. The relationship between the solo fans and CP fans has always been complicated. For two years, CP fans had no voice and could only silently support. Now that CP fans have become vocal, the relationship has become even more delicate. They only unite against common enemies but ignore each other otherwise, not even making eye contact.

But this brother transitioned from being a Wen Li solo fan to a CP fan. The Litchis think he's a CP fan biased towards Wen Li, while the Moonstones believe he turned into a CP fan because he recognized the charm of Beauty Song. So, this "fence-sitter" brother managed to firmly establish his position among the bustling queue of solo fans in a very dramatic fashion.

Song Yan and Wen Li were unaware of all these twists and turns between their fans, but they did notice the strong presence of this CP fan.

When he shouted, the young CP fan girls immediately followed, excitedly screaming along with him.

After a few seconds of bewilderment, Song Yan gently raised his eyebrows and mouthed that it is a secret to the crowd.

Because it was an outdoor recording, the man was dressed casually today, with his messy fringe falling softly over his forehead. He didn't wear much makeup and had naturally thick eyebrows and bright black eyes that appeared lazy when he looked at people.

Several fans armed with high-end filming equipment captured this subtle movement of his.

Wen Li didn't see Song Yan mouthing to the fans. As she couldn't hide her embarrassment on her face, she could only lower her head and pretend not to have heard the fans, walking quickly towards the recording site.

Once all the guests arrived, the styling teams from various agencies made final adjustments to the artists' hair and makeup. The countdown to the recording began. The security guards and staff worked together to control the fans and passersby who gathered to watch.

The four guest couples stood in a row, their superior looks and figures attracting constant admiration from the onlookers that were witnessing a variety show's outdoor recording for the first time.

"The difference between celebrities and ordinary people is really significant."

On the screen, they appeared with beautiful faces and makeup, dressed beautifully as well.

The camera tends to flatten facial features and body proportions, so people outside the lens appear more three-dimensional and thinner.

But besides being beautiful with small faces and long necks, smooth shoulder lines, and slim figures, it's their outstanding temperament and demeanor that are the biggest weapons for artists to stand out among ordinary people.

Even those internet celebrities that were often seen in online photos can't compare.

The other three guest couples already had looks and figures that far surpassed ordinary people, but Wen Li and Song Yan, who fans love to call "beauty dominators", became the main focus of attention among the onlookers.

Although they were dressed in branded clothing, the styles were simple. Song Yan, who looks good even in close-ups on the big screen, didn't appear as brooding as the characters he plays in movies. Many passersby who only watched movies and didn't pay attention to the artists themselves saw Song Yan in such a casual outfit for the first time and found him incredibly attractive.

Wen Li, because of her high forehead, even a simple ponytail could create a stylish look. She permed her hair, making it appear voluminous and dense. The delicate and exquisite pearl earrings hanging from her earlobes were specifically chosen by the stylist for today's look, full of subtle charm without being exaggerated.

Regardless of their relationship status or whether they are a contractual couple, standing together, they are indeed a delightful sight like works of art.

As the program began recording, dozens of cameras formed a semi-circle and started shooting.

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First, the newly joined intern couple, Yan Zhun and Qi Sihan, were welcomed.

The guests jokingly said, enlivening the atmosphere, "Hey, why did you bring two single people as the intern couple? Aren't you afraid they'll actually become a couple?"

"Yan Zhun, you've been single for so many years. Tell us, is your heart already itching?"

Yan Zhun cleverly replied, "Mainly because the program offers too much. I'll have to make a move."

"Sihan, your intern husband isn't making a move for you; he's doing it for money. Hit him!"

Qi Sihan smiled shyly and looked in the direction of Wen Li, full of joy. She said, "It's okay, I'm not making a move for him. I'm doing it for Teacher Wen Li."

Wen Li, who was prompted, immediately nodded and said, "Thank you, thank you, I'm honored."

"Oh, watch out, Teacher Song Yan," A male host walked up to Song Yan and patted his shoulder heavily, "Be careful today during the show, don't let Sihan take advantage and steal your wife."

Song Yan smirked and replied, "I'll be careful."

The fans who were watching could all tell that it was a playful banter to liven up the atmosphere, and they all laughed.

The guests were quite witty, so the opening went smoothly. Then, the director announced the rules for the outdoor shooting segment of the fourth episode.

"Guests, because we are collaborating with the local tourism bureau for this episode, the questions will be based on Rong City. For example, the building behind you right now is a famous landmark in Rong City. I want to ask the guests first, when it comes to Rongcheng, what is the thing you most want to do?"

"Eat hot pot."

"The rabbit is so cute, of course, we have to eat spicy rabbit head."

"I want to eat the braised pig brain."

Most of the guests mentioned food, but Wen Li pursed her lips and remained silent.

The director noticed Wen Li's expression and asked with a smile, "What's with that expression, Teacher Wen?"

Wen Li had her hand behind her back and twitched her mouth slightly. She said, "I'm most afraid of coming to Rong City for the show because there's too much delicious food here. I am afraid I'll gain weight when I go back."

The local fans watching immediately shouted loudly, "Who cares about gaining weight! We love you even if you gain weight!"

Wen Li immediately shouted back to the fans using the local dialect she had learned, "I don't believe it! If I gain weight, you won't hang out with me anymore!"

"We'll hang out with you no matter what! We'll hang out with you!"

Wen Li was amused and muttered softly, "Yeah, right."

The director laughed and comforted her, "Don't worry, Teacher Wen, today's game segment doesn't include a meal, so you don't have to worry."

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At this point, Qiu Hong, a male guest who had a single-digit body fat percentage from years of fitness, immediately expressed his "displeasure", saying, "Director Yan, that's not fair. Wen Li and the other female artists are afraid of gaining weight, but we men aren't. You should at least let us have a meal, right?"

The director replied, "There are boxed lunches."

"Boxed lunches?!" Qiu Hong looked shocked, "I came all the way to Rong City, and you're giving me a boxed lunch?" He then immediately pulled his wife, showing a sense of variety show drama, and said, "Zitong, let's not shoot anymore, let's go home."

The other guests quickly tried to stop him.

"Forget it, Brother Qiu. Since we're here already, and we signed the contract and got paid, let's have a good meal after we go home."

Wen Li didn't try to stop him and laughed from behind.

Song Yan, who had less experience in variety shows, was also amused by these lively guests, and he had been smiling all along.

The director continued to speak and persuade, "There will be a meal segment tomorrow. We'll treat you to a hot pot."

Qiu Hong, who was almost out of the frame, immediately made a 180-degree turn and walked back without hesitation, saying, "Director Yan, you should have said that earlier."

"You didn't let me finish," The director sounded innocent. "Okay, now I officially announce the rules for today's game."

"Exploring the beauty of Rong City."

The four couples, eight artists in total, were not locals of Rong City. For this recording in Rong City, the first segment set by the production team was that they won't be given a map. The couples will separate and communicate with each other through the walkie-talkies provided by the production team, describing the surrounding buildings to each other. They have to rely on the intelligence and cooperation between the guests to find each other first and proceed to the next task.

In order to find their partners as soon as possible, the guests would need to pay extra attention to the scenery around them. Not only are there well-known buildings that outsiders are familiar with, but there are also many hidden places with deep cultural characteristics. In every ancient city with a long history, what truly attracts people is the rich atmosphere and local customs hidden in the streets.

Wen Li had her eyes covered and was driven to a completely unfamiliar place.

When she got off the car and opened her eyes, the only familiar person around her was the cameraman following her.

Without a destination or a fixed route, Wen Li stood in this small street and began the segment of finding her husband.

In this completely unfamiliar place, Wen Li felt a moment of confusion.

"Is there really no hint at all?" Wen Li stared at the cameraman in a daze.

The cameraman pointed to the walkie-talkie in her hand.

Wen Li immediately turned on the switch of the walkie-talkie. "Hello, hello, hello, Teacher Song, this is Wen Li. If you can hear me, please respond, over."

There was a buzzing sound of static for a few moments.

Where did the production team get this retro walkie-talkie from?

Song Yan's voice accompanied the noisy sound of static came over from the walkie-talkie:

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"This is Song Yan. I hear you. Where are you? Over."


Wen Li turned in place and sadly realized that she couldn't even describe where she was.

"There's an old man next to me selling sugar paintings, a few rice noodle shops around, and a store selling Hanfu," Wen Li walked to the sugar painting stall as she spoke, watching the old man roast the soft candy and skillfully outline a portrait on the sticky board, unintentionally fascinated, she said, "Impressive."

The old man looked up at Wen Li.

The girl was very beautiful, extremely beautiful. The old man asked her in the local dialect where she was from.

The Rong City dialect was not difficult to understand. Wen Li replied in Mandarin, "I'm from Yancheng."

The old man glanced at the cameraman next to her and understood. "Are you a celebrity?"


People around had already noticed and a few young girls excitedly approached, "Are you Sanli?"

Wen Li smiled at them. "Hello, I wanted to ask..."

The cameraman interrupted in time, "You can't ask for help from passersby for the mission."

Wen Li pursed her lips. The cameraman was really heartless.

"We won't help Sanli," The young girls immediately expressed firmly, then nervously and stutteringly said to Wen Li, "Sanli, can we take a photo with you?"

Wen Li nodded. "Sure."

After taking the photo, the girls made a cheering gesture. "Welcome to Rong City. Sanli, fighting!"

At this point, the old man was certain that the beautiful girl in front of him was a celebrity, and a big one at that. He immediately offered to give her a string of sugar paintings.

"Help us promote Rong City. We have lots of fun things and delicious food."

Then the old man asked for Wen Li's name and wrote it on the sticky board with a sugar spoon.

Wen Li looked at the fans and cameras around her who were unwilling to leave and thought of Song Yan, who was from Aocheng City. He must find sugar paintings fascinating, so she asked, "Uncle, can you please write another name for me?"

"Then write it on paper."

Wen Li wrote Song Yan's name on the paper.

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The old man asked, "Who is this?"

Wen Li felt a little embarrassed and awkwardly replied, "My husband."

The old man widened his eyes in surprise. "Your husband's name? You're so young and already married?"

Wen Li didn't know how to respond. The fans nearby were already excitedly grabbing their companions' arms and whispering.

This business effect was really good.

Wen Li thought.

Holding the sugar painting with her and Song Yan's names, carefully wrapped in silicone paper, Wen Li finally set off to find Song Yan.

She used the walkie-talkie to boast to Song Yan, "Hey, Teacher Song, I have a string of sugar paintings with your name on it in my hands. You better find me quickly, or I'll eat it. Over."

A deep laughter came from the walkie-talkie.

"No eating allowed. That's mine. Over."

"You're being shameless now. You say it's yours and it's yours?" Wen Li sneered and continued walking aimlessly while saying, "Well, it was meant for you to eat anyway. I'll only eat the one with my name on it. Over."

"That's not allowed either." Song Yan said, "You're mine too. Over."

The young cameraman suddenly bit his lip and smiled, turning his head slightly.

Wen Li held the sugar painting with her and Song Yan's names, sounding displeased, "Why? This was given to me by that old man! I want to eat it! Over!"

Then she unwrapped the silicone paper and took a bite of the sugar painting with her name.

The cameraman: "..."

Wen Li savored the sugar painting as she walked out of the small street and suddenly saw a large shopping mall a few hundred meters away.

It looked big, like a small landmark, and Wen Li immediately headed towards the mall.

Just as she reached the entrance, Wen Li pointed upwards and exclaimed excitedly, "I found Song Yan!"

The cameraman was shocked. Did Song Yan climb up the building?! He immediately held the camera and looked in the direction she pointed.

Wen Li pointed to the huge advertisement poster of Song Yan outside the mall and said, "Look, Song Yan."

The cameraman: "...Teacher Wen, can you be serious?"

Wen Li saw that the cameraman fell for it and succeeded, so she laughed, "Just a little joke." Then she took out the walkie-talkie, "Teacher Song, I'm at the Rongda Mall now. Over."

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