Salt Grain CP, the awestruck super fans of the tenth level, had a female artist surnamed "Wen" who had been lurking in the fan discussions for years. Of course, she had also seen this newly edited video.

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After watching her own version of the video, she immediately exclaimed, "This speculation is outrageous!"

The hairstylist helping her remove the hairpieces was startled, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Wen Li raised her phone and handed it to the stylist. "It's just that the fans' interpretation of me in this video is completely twisted. I'm not that unrestrained, you know."

The stylist dragged the progress bar and watched for half a minute before laughing, "Well, I have to say, the way it's edited does make it seem like you're intentionally teasing Teacher Song Yan."

"...That's not true."

These materials were from a long time ago. At that time she had never had any improper thoughts about Song Yan. How could it be intentional?

Even if she had such thoughts now, she hadn't made any moves yet. At most, she was being a bit more explicit in her words, but she wasn't playing any mind games. Every word she said to Song Yan was a spontaneous thought that came to her mind. She used to keep them to herself because she didn't want to admit that she was sometimes attracted to him, nor did she want to boost his ego. Now, she couldn't control herself and had become more outspoken.

Wen Li didn't want to lose face in front of the stylist, so she snorted and proudly said, "If fans think that way, it can only mean that I'm so charming that I can captivate people without doing anything."

The stylist, who had been with Wen Li for several years, was accustomed to her personality in private and hurriedly agreed, "Yes, yes. If only you had more hair, you wouldn't need hairpieces. That would make you even more charming."

Wen Li clicked her tongue, "Sister, if you keep speaking the truth, I'll deduct your salary."

She didn't often wear hairpieces, but because she was participating in this talent show, where the surroundings were filled with young idol stars, even the styling of the mentors was trending. Qi Sihan and Xu Xingyue's idol-like makeup and styling were extremely stunning in each episode. As important as the hardware was, the styling was necessary to secure a spot on the hot search.

Today's makeup was beautiful, with a light mature cherry blossom color, which suited Wen Li's face more than the youthful pink, showing a mix of elegance and purity.

After watching her own version, she went to watch Song Yan's version.

In Wen Li's eyes, his version was even more outrageous. Talking about schemes and tactics, in her view, it was far-fetched. As one of the parties involved, she couldn't see any of that.

She scrolled through the comments, seeking validation in the comment section.

But it was the fandom's comment section.

「I finally understand why I can't find a boyfriend. I'm truly hopeless. If it weren't for this video, I wouldn't have realized that beautiful people could be like this.」

The comments below were all in line with the initial comment,「Straight girls who can't tell are not alone」,「There's a reason why we've been single since birth.」

She initially wanted to comment with a "+1", but after seeing these comments, Wen Li didn't want to be labeled as a straight girl.

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「Fuck, compared to Beauty's guide to seducing his wife, Sanli's tactics are like elementary school tricks.」

If you want to compliment him, compliment him. There's no need to bring her down.

「Sisters, I've figured it out. Sanli's tactics are clumsy but cute, while Beauty's tactics are dark and roundabout, fully embracing his hidden charm.」

「Understanding on a professional level!」

「So, Salt Grain is actually very sweet. It's just that one is too cunning, and the other is too naive, so they never understand each other?」

She must be the cunning one, right? She definitely isn't the naive one, right?

「We can only help up to this point. You have to do your part. The army of signature pens needs fresh blood! @Song Yan @Wen Li」

「Although I know they probably won't visit the fan discussions, what if Beauty and Sanli actually see this? @Song Yan @Wen Li」

Wen Li: "..."

Yes, we see it, we see it.

Wen Li was earnestly reading the comments from these fan aunties when her phone suddenly vibrated intensely. She snapped back to reality, composed herself, and answered the call.

It was Lu Dan's call.

"We're going to Shanghai to record the program the day after tomorrow. Have you thoroughly studied the script for Ice City?"

"Ah," Wen Li touched her nose, "I've been busy preparing for the variety show recently, so I haven't had time to read it."

"You have to prepare for the variety show and read the movie script as well. Your main goal for participating in this variety show is to secure the role in Ice City. What if Director Qiu asks you to audition after the program? If you don't show sincerity, how can you compete against those young actresses?" Lu Dan's tone was serious, "And I received some information that today there was a private gathering for the 'Ice City' crew, and Tang Jiaran attended. She must be determined to get the role; otherwise, she wouldn't just join the gathering without informing anyone. So, don't stay at home these days. Go take some Chinese opera classes. Don't disappoint Screenwriter Zhou's expectations of you."

"Sister Dan, let me ask you something," Wen Li suddenly asked, "Do you think Tang Jiaran's return this time is to get that role, or is it to work with Song Yan?"

Lu Dan paused for a moment and asked in return, "Forget about her, what about you? Do you want the role or do you want to work with Song Yan?"

Wen Li honestly replied, "I want both."

"Today, you surprisingly answered honestly," Lu Dan was somewhat surprised, "That's it, if you want both, then so does she. She has been sending news releases to China during her years abroad. Otherwise, how do you explain that even after Song Yan got married, the heat around her and Song Yan's CP is still going strong?"

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Wen Li pursed her lips, "But our CP fandom is even bigger than hers."

"What about after your agreement ends?" Lu Dan asked with a smile, "What if Song Yan becomes single again and they rekindle their relationship?"

Rekindle their relationship?

There was no such relationship!

She knew Song Yan even before Tang Jiaran did!

It's just that back then, Song Yan disliked her. Every time he saw her, he had a muted expression. Even when they made eye contact, when she smiled and tried to get closer to him, he would freeze for a moment, then quickly turn his head away.

It was completely different from the way he looked at Tang Jiaran, who played the female lead in [Paper Airplane].

When she watched that movie, Wen Li had a sudden realization. So, even the always aloof Senior Song can show such gentle and longing eyes when facing a girl he likes.

Before, she was only a bit surprised by it. But now that her feelings towards him were different, she was more irritated and unwilling.

That day, Wen Li was busy until 2 am before finally returning home. The crew members had already left when she came back and Song Yan was already asleep.

Wen Li felt a bit dejected.

She had intentionally not removed her makeup today, hoping to astonish him when she got home.

But now that the person was asleep, who would see her astonishment? She didn't want to astonish anyone else.

Wen Li could only wash up alone. After cleaning herself up, she quietly climbed into bed.

"Hey, Teacher Song," she stared at the ceiling and called out to him.

Song Yan didn't respond.

"Forget it, let's sleep," Wen Li muttered softly. Although she really wanted to wake him up and have a clear conversation, in the end, she couldn't bear to disturb him. In a dissatisfied tone, she said, "Senior, it's clear that I knew you before."

If back then you treated me a little better and didn't write "dislike Wen Li" all over your face.

With your looks and temperament, perhaps I would have liked you a long time ago.

Wen Li tidied the covers for the man and straightened his messy hair. She suddenly realized that she, who had only ever enjoyed others' kindness towards her, was now surprisingly happy to be kind to someone she liked.

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If Song Yan were awake right now, would he be moved? She didn't know, but she was quite moved herself.

In this self-indulgent mood, Wen Li gradually began to feel drowsy.

She didn't know that Song Yan had been waiting for her at home until 1 am. He only reluctantly fell asleep due to exhaustion.

He slept soundly and even had a dream.

That stern and arrogant man politely called him "Young Master Song", but every other word was not polite.

"If your father hadn't gone bankrupt, then you would still be the young master, and there would be a fate between you and my niece. But now that your father is no longer prosperous, can you go back to the life you had before by following the established path of studying and working step by step?"

"Even if you work hard for your whole life, you may not earn the same amount as your father did."

"I know these words are not pleasant, and my arguments are old-fashioned, but you also grew up in luxury. You should understand. If you were in my position, and my niece was an ordinary person with nothing, would you agree?"

Those words shattered his pride and arrogance.

Ironically, his pride and arrogance were taught to him by the luxurious life he once had.

In his cold dream, Song Yan's eyelids were too heavy to open, but suddenly, there was a warm scent beside him.

He faintly felt someone straightening his covers and even playing with his hair.

Just this insignificant bit of care made him almost defenseless.

In the past, he didn't dare to think about it, and he didn't even expect a response from her. He had made many indirect attempts, too hesitant to be obvious, too afraid to speak up.

He had to admit that no matter how successful he was now, he still lacked confidence in front of her.


The recording location for [The S-Class Acting Awards] was in Shanghai. Two days before flying to Shanghai, Wen Li was dragged by Lu Dan to attend two days of Chinese opera classes. It was not until they were on their way to the airport that their itineraries synchronized.

The recording location for [In This World With You] was originally based on the guests' personal schedules. Now that the couple had to fly to Shanghai for a business trip, the entire A-crew naturally followed and booked plane tickets to Shanghai at the company's expense.

However, Director Yan didn't follow them this time.

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He was deeply hurt and no longer had any hope for the Salt Grain couple. Instead, he decided to focus more on the other three couples.

But after caring for a few days, Director Yan realized that he didn't need to worry about the material for the other three couples. Even the intern couple, Yan Jun and Qi Sihan, knew what the purpose of this variety show was. It was to show love, to be sweet, and to create CP moments. So even though they had no feelings for each other off-camera and weren't close, in front of the camera, they still managed to play up the ambiguous romance.

Unlike Song Yan and Wen Li, the more they hid and acted uninterested in front of the camera, the more Director Yan wanted to push their heads together and desperately see them show some affection.

Director Yan felt like he had been turned into a masochist by Song Yan and Wen Li.

So, after the A-crew flew to Shanghai with the two artists, Director Yan didn't hold any expectations.

"Being able to capture enough footage to fill the final cut is enough."

With the chief director feeling so down, the morale of the entire A-crew was at an all-time low.

Whether Director Yan was present or not made no difference to Wen Li. She hadn't been home for the past two days, and when she met Song Yan at the airport, she inexplicably felt a sense of "as if we hadn't seen each other for years".

They could barely meet once every six months before, and she treated herself as if she were still single, never feeling so sentimental.

She just wanted to get closer to him.

Unfortunately, the first-class cabin was too spacious, and even if they sat next to each other, they couldn't get close.

Wen Li used an old excuse, "Teacher Song."

Song Yan responded, "En?"

"There's a task," she said in a serious tone.

Song Yan raised an eyebrow and followed her words, "What task?"

Not willing to let go of this chance to take advantage, Wen Li reached out her hand, "We have to hold hands while waiting for the plane to reach the destination."

A smile gradually deepened in Song Yan's eyes, and he obediently said, "Understood."

Then he held her hand, his fingertips prying open her tightly clenched fingers, and he slipped his own fingers in, interlocking them tightly.

Exceeding her expectations of taking advantage, Wen Li smiled with satisfaction.

Seeing her triumphant smile, like a cunning fox that had succeeded in its scheme, Song Yan suddenly leaned in close, whispered by her ear, and asked with a light chuckle, "But are you sure the task is just simply holding hands? Isn't it also about lips against lips?"

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