The Top Couple Is a Bit Sweet - Chapter 56

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The Top Couple Is a Bit Sweet by Krish72819-24 minutes

On the giant screen behind the host, the movie title and scene names, as well as the names of the performers and preview photos, were being displayed.

The preview photos were taken the day before the program recording, featuring the latest shots of each student and guest.

The costumes fully recreated the movie, and those familiar with the film were not unfamiliar with this look, but the people wearing the attires had been replaced by two new faces.

While the screams of the live fans hadn't subsided, the stage lights gradually dimmed, and the screen on the giant display switched to a live broadcast from the side shooting studio set.


This was a genuine court intrigue film, depicting the mysterious and tumultuous political struggles between the Twelve Bureaus loyal to the Emperor and the court, behind the majestic palace walls and within the high halls of the court, spanning over two hundred years of Ming Dynasty history.

The Emperor, born to a humble mother, was the son of the previous emperor. During the reign of the previous emperor, he wasn't favored, and his birth mother, the former concubine, had passed away early. The previous emperor favored the beautiful and young Imperial Noble Consort, showering her with affection, but there were descendants between them.

When the previous emperor passed away in his prime without leaving a testament of who his future heir was going to be, leaving the throne vacant, the entire palace turned into a scene of bloody power struggles, with brothers fighting against each other and kin slaughtering one another.

The Imperial Noble Consort joined with the current Emperor and the two formed an alliance. With support from her maternal family, she helped him ascend to the throne.

She initially expected her maternal family to control the court, but the Emperor, who had previously appeared weak and gentle, changed his demeanor. He revealed his true nature, baring his fangs and claws alongside the Twelve Bureaus, as they began to confront the court and the maternal family of the Empress Dowager.

The interior set almost perfectly reproduced the Ren Shou Palace from the movie, and Empress Dowager, played by Wen Li, was reclining on a couch behind the pearl curtain.

Until a eunuch hurriedly approached from the hall and whispered by her side, "Empress Dowager, the Emperor has arrived."

The Empress Dowager opened her eyes as the sound of footsteps drew closer. The young Emperor stepped boldly through the curtains.

In the early days of his reign, the Emperor still showed filial respect to the Empress Dowager. However, as the balance of power shifted in the court, with the struggles between the Twelve Bureaus and the court, the facade of mother and son could no longer be maintained.

The Emperor, portrayed by Song Yan, was handsome and clear-eyed, with features like a painting, deep and distinct. His regular attire and imperial crown accentuated his noble and dignified presence.

"Zhang Xueshi has confessed his crime and hanged himself in the prison at noon today," the Emperor smiled slightly. "Knowing that Zhang Xueshi was the former Crown Prince's and the Empress Dowager's mentor, I especially came to console the Empress Dowager. I hope you can mourn and not grieve too heavily, as it may harm your health."

The Empress Dowager sat up, observing the emperor. With a sarcastic tone, she replied, "I didn't know, and I wasn't grieving, but the Emperor came especially to inform me. I truly appreciate your filial piety."

The camera cut to a close-up of Wen Li. Her expression had a smile mixed with hatred, even though her own teacher was persecuted to death by the Emperor she herself supported. She felt heartbroken and angry, but her proud tone and demeanor remained undiminished.

A close-up shot tests an actor's control over their facial features and emotions. Even a slight mismatch in microexpressions can be pointed out by industry professionals.

Everyone in the judges' seats and the audience section was carefully observing.

Compared to immature young actors, having the opportunity to internally evaluate the performance of experienced and mature actors was a rare opportunity.

Only two minutes into the scene, the live audience fell silent, already immersed in the plot, feeling the Emperor's smugness and ruthlessness after a small victory and the Empress dowager's sorrow and anger after a defeat.

The emperor and the Empress Dowager engaged in a verbal duel. In the Emperor's eyes, the age difference between the Empress Dowager and himself was negligible. If she were an ordinary girl in her prime, her thoughts would revolve around literature, poetry, and her beloved, learning female embroidery. She would be innocent, charming, and lively.

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And yet, she wore the attire of the Empress Dowager, the heavy robe and precious silk garments, adorned with priceless jewels. Her vermilion lips, never holding a brush or an embroidery needle, stubbornly grasped onto that supreme power. She did not cherish romantic love or concubine affairs. In this male-dominated era, she stepped on the head of the noblest man in the world, constantly trampling upon the Emperor's dignity and sincerity.

In today's game, the Emperor finally saw a slightly softer and more emotional side beneath her arrogant facade.

He resented her arrogance and disregard for him as a man, yet he couldn't help but love her radiant pride. He became a puppet under her control, now the puppet desired to break free from her strings. His body fought desperately, but his heart couldn't break away.

The Emperor cleared his throat and changed his tone, gently persuading the Empress Dowager, implying that as long as she let go of the court, she would forever be the mistress of the Ren Shou Palace, his mother, and the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty.

The Empress Dowager was still immersed in grief for her teacher and spoke to the Emperor in a sarcastic and condescending tone, "To use those eunuchs to deal with loyal ministers, the words spoken by such Emperor are not even comparable to a three-year-old's babbles in my eyes."

The Emperor was provoked, furrowing his brows and gripping the Empress Dowager's wrist, forcefully pressing her onto the couch.

The once quiet front stage was filled with excited murmurs from the audience section.

The judges in their seats appeared relatively calm. One of them turned to Yu Weiguang and said, "I didn't find it so stimulating when I watched it originally. You're really daring in your direction, Director Yu."

Yu Weiguang had a complex expression and forced a laugh.

A two-and-a-half-hour movie with the main plot centered around court intrigue, with only a fraction of that time dedicated to the romantic scenes. This pseudo-forbidden love scene was mainly meant to satirize the corruption within the feudal nobility, who were yearned for by countless people under the supreme imperial power. It was Yu Weiguang's way of criticizing the feudal monarchy.

The audience at the time went to see it for the advertised "court intrigue" aspect. If it weren't for today's tribute, who would focus their attention on this pseudo-forbidden love scene that went under the radar at that time?

Who would have thought that today, this couple, Song Yan and Wen Li, would create such an intense and beautiful love story from this play?

He couldn't explain it clearly to his colleague on his right, so Yu Weiguang turned his head and looked at Qiu Ping on the left.

Qiu Ping was so focused on the screen that he remained indifferent to their murmurings.


Did Song Yan and Wen Li manage to immerse everyone in the plot?

At this moment, inside the filming studio, this scene had already reached its emotional climax. The Emperor and the Empress Dowager were at odds, tearing off their disguises. Not a single court attendant or palace maid dared to enter the hall. In the vast palace chamber, there were only the Emperor and the Empress Dowager engaged in a battle of words. The argument escalated from the influence of factions to the previous dynasties and the imperial harem. Finally, their eyes met, with a mutual desire to devour each other.

The Emperor's body bent lower, his grip tightening, and the Empress Dowager drew closer, finally sensing a peculiar longing in his sinister gaze.

The Empress Dowager, furious, no longer addressed the Emperor by his proper title but called him by his name, reminding him of his disrespect towards her.

"You called me by my name."

"So what if I did? Are you planning to kill me?"

The atmosphere quickly shifted from imminent confrontation to a beautiful and hazy state.

The Emperor's aura dissipated and his gaze softened. He asked tentatively, "Empress Dowager, would you like to call me once again? This time, using my affectionate nickname. How about that?"

Song Yan's gaze suddenly became extraordinarily gentle, as if the person he had yearned for so long had finally turned to look at him. Wen Li's expression froze for a moment, her mind momentarily blank. The emotional trajectory of this scene went from desolation to anger and now to astonishment. Originally, she had been in control of her mental state throughout the scene, fully immersed in her role. But Song Yan's gaze disrupted her, causing her to transform back from the Empress Dowager to Wen Li.

Just like that night when her body was overwhelmed and her mind hazy, she was compelled to call him "senior", and then his actions transformed from a fierce storm to a gentle breeze, all within a short span of time.

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Damn, he really knows how to control his emotions.

The progression was so fast and smooth.

Wen Li thought she still had a lot to learn in this aspect. She would have to ask Song Yan to teach her more in the future.

"Your Majesty..."

"Call me by my name. Empress Dowager, call me by my affectionate nickname. I will spare the lives of Zhang Xueshi's family members."

This time, even the esteemed address was unnecessary. Just one nickname could save dozens of lives in Zhang Xueshi's family. This Emperor was truly capricious and mad.

The two of them locked eyes. The Empress Dowager's eyes were filled with confusion and a hint of disbelief, while the Emperor's eyes carried tenderness and a touch of anticipation.


The director's shout brought everyone in the filming studio and on the stage back to their senses.

At this moment, everyone finally came to their senses. They realized they were recording a variety show, not watching a movie.

The host had been sitting in place until a staff member reminded him, prompting him to pick up the microphone and ask, "Are they done? Is it my turn to come on?"

"Oh, then let us welcome Wen Li and Song Yan to our stage!"

A spotlight shone on the side of the filming studio, leading to the entrance to the stage. On their way to the live recording, Wen Li expressed her worry, "I'm really nervous. I'm supposed to be a guest, but it feels like I'm participating in a competition."

Song Yan didn't say anything. He extended his hand from his sleeve and slipped it into her wide sleeve, connecting their large cuffs. From beneath their costumes, he held her hand and gently patted it, silently comforting her.

When the spotlight fell on them, Song Yan retracted his hand.

Wen Li pouted.

Why did it feel like they were having a secret affair? What's wrong with openly holding hands? They were legally married husband and wife!

Just a moment ago, in the filming studio, it seemed like the Empress Dowager and the Emperor from the Forbidden City had appeared on the stage. The audience, who had never experienced this kind of live performance before, finally felt a genuine connection. They realized they weren't watching a movie earlier; the scene was being performed live by the actors in the temporary set at the back of the studio.

Applause reverberated. The live audience no longer had to watch the actors through a screen.

The host handed Wen Li and Song Yan microphones and asked them to greet the live audience.

Wen Li's ancient doll persona had always been a powerful tool for attracting fans and this noble attire suited her best. The lines of her head and face were smooth, as most ancient hairstyles required the full face to be visible. This demanded high requirements for the actors' contours and facial features. The more magnificent the costume, the more Wen Li's gorgeous and harmonious features complemented the overall aesthetics.

As for Song Yan, his reputation for portraying characters in ancient costumes was undeniable, but most movie scripts were contemporary, making it rare to see him in ancient attire.

After exchanging greetings, the discussions in the audience became lively. The host cued the public judges to speak.

The guests were not contestants and the public judges were not fools. It was clear that this part was meant for praising.

The microphone was passed to a young girl who was a social media influencer. As soon as she stood up, she hesitated for a while and embarrassedly said, "Well, my attention was focused entirely on their faces. I didn't pay much attention to the performance, I'm sorry."

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Her words not only made others laugh, but even the two guests on stage found it amusing.

"It was really stunning and extraordinary. Each frame looked like a painting, from the set design to the makeup, and the two guests' appearance," The girl paused and said with a serious tone, "Here, on behalf of all the viewers who love watching ancient puppetry dramas, I dare to make a suggestion to all directors and producers. In the future, for all the ancient puppetry dramas, we may not expect the same standards as these two teachers, but at least find actors who can live up to the costume and makeup. Since it's an idol drama after all, the audience's primary desire is undoubtedly to watch handsome guys and beautiful girls. Thank you."

Although her words were sharp and subjective, they also reflected the audience's mentality in the current idol drama market.

The microphone was passed to another person, a young man.

"The acting is top-notch for the big screen and the appearance is the perfect match for an idol drama. Both aspects deserve a perfect score."

It was a highly positive evaluation. Although they already knew this was a praising segment, Wen Li couldn't help but feel elated by such flattery.

After the public judges spoke, it was now the turn of the panel of judges.

This scene was written by Yu Weiguang, so naturally, Yu Weiguang should be the first to speak.

"To be honest, this romantic scene was not the main plotline of my movie. In fact, when I directed this scene, I had a critical and ironic view of the emotions involved. So, I truly didn't expect you two to portray it as a beautiful love story," Yu Weiguang said, laughing, "Working as a couple is indeed different."

A good partnership is mutually fulfilling. They have that understanding, and coupled with the program's high standard, even with temporary setups, they strived to fully recreate the essence of the movie. The entire scene was full of tension, with ups and downs, and progressive emotional development. Even the slight daze that followed Wen Li's part, where her thoughts quickly snapped back, was an unexpected delight for Yu Weiguang. In the face of the intense and unconventional emotional assault from the other side, her lifeless daze perfectly echoed the character's psychology.

A small section of the audience, consisting of fans of the on-screen couple, voiced their agreement.

Another producer raised his hand and said, "Can I say something?"

The host responded, "Please go ahead."

The producer held the microphone, deliberated for a while, and finally managed to squeeze out a sentence, "Let's collaborate in a movie. I mean it. If you have any specific genres in mind, I'll buy the script, as long as you're willing to take the project."

The audience immediately erupted with a mix of voices, repeatedly shouting, "Collaborate."

Yu Weiguang smiled with crossed arms and glanced at Qiu Ping beside him.

Qiu Ping's gaze had been fixed on Wen Li the whole time and hadn't moved away until now.

At this point, their play had come to a close, and the host asked the guests to take a break. However, Wen Li picked up the microphone again, smiling, and said, "I have something to say to Teacher Duan."

"Teacher Duan, how do you think I performed just now?"

Duan Hong, who was backstage watching the broadcast, hadn't been in a good mood, and being suddenly mentioned by Wen Li caught him off guard. For a moment, he didn't know how to react.

"You are a professionally trained actor, and I believe your true judgment must be correct," Wen Li spoke calmly, "There are many actors who didn't receive formal training, so they often have to take many detours and put in more effort to perform well in a drama. Here, I want to use my own example to tell those non-professionally trained actors who love acting that it's never too late to learn. The important criteria for being a good actor are not whether you graduated from a drama school, but rather if you can embody the character, perform well, and make the audience empathize with you."

She continued, "Furthermore, many idol drama actors I have worked with are excellent. If the idol dramas I have acted in can bring joy to the audience who loves watching them, then their value is positive."

As she spoke these words, she looked at the producer who had echoed Duan Hong's words earlier.

There was no distinction of superiority or inferiority between elegance and popular appeal. As long as they bring joy to the audience, they hold their own significance.

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Wen Li needed to transition now, but she would never deny the value of the idol dramas she had participated in because those works were the stepping stones that brought her to her current position.

Duan Hong backstage remained silent. The producer on the public judging panel also didn't speak.

Even if Wen Li's performance today wasn't good, or even fell short of expectations, they had no reason to criticize her suitability based on her previous idol drama works.

But obviously, Wen Li didn't give them that opportunity.

These past two days, she had been going over the details with Song Yan repeatedly, all for the sake of achieving today's effect.

They had to admit that Wen Li was a talented actress who was willing to put in the effort, making them unable to say anything against her.

In such a demanding and realistic film and television environment, her appearance and charisma far exceeded her acting skills. She knew where her strengths and weaknesses lay and didn't use the superiority of professionally trained actors as an excuse or attribute it to the prejudice and doubts she faced on her path to transformation. Instead, she worked hard to fill that gap and strive to catch up with them.

"Handsome Sanli!!"

The voice of a fan echoed from the audience.

After the comeback, Wen Li was in a great mood as she summarized her closing statement.

"Of course, I still have a long way to go, and I will work hard to keep up with all the professionally trained actors," Wen Li turned to look at Song Yan and smiled at him, "Like Teacher Song here, a professionally trained actor who has been patiently rehearsing this scene with me over and over again for the past two days."

Song Yan, hearing Wen Li's words just now, could guess what had happened during the previous play.

He smiled and said, "It's my pleasure."


It was the fans screaming.

Several directors and producers who rarely participated in variety shows turned to look back, clearly not accustomed to witnessing such a scene where a single sentence could cause such excitement.

The host understood well and waved his hand, saying, "This is the joy of the fans of the on-screen couple," He coughed and then addressed the audience, "Let me share a little detail with you all. Do you know why the supporting actors for the other guests are all our new trainees, except for Teacher Wen Li? It's not that no one wanted to partner with Teacher Wen Li. Many trainees raised their hands at that time, but Teacher Song Yan disregarded the program rules and volunteered himself. Well, our director didn't dare to offend Teacher Song Yan, so he had to agree."

Just as it was suddenly revealed, Wen Li forced a smile, attempting to explain for Song Yan, "No, it was mainly because Teacher Song can teach me..."

The audience below paid no attention to her explanation.


"It's dog food!!!"

Then, a familiar and loud male voice emerged, even overpowering the sound of Wen Li's microphone in the venue.

"Song Yan, just admit it, you're being jealous and don't want to see your wife act in a romantic scene with someone else!"

Song Yan: "..."

It was that iron-lunged male fan again!

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