Wen Li's head was spinning even more.

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Liking men doesn't mean you can't like women, and besides, she's so beautiful. This could only indicate her great charm. What did it prove?

It wasn't convincing at all.

Wen Li's fingertips stiffened, her palms were hot, and her stubborn habit of pursing her lips resurfaced. She pouted and said, "Hmph, it doesn't matter. I didn't lack people who liked me during high school. If you hate me, then hate me. Who cares if you like me or not."

"Yeah," Song Yan smiled slightly, "The high school you back then didn't fancy my liking."

His tone was somewhat self-deprecating and somewhat aggrieved.

Wen Li suddenly felt her heart tighten. Normally, she would have said, "Consider yourself lucky". But now she couldn't, she felt very distressed.

She thought, if her arrogant retorts would make the man she liked unhappy, then she would change.

A few seconds of silence, only the sound of their breathing.

"No, I really liked you."

"But back then, even if you didn't fancy me, I still liked you."

Almost simultaneously, Wen Li's frantic explanation and Song Yan's calm statement overlapped. Her tone was slightly higher, but fortunately, his voice was deep and clear, audible to the ear. Her thoughts became a jumble, as if she had heard something extraordinary.

Song Yan gently touched her face, taking in her dazed expression, and also taking her words to heart. His heart contracted, even the touch of her fingertips felt tingling. His voice remained gentle, but it was no longer as clear, and his low, hoarse voice trembled slightly.

"Why would I hate you," he said softly, "I dare not even like you..."

"What's there to be afraid of? Is it embarrassing to like me?"

Wen Li frowned, suddenly tightening her grip, and his words abruptly stopped. He let out a low groan, his brows furrowed in pain.

"Be gentle... It's not a toy."

Wen Li felt guilty and quickly let go. She wasn't a man, so she couldn't empathize, so she awkwardly released her grip on his hot thing.

Her withdrawn wrist was suddenly grabbed and pressed back into place.

"But you're in pain, aren't you?"

Song Yan said in a hoarse voice, "En. A painful pleasure."

Wen Li burst into laughter, her eyes curved, and she drawled, "So, is it more painful or more pleasurable?"

"What do you think, you drunkard?" His tone was short and concise, carrying a hint of restraint, as if he was holding back, "You're about to play me to death."

He didn't talk much, but Wen Li was a chatterbox. That's why he had been chatting with her for so long. In her intoxicated state, she was completely different from usual, and his body had already been intoxicated by her. There was only one thing he wanted to do.

Song Yan stopped wasting words, grabbed the back of her neck, slightly lifting her chin, and captured her lips, kissing her deeply.

Once her mouth was invaded, she couldn't take advantage of him anymore, but she was unwilling to be kissed obediently like this. Just then, Song Yan happened to press her claws against his most vulnerable spot.

He had handed over to her the most important and vulnerable thing for a man.

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Holding his weakness, Song Yan was like a marionette, letting her manipulate him. If she was too gentle, he would furrow his brows. If she breathed lightly, he would tell her not to dawdle. If she applied more force, he would groan and tell her not to be so reckless.

When she was a child, she liked playing with dolls. The dolls were all little girl toys. She could braid their long hair, put makeup on their faces, and dress them up. She didn't like playing with boys because boys couldn't wear lipstick, their hair was short, and their clothes were not pretty.

But Song Yan was different.

He had an exceptionally handsome face, outstanding temperament, narrow waist, and long legs. Every expression and gasp that captivated her was so attractive and vivid.

During their teenage years, Song Yan was cold and reticent, aloof and arrogant. Even his smile seemed like a privilege.

Later, he became an actor and attracted the attention of countless people. The aloof senior became even more dazzling, standing under the spotlight that she had dreamed of countless times, becoming the target of her envy and pursuit.

It was hard to imagine that such a Song Yan would actually fall into her hands. She didn't even have to make much effort, easily plucking the high flower on the steep and rugged cliff that others couldn't approach.

She couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment.

Under her torment, Song Yan sighed in tolerance, "What's so funny?"

"I'm happy," Wen Li said dominantly, "Now I'm telling you, there's nothing you dare or don't dare. If you like it, go for it. I allow it."

Wen Li's hand trembled again. She felt his vulnerable spot suddenly becoming fierce, and immediately, he sat up and pressed her back.

Song Yan leaned against her ear, his voice scorching, "Drunkard, had enough fun? It's my turn now."

Wen Li widened her eyes, "Not yet!"

He changed from being obedient just now, "Wait for the next round."

The Empress Dowager hadn't had enough of her male pet, but the male pet rose in rebellion.

The young Empress Dowager's teasing hit the jackpot. Amidst her charm, there was also a hint of innocence. But she was only responsible for igniting sparks, not extinguishing them. She simply enjoyed seeing her male pet's helpless yet indulgent expression.

Suddenly, Song Yan stood up from the sofa and lifted her up as if carrying a child.

He only used one hand to support her waist. Wen Li was afraid of falling, so she firmly clasped her legs around his waist.

With the palace gates wide open, it conveniently gave him an opportunity to take advantage with his other hand.

Wen Li tried to avoid it, wanting to close herself off, but then she heard him softly remind her, "You'll fall."

She pretended to loosen her grip and quickly grabbed onto his clothes.

"No, no, you'll shatter my coccyx!"

Song Yan chuckled and continued his actions.

"Do you know how I felt just now?" he asked while moving his fingers, "Unable to go up or come down, feeling uncomfortable, you little rascal?"

The emphasis on the last two words seemed like retaliation for her mischievous actions earlier.


Wen Li leaned against the living room wall. Song Yan didn't let her lie on the bed or sit on the sofa. Instead, he insisted on holding her while standing. The upper part of their bodies was neatly dressed, as if they were posing together for an exquisite magazine photoshoot.

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When Wen Li surrendered as her legs weakened, Song Yan carried her to the bed, throwing her body and thoughts into chaos.

She was very dissatisfied, blocking her eyes with her arm and refusing to look at him.

"Crying again?" Song Yan bit her and teased, "So delicate."

Wen Li took a deep breath, mustering her last bit of stubbornness to confront him, "Who's delicate! I'm a fierce one!"

Song Yan was momentarily stunned, then suddenly collapsed onto her, laughing until his shoulders trembled.

Wen Li's cheeks were burning, "What are you laughing at?"

"What did you say you were?"

Wen Li hiccuped again, pounded her chest, and confidently said, "I'm a fierce one!"

Song Yan laughed even louder, laughing until he choked and couldn't help but cough a few times.


After he had enough laughter, he patted her head and corrected, "No, you're a cutie."

Wen Li's last trace of resistance was ultimately shattered by Song Yan. The mighty "fierce one" could only be weakly carried by him to the bathroom for a wash, then allow him to change her into pajamas, tuck her into bed, kiss her forehead, and gently laugh, "I'm looking forward to seeing you sober tomorrow."

Then he took out his phone from the bedside table.


After a nap, her hangover her up.

When she woke up, she had a splitting headache and cracked lips. Her body felt like when she was practicing basic dance moves as a child and her teacher suddenly forced her to do a split, resulting in a pulled muscle, and the next day she woke up with soreness all over her body.

She blinked her eyes and the scenes from yesterday vividly appeared in her mind.

From the end of the dinner party to getting in the car and returning home, those few hours of memories were crystal clear, including how she played with Song Yan under the influence of alcohol and how Song Yan played back. It was all very clear.

She was supposed to have fragmented memories when drunk, so why did she remember everything?

Indeed, those idol dramas she watched were deceiving.

Her throat was so dry that she couldn't speak. Wen Li lifted the covers and struggled to get out of bed, wanting to go outside and pour herself a glass of water.

Before she could leave the bedroom, the door opened first. Song Yan, dressed in refreshing home clothes, saw that she was awake and handed her a cup of water, "Awake? Drink some water."

Wen Li took the cup of water and looked at him warily while slowly sipping the water.

Seeing her warily staring at him, Song Yan's eyebrows slightly raised, and he asked directly, "Do you remember being drunk yesterday?"

Wen Li still had the cup in her mouth, her voice muffled, "I was drunk? Really?"

"Don't remember?"

Wen Li naturally started to play dumb, "Hmm? Did I do something? I don't remember."

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Song Yan smiled and said, "Is that so."

Wen Li felt a hint of menace in his smile. She swallowed her saliva and asked, "What did I do yesterday?"

He didn't say anything and simply walked past her to the bedside table, picked up his phone, and then played a video, handing it to her.

"Watch it yourself."

Wen Li widened her eyes. When did he record this?!

He actually recorded her!

"Go to the bathroom to watch it. There are no cameras there," Song Yan glanced at the camera, "Good morning, everyone."

The camera crew from Team A, who worked tirelessly day and night: "..."

Since the last time this couple had a falling out with the team, their vigilance towards cameras had been increasing.

After she got into the bathroom, Wen Li pressed the play button with trembling hands.

Her memory of this clip was very fuzzy, but she hadn't forgotten it. As soon as she saw the footage, she remembered everything.

It was after a passionate encounter, Song Yan carried her to take a shower, and then she lay on the bed. The bedroom's air conditioning was set to a low temperature, and she was tightly wrapped in the blanket like a silkworm, with only her head exposed. She was extremely tired and was almost at the edge of her sleep.

The screen showed her silly sleeping face, and suddenly a slender hand appeared, lifting her eyelashes, poking her cheek, and pinching her nose.

Wen Li stubbornly kept her eyes closed and lazily said, "Stop it, I want to sleep."

Song Yan's voice, accompanied by a smile, came from off-screen, "Sleep later, answer my question first."

Wen Li impatiently said, "Ask quickly."

"Do you like me?"


"Say whether you like or don't like."

"...I like."

"Like who?"

"Like you."

"Say the name."

"...Song Yan."

The man in the footage continued to coax her, "Say it again, completely."

"I like Song Yan, really like," She even explained, still being silly, "Really means very very very very much."

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Song Yan chuckled and said, "I know."

Just when Wen Li thought the video was about to end, she suddenly, in a murmuring voice, asked, "And you?"

The camera shook slightly, and the person recording the video for her spoke softly, "I love you."

Wen Li, sober now, was stunned. She didn't have time to consider which feeling was deeper, liking or loving. The drunken Wen Li in the footage foolishly said, "Liking has two words, loving has one word. It's unfair, I have one more word than you."

Song Yan touched her hair gently and said, "Silly, the one who should say it's unfair is me."

Wen Li suddenly felt dissatisfied and pouted, "Are you implying that I'm making you suffer? My man must be the happiest man in the world. From now on, I will love you, guaranteeing to love you intensely."

Song Yan couldn't help but laugh.

She said she would love, so she immediately launched into a super-declaration love song.

"Song Yan, Song Yan, I love you, just like a mouse loves cheese!"

The video ended with her passionate singing.

When she came out of the bathroom, Wen Li's face was flushed, her steps unsteady. It wasn't just because of her own embarrassing and exaggerated performance, but also because of his words, "I love you."

Song Yan was waiting for her at the bathroom door.

He had a relaxed expression while Wen Li lowered her head, twisting her fingers, looking frustrated.

In a gentle tone, Song Yan asked, "Still trying to deny it? Wen Little Mouse."

She gazed at him pensively.

"No more denial, Song Cheese."

Then she handed him back the phone. She vowed not to drink excessively next time so as to not to let Song Yan catch any more evidence.

As he took the phone, a call came in. He answered it smoothly.

"I just heard that Wen Li got drunk yesterday? I also heard from my time that although you turned off the camera, you still recorded your wife when she was drunk on your phone." Director Yan's tone suddenly changed, taking a deep breath, he spoke respectfully to his junior, "Teacher Song, how about this? Let's not consider the contract. Name your price, and we'll buy it."

Song Yan didn't hesitate and said directly, "Not for sale."

Director Yan persisted, "Why won't you sell? It's not like that content can't be aired."

Song Yan replied, "It's precisely because that content can't be aired."

Director Yan hung up the phone, stunned. The assistant director looked excitedly at him, "Director Yan? How did it go?"

"Song Yan refused."

The staff present fell silent one by one. As expected, they knew.

"It's okay, I've already planned the script for the next episode," The director emphasized, "I guarantee it will be exciting."

Originally, they all intended to console Director Yan, but the problem was that although Song Yan had clearly refused, Director Yan didn't show his usual anger. Instead, his face had a strange and cheesy expression of "success"?

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