At this moment, Song Yan was sitting in the pavilion behind the small hill in the school, lost in thought.

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The cameraman and several staff members didn't disturb him. The cameraman even stepped back a few steps, capturing both the man and the pavilion, as well as the green shrubs and the path of small stones beside the pavilion.

The evening sky was a blend of blue and fiery red, presenting varying shades of purple and orange. As a professional cameraman, he understood the composition of the frame and the language of the lens. [In This World With You], although a variety show, had numerous beautiful scenes since its first season. Some scenes were even praised for their cinematic quality.

The visuals, though plain, were pleasing to the eye. Song Yan rarely participated in variety shows. In a documentary filmed by the television channel, apart from face-to-face interviews, his presence while reading the script on the set was mostly quiet like this.

In the documentary, Director Yu Weiguang, who was familiar with him, said that Song Yan was a very perceptive child. He was internally sensitive, which sometimes made him appear indifferent externally. Such people usually didn't show their joys and sorrows on their faces and even gave an impression of being proud and aloof. However, they were observant and understanding, making them naturally talented in acting.

Even the class teacher interviewed by the program crew yesterday said that he was calm and reserved, not inclined to interact with others. But teachers and his close friends knew that he was a good child.

If it weren't for the staff from Teacher Wen's side coming to urge him, no one would have the heart to disturb Teacher Song's solitary quiet moment.

The staff said they wanted him to go to the fireworks square and meet with Teacher Wen. When Song Yan heard that Wen Li would be at the fireworks square, he furrowed his brow slightly.

"Why is Teacher Wen there?"

The staff pretended to be ignorant and said, "It's the temporary arrangement of the director."

Song Yan's gaze narrowed slightly.

He stood up and, as per the staff instructions, prepared to go to the fireworks square.

For him, the fireworks square didn't hold good memories, but Song Yan couldn't show his emotions too obviously because he was being filmed. However, he wasn't someone who could hide all his emotions well, so when he headed towards the square, his face visibly darkened.

The accompanying cameraman, on the other hand, was very excited. As they walked closer, the students around, especially the girls, grabbed each other's hands and jumped with excitement.

"He's coming! Ah, he's coming!"

Song Yan raised his eyes and looked towards the square.

He had slight nearsightedness, and by this time, the sun had almost set. The sky was a deep blue, with the illuminating streetlights timely lighting up, appearing as scattered sources of light standing around the square.

The square was lively. From Song Yan's perspective, there was a figure standing amidst the dim candlelights arranged in the shape of a heart.

The man suddenly stopped in his tracks.

The cameraman was caught off guard and quickly turned back, saying, "Teacher Song, why did you stop?"

Song Yan futilely opened his mouth, unable to share his current feelings with the cameraman.

Taking some time to walk over, he finally saw the hint of apricot yellow.

The main color of Mingfeng's school uniform hadn't changed in ten years. The style and details had slightly altered, but it still overlapped with the apricot yellow in his memory.

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She was a dance student, and Song Yan remembered that her most frequent hairstyle in high school was a high bun. It was a high and rounded hairstyle, like a hairball sitting on top of an egg. Later, when she became an actress, her styling team would often create various beautiful hairstyles for her, so he rarely saw her with this hairstyle again.

Today, she had once again tied up her hair into a bun. It looked clean, refreshing, and adorable, still bearing that youthful and innocent appearance.

Wen Li stood in the heart-shaped formation made of candles, the glow from all the candles combined not matching the brightness and allure of her eyes.

She saw him approaching and proudly raised her chin, smiling at him.

Wen Li didn't need to say anything; he understood at this moment.

She clasped her hands behind her back, swaying her head somewhat shyly. Her legs were tightly together under her skirt, and her toes involuntarily rubbed against the ground, almost wearing out the tips of her shoes.

Her lips hummed, opening and closing. She struggled for a while, but in the end, she managed to say, "I spent a long time arranging these candles by myself. They're for you."

Even in this extremely embarrassing situation, she still emphasized that it was her own achievement.

She hoped to drink more alcohol. She wasn't drunk enough, and couldn't speak out the prepared script this afternoon.

"Well, I also prepared fireworks for you. I'll set them off for you."

In addition to the candles, there was also a circle of small fireworks arranged outside. Wen Li borrowed a lighter from the staff and lit each of the fireworks.

Columns of fireworks about half a meter high rose from the ground one by one. Wen Li pulled Song Yan a little further away.

"Stay back and watch. It wouldn't be good if you get burned."

Ordinary students playing with fireworks at the fireworks square wouldn't buy this many at once. The crackling fireworks illuminated the central area of the plaza like daylight, attracting many students to gather around. Even a few photographers were captivated by the fireworks of the night, aiming their cameras to capture the scene.

Wen Li looked satisfied with her achievement and then looked up at Song Yan, secretly observing his reaction. Was he happy or angry? She wondered if her impulsive act would make him feel relieved or offended.

Wen Li was actually quite troubled because she didn't know what to do to protect Song Yan's eighteen-year-old self. After thinking for a while, she borrowed Mingfeng's school uniform from Sister Zitong and called her uncle to confirm her suspicions. Finally, she found out the reason why Song Yan wrote "She didn't come" in the Magazine.

Damn her uncle! Next year, the first thing she would do in the lunar new year was to cut her hair!1

After she was done with the program, she would go to the Wen family and settle accounts with Wen Yan. Right now, the only thing on her mind was how to confess to Song Yan.

There was no way around it. She was an actress, not a screenwriter. She didn't have many ideas, so after much consideration, this was the only method she could think of.

She was actually a little afraid. She was worried that Song Yan might not be able to let go completely. Even if he chose to forgive her with a good temper, she couldn't forgive herself if he had shown even a slight bit of discontent.

Wen Li didn't want any barriers between her and Song Yan. She also didn't want any hint of gray in his memory when it came to her.

Song Yan treated her so well, he liked her so much, and his love was beautiful and gentle. She wasn't someone who liked to take advantage of others. After acting in so many idol dramas, she understood that the feelings between two people should be mutual.

Even though she wasn't a naturally gentle person, she would learn from now on.

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The man stared at her intently, his eyes flickering with emotions, like candle flames swaying in the summer breeze.

After snapping out of his daze, his handsome brows furrowed, his lips tightly pursed. His mouth felt dry and bitter, and his Adam's apple rolled up and down with difficulty. He wanted to say something, but couldn't find the words.

Finally, he let out a light sigh, and lowered his eyelids, using them to hide the hint of redness at the corners of his eyes. Something uncontrollable fell from his eyes, moistening his trembling eyelashes.

Wen Li was close enough to see everything clearly. She widened her lips in astonishment, and in the next second, Song Yan pulled her into his embrace.

"Ah, ah, ah!!!"

"They're hugging!!!"

"Wow, they're going to kiss! Kiss!"

Amidst the students' screams, the cameraman immediately aimed the lens at them.

These young students were eager for excitement and had no sense of restraint as minors. They cheered without any embarrassment. The decibels and the excitement in their voices made it seem like they wanted them to embrace and French kiss on the spot.

The staff members were all adults and relatively calm. Several of them exchanged glances, their expressions amused yet somewhat helpless.

Director Yan miscalculated. He had been sarcastically criticizing Teacher Wen in the group chat, saying that her move was too old-fashioned, but it turned out that Song Teacher fell for it.

So, the trick doesn't depend on whether it's new or old, as long as it works.

Song Yan pursed his lips, bent down, and with some difficulty, buried his head in her neck.

He turned off the microphone button and, amidst the students' continuous screams and the crackling sound of fireworks, he said in a muffled voice with a nasal tone, "Don't let me be caught on camera."

Wen Li hugged him back, her whole being stunned. She quickly comforted him as if she were coaxing a child, "Be good, don't cry."

Song Yan chuckled softly, his breath tickling her neck, causing a strange sensation that made Wen Li unconsciously move.

Afraid of being seen in this state, he quickly held her tighter, his tone obscure and dry as he blamed, "Were you... the mastermind?"

"Senior," Wen Li grinned, taking advantage of the noise around them, where no one else could hear, she finally whispered in his ear the words she most wanted to say to him, "I've secretly liked you for a long time. Can you be my boyfriend?"

Song Yan's gaze froze. On the high school campus, surrounded by young students, Wen Li, who was wearing the high school uniform, brought back the confession scene that he had missed ten years ago, using the same method to return it to him ten years later.

It was as if it was sixteen-year-old Wen Li responding to Song Yan.

She didn't say it directly, but conveyed it in this gentle and concealed way that only the two of them could understand. She told him that she knew his secret, but she didn't consider it a burden. On the contrary, she was grateful and pleasantly surprised.

She decided to return this affection in the same way.

To love him to the extent that he loved her.

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In this way, Song Yan's obsession and void from ten years ago, the wound that he couldn't forget and dared not mention, were finally filled by her completely with new memories.

Senior Ah Yan would no longer feel sad about this memory. He would no longer be afraid to come to the fireworks square because Junior Ah Li had turned his memories here into a bright and warm apricot yellow.

He held her tightly, made a deep sound of agreement, and then answered, "It's my honor."

As he held her in his embrace, his strong heart was beating vigorously, like a drum being struck, rhythmically vibrating.

His heart was thinking, it's really good. The girl he likes is better than any female lead in the magazines. She is the most gentle girl in the world.


The next day's shooting ended and the group headed back to the hotel.

Wen Li, who was resting in the car, received a call from Director Yan. She answered the call and put it on speakerphone.

Director Yan was straightforward from the beginning, "I just watched the recording from last night."

Wen Li's tone was shy as she asked, "How was it? Wasn't my performance great?"

"Not bad," Director Yan praised her first, then immediately struck her, "But the trick was too old-fashioned."

Wen Li's face immediately fell. She glanced at Song Yan with a slightly melancholic look and mouthed to him, "It's all your fault. I copied you."

Song Yan didn't push the blame and curved his lips, mouthed back, "I'm sorry, I was wrong."

Wen Li gave him a glare and quickly retorted to Director Yan, "Where is it old-fashioned? I think it was super romantic. Look how touched Teacher Song was, he... " She almost bit her tongue, "he was so moved!"

"Moved? I didn't see it."

"You wouldn't understand, Director Yan, since you're not directly involved," Wen Li said confidently, "The audience will understand. In any case, I guarantee that Episode 8 will have high ratings."

Director Yan teasingly said, "To be honest, if I were the one involved, and my wife performed that romantic act, I would have embraced and kissed her passionately on the spot. Is this all you guys can do?"

Upon hearing this, including Wen Li, the two assistants sitting in the front also burst into laughter.

Only Song Yan remained relatively calm, pressing his finger against his lips and looking out of the car window without saying a word.

Wen Li said helplessly as she laughed, "Director Yan... I didn't expect you to be so passionate about your wife."

"Of course, who do you think I am? Not everyone is like Song Yan," Director Yan emphasized, "He may not have much experience in variety shows, but you are experienced. You should bring your husband along more often. His reaction is too flat."

Surprisingly, Director Yan was dissatisfied with Song Yan's subdued reaction.

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Wen Li was not dissatisfied at all.

Wen Li naturally had to defend Song Yan, "There were so many underage people around. It wouldn't be good to set a bad example and engage in public displays of affection."

Director Yan disagreed, "Do you think these underage people don't understand anything? Do you believe they know more than you and Song Yan?"

"But it wouldn't be good if it affects the broadcast. Many children watch our program."

"Do you need to worry about that? If we're concerned about the impact, we'll edit it out before the broadcast."

Wen Li hesitated for a few seconds and said helplessly, "If you're going to edit it out anyway, why bother with the kissing?"

Just like filming a TV drama, there are certain scenes that are very sensitive and won't pass censorship. Filming them would be useless, so what's the point? It would be more convenient to just cut those plotlines from the script.

Director Yan fell silent for a moment and then said firmly, "You can do your thing, and we'll do ours. Is there a problem?"

Wen Li looked confused.

"Director Yan, have you been drinking today?"

"I haven't," Director Yan sighed with a touch of weariness, "You two don't understand anything. Oh well, forget it..."

After that, they didn't discuss the day's filming anymore. Director Yan told them that when Episode 8 airs next week, the production team is planning to have them do a charity livestream and react to the episode together with the fans.

After giving these instructions, Director Yan hung up the phone.

The car fell silent again, but because of Director Yan's words, Wen Li found herself thinking about it inexplicably.

Even at almost fifty years old, Director Yan was still so passionate about his wife. She and Song Yan were still so young and she had prepared such a big surprise for him. Although he was deeply moved, his response seemed excessively subdued.

Yesterday, when Wen Li found out that Song Yan had been secretly in love with her for so many years, she felt that it was a good thing that Song Yan wasn't by her side at the time. Otherwise, in her excitement, she definitely wouldn't have been able to control herself and would have kissed him senseless in one fell swoop.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that this man was too cold.

He was cold in high school, pushing away the sixteen-year-old Wen Li. Now that they have both grown up and acted in many films and TV shows, why was he still so indifferent? Hadn't this glamorous and superficial entertainment industry changed his personality at all?

Wen Li pondered this all the way and came to the conclusion that her ice-cold senior from high school had become her ice-cold husband. She thought that the next few decades of her life would be miserable.

Finally, they arrived at the hotel and entered the room. Unable to hold it in any longer, as she walked inside, Wen Li pretended to be serious and said, "Teacher Song, I think Director Yan makes sense. Your reaction tonight... Ah!"

Before she could finish her sentence, she exclaimed in surprise as Song Yan lifted her up from the waist.

The pleasant cold scent from the man and his words that brooked no refusal flooded Wen Li's body, causing her to involuntarily tremble. Her heart pounded uncontrollably and she instinctively gripped his collar.

"I've held back all the way," Song Yan said concisely, "Finish what you were saying later."

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