Wen Li was happy today.

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In fact, under the careful arrangement of the gaming company and her team, everyone at the event sang a happy birthday song for her. She thought her birthday was already fulfilling.

But everything changed when Song Yan appeared. Even if she wanted to pretend, she couldn't control her inner excitement.

As soon as the car arrived at the hotel parking lot, she first dismissed the driver and assistant and pounced on Song Yan, who was still in a daze.

When Wen Li, who was usually not proactive, suddenly became enthusiastic, he was left defenseless.

The man, who was suddenly attacked, was stunned for a few seconds and then quickly reacted. He slightly raised the corners of his lips that were being kissed by her and let out a soft laugh. Opening his lips, he signaled her to stop rubbing their lips together and dared her to come in and play.

She kissed him with dominance, tightly pressed her lips against his neck, and smeared her lipstick all over Song Yan's mouth. Her whole body leaned towards him, and Song Yan could only lean back against the seat and hold her on his lap, gripping her waist to stabilize her.

The two of them were kissing quietly in the car, repeating the actions of opening their mouths and touching tongues tirelessly. Until their jaws started to ache, they switched to gentle lip kisses.

Song Yan's breathing became uneven, his gaze no longer clear but deep and burning.


Wen Li suddenly opened her eyes, "Ah?" After a pause, she asked again, "Does it mean what I think it means?"

Song Yan was amused by her and calmed down a bit. He pinched her face and admitted in a low voice, "Yes, but let's go back to the room."

After all, the parking lot was not a safe place to take risks.

It was only a few minutes journey from the parking lot to the hotel room by elevator.

Both of them knew what would happen once they returned to the room. Their minds were filled with various chaotic and hot thoughts, making this short journey feel longer and more torturous.

They swiped the room card and entered the pitch-dark room.

The atmosphere seemed even better with the lights off and neither of them thought of turning them on. Wen Li paid the price for her earlier initiative and didn't have time to close the door before she was scooped up into the man's arms. Song Yan lowered his head to kiss her passionately, while his leg kicked the door shut, their movements flowing smoothly yet impatient.

Wen Li was pressed against the wall, their breaths mingling, and their bodies gradually becoming restless.

Her hands were on his shirt buttons, but she couldn't exert any force. It took her a while to unbutton just one button.

The more she teased, the hotter Song Yan became.

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"I want to fuck you senseless," The man had lost all reason at this point, his voice low and husky, and he spoke vulgarly without hesitation, "I want it so badly."




Who had possessed Song Yan?

If the vague and ambiguous "open the gift" could still deceive the adults squatting in the room, the couple, however, might not be able to pass off this straightforward and daring statement as innocent unwrapping anymore.

Song Yan actually spoke dirty words.

Wen Li desperately covered her mouth, her expression pained, her face turning blood-red. The scream that was stuck in her throat was on the verge of bursting out.

Although dirty words were not appropriate, in this situation, Wen Li's moral compass had completely gone astray from Song Yan's appearance.

What's even more infuriating was that she not only didn't find it inappropriate, but she also thought that this dirty talk was extremely enticing and incredibly sexy.

The staff hiding in the shadows didn't dare to move without the director's instructions, but they were in great agony. They could only silently scream internally.

What should we do?!

Director Yan!!!

Why isn't he going out yet?!

If he doesn't go out soon, something bad will happen!

At this moment, Director Yan was caught in a battle within himself. He regretted why he had orchestrated this situation, but at the same time, he couldn't help but feel relieved that he had arranged it this way.

Being a good person is so difficult, being a good director is even more challenging.

In the end, the moral bottom line of being human triumphed over the inner temptation. Director Yan closed his eyes, thinking to himself that as a middle-aged man, there was no need to be cowardly. Then, he stood up, holding the cake in both hands.

In the pitch-black hotel room, a person suddenly rushed out from the sofa, facing the wall opposite the sofa. Wen Li and Song Yan were still flirting when Wen Li's gaze casually swept over. This one glance instantly shocked Wen Li.

"What the hell is this?"

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Song Yan was startled by Wen Li's exclamation at first, then turned his head and was startled too. His expression was astonished, his pupils slightly dilated. He immediately reached out and pressed the light switch.

The room instantly lit up when Song Yan narrowed his eyes, seeing clearly that this person was Director Yan.

Under their stunned gazes, Director Yan cleared his throat and said, "Good evening."



The couple showed no respect and remained silent in response to his greeting.

Feeling embarrassed, Director Yan thought he couldn't bear this alone, so he yelled with a stiff scalp, "Where is everyone? Turn on the lights! Are we going to sing the birthday song or not?"

Before they could react to what Director Yan meant, Wen Wen, who was hiding behind the side sofa, stood up first.

Wen Li's pupils collapsed. With each additional person emerging in the room, the temperature on her face rose.

Behind the table, behind the curtains, they emerged like groundhogs, one after another. If she had a hammer at this moment, she might have fiercely struck their heads.

Song Yan pursed his lips, his handsome features slightly distorted. His eyelids trembled, and finally, he closed his eyes and turned his head to try to ignore everything.

The expressions of everyone present were very complicated, and for a moment, it was unclear who was more embarrassed.

At this moment, Director Yan took out a lighter from his pocket and lit the candles on the cake, signaling everyone, "Get ready, sing—"

He tried to push the atmosphere to the pinnacle of awkwardness and discomfort. Today, no one in the room would have it easy.

A group of office "animals" clapped their hands for the year-end bonus and sang in various tones.

"Wishing you a happy birthday—"

"Goodbye to all the troubles! Bye! Bye! Hi to all the happiness! Hi! Hi! Dear Teacher Wen! Happy! Birthday! Every day is wonderful!"


It was suffocating, much more suffocating than having a birthday celebration at the bottom of the sea.

Wen Li even felt that today was not her birthday, but her funeral.

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Everyone present was an adult. They have their dignity, so no one mentioned what happened before the lights came on. Wen Li stiffly blew out the candles, stiffly thanked all the staff and guests of the program, and stiffly expressed her gratitude.

Finally, after enduring these long hours, the staff quickly left. The three female guests fled like they were escaping a disaster, while the three male guests, with slightly thicker skin, didn't appear as embarrassed in their departure. Especially Qiu Hong; he didn't even have the slightest bit of shame and awkwardly laughed at Song Yan and Wen Li.

"Haha, we're all cleared out. You guys continue where you left it off."

Wen Wen also wanted to escape with the others. She tried to sneak away amidst the crowd, relying on her short stature, but ended up being grabbed by the arm by Wen Li.

The other staff members of the program cast sympathetic glances at her but left without looking back.

"What's going on?" Wen Li almost bit her teeth in frustration, "Damn it! Did you conspire with the program team to deceive me? You want to pack up and leave, don't you!"

Wen Wen was on the verge of tears, "Sister, I had no idea that you and Teacher Song would just..."

She couldn't continue what she wanted to say.

"Just what?!" Wen Li had reached a point of shame where she lost her sanity, "Haven't you heard of the phrase 'abstinence makes the heart grow fonder'?!"

Wen Wen's face was red, and she had no choice but to turn to Song Yan, seeking help with her eyes.

Song Yan rubbed his forehead forcefully, sighing deeply.

So, this was Director Yan's surprise.

Blaming anyone now was pointless because what was done was already done.

After driving away the others, Wen Li collapsed on the sofa, speaking to Song Yan in a desperate tone, "I want to die."

That night, Wen Li couldn't sleep. And when she finally managed to fall asleep, she dreamt that she was stripped naked and thrown on the road, with everyone pointing and gossiping about her. She ran desperately, only to encounter Song Yan, who was also stripped naked, halfway through her escape.

Seeing that Song Yan was just as miserable, Wen Li, in her dream found some consolation and even let out a laugh.


While Song Yan was still negotiating with Director Yan on WeChat late into the night, he suddenly heard strange laughter coming from the person on the bed. He leaned over to see what was happening, only to find that she was still asleep but had a peculiar smile on her face.

"Teacher Song, what a coincidence. You're not wearing any clothes either..."

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Song Yan: "......?"

The favoritism towards the guests had been going on for a while now. They were now in the penultimate episode, with the second season nearing its end. For the sake of ratings, the program team had to be a bit selfish.

Director Yan's stance this time was extremely firm.

It was impossible to delete everything entirely. At most, they could obscure the pronunciation of certain words that weren't quite suitable.

They were determined to the point that it was almost like resorting to death.

Well, forget it. They could just disconnect the internet on the day the show aired.

But this was the internet age It wasn't easy to disconnect from the internet. They certainly couldn't stay at home on the day of the show, so Wen Li chose to hide directly at her family's home.

Song Yan actually didn't want to go to Wen's family house, but Wen Li insisted that he accompany her, so he had no choice but to comply.

Today, the only female member of the Wen family was coming back home, so naturally, several men put aside their matters and waited for her to return home.

As a result, this Saturday, apart from Wen Li and her husband returning home, Uncle Wen Yan also commanded Xu Li to come back home.

Xu Li finished recording the talent show and moved out of the joint dormitory, so he had no excuse to decline coming back home.

So, the three of them traveled back to Wen's family house in one car, but their expressions weren't too good, as if they were on a journey to hell.

Wen Li and Song Yan took advantage of the temporary break from the show and sought refuge at Wen's family home. At the same time, the official Weibo account of [In This World With You] delayed the release of the preview for the first episode.

In This World With You:「#SaltGrainPreview# The penultimate episode is here, here, here! The program team has specially prepared a thrilling surprise for Teacher Wen @Wen Li Litchi! But unexpectedly, there was another surprising twist. Can you guess what the surprise is? Saturday night, 8 o'clock, the penultimate episode, open your mouth and eat candy!」

Before clicking on the preview, most of the comments in the comment section were like this:

「Is the program team already deluding themselves?」

「I'm hooked. If there's no intriguing twist, I won't turn back.」

「Oh, can't you stop making me use a microscope to pick out sugar and give me some easy-to-enjoy industrial sugar?」

「Trashy male program team, I don't believe a single word you say now.」

「Can't be true, can't be true. Are there still people who believe in this dog-like program team?」

「If it's so easy for you to coax me back, then I'll do a live stream of myself doing a handstand while having diarrhea, okay?」

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