The Top Efficiency Cultivator

Chapter 11.1: 11.1


◎ Have You Ever Been Punished to Copy? ◎

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Before the canyon of One-Line Heaven Mountain, a huge humanoid pit had been created.

Sun Lao and others from the caravan were hiding inside the carriages, filled with both surprise and joy.

Zhou Xuanwu stared at those pink gloves with red threads and the swift figure, his eyes wide open.

At the third level of Qi Condensation, the aura emanating from her body remained at the third level.

However, the continuous stream of spiritual energy within her body flowed, converged, and condensed at the forefront of those pink gloves.

With one punch, it seemed as if the power of a hundred third-level Qi Condensation cultivators was converging into a single point, erupting with the force of thunder!

This was the first time he had witnessed such an operation.

“Old Sun, you all should leave in the carriage first!”

Compared to the relaxed expressions of the members of the merchant caravan, Zhou Xuanwu’s expression remained tense.

Old Sun in the carriage was taken aback; he thought everything was fine now.

“After all, she… isn’t at the Foundation Establishment stage.”


Zhou Xuanwu’s gaze was heavy.

Despite the strength of the spiritual energy on Lin Shuang’s fist, she was still at the Qi Condensation stage. She couldn’t execute a Foundation Establishment killing blow power.

Once her spiritual energy was exhausted and she couldn’t recover as quickly as a Foundation Establishment cultivator, she would be in danger.

At this moment, she was only temporarily in control.

Zhou Xuanwu shouted, “Old Sun, keep going for another two hours, and you’ll reach the Hongxing Town up ahead!”

Old Sun and the martial practitioners of the caravan all had serious expressions.

Zhou Xuanwu struggled to turn his head again. “Xiao Junior Brother, this is a mission undertaken by our Clearwater Sect. It has nothing to do with you.”

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Xiao Qi was taken aback.


“I request that you leave as soon as possible!”

After saying this, Zhou Xuanwu gathered his last bit of strength, tightly gripped his sword, and walked towards the intense battle between Lin Shuang and the evil cultivator in the pit.

Indeed, the next moment, Lin Shuang’s delicate figure suddenly halted in midair, and her pink fist stagnated.

Her abundant spiritual energy seemed to recede like an ebbing tide, gradually weakening until it vanished.

Zhou Xuanwu smiled bitterly.

He knew it.

Qi Condensation cultivators had limited spiritual energy, and they couldn’t compare to the endurance of Foundation Establishment cultivators.

He quickened his pace, not noticing Xiao Qi’s complex expression of wanting to speak but holding back.

“Damn it!”

The Foundation Establishment’s evil cultivator finally broke free from the continuous barrage of punches, gasping as he leaped out of the pit.


“Ding, Little Love reminds you that you’ve completed today’s fat-burning exercise within the time it takes for an incense stick to burn.”

A soft and cute voice sounded from within Lin Shuang’s sleeve.

The evil cultivator’s figure paused, “?”

Zhou Xuanwu’s eyebrows twitched.


Lin Shuang, seemingly unaware of the danger posed by the evil cultivator in front of her, nodded at the reminder and leisurely removed her gloves.

The announcement continued, “Rest for the time it takes to brew a cup of tea. The next activity is listening to sound healing music.”

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Liu Ba, the cultivator wielding the adamant hammer, took advantage of this momentary opening and swiftly swung the hammer toward the distracted Lin Shuang.

Zhou Xuanwu roared, “Be careful!”

However, in the blink of an eye, he saw the massive iron hammer, as Lin Shuang leaped momentarily and landed lightly on its head.

Liu Ba’s face changed, and he tried to pull back forcefully, but the hammer didn’t budge.

Lin Shuang lowered her head, her expression obscured, her tone flat but not pleased.

“Didn’t you hear? I said I’m taking a break.”

The evil cultivator: “!”

Zhou Xuanwu: “!”


Xiao Qi nodded with a knowing expression and rubbed his nose.

Liu Ba, the evil cultivator, experienced a drastic change in his expression. He released the grip on the iron hammer with his remaining right arm and retreated in an instant.

A mouthful of refined blood sprayed onto the flying sword pulled out from the mustard seed pouch.

Then, he turned and fled.


He had no chance of defeating this woman!

With one arm lost, his blood and qi had dropped to the level of an Initial Foundation Establishment cultivator. He should have been quickly dispatched with a single blow by this Qi Condensation female cultivator.

Just like the Qi Condensation cultivator at the ninth level he dealt with before, who couldn’t even last for three rounds against him.

However, he couldn’t beat her!

Although he didn’t know why, he could only flee!

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Luckily, this female cultivator’s mind was abnormal; she stopped fighting halfway through.

His luck had not yet run out!

Liu Ba’s back was drenched in sweat as he sprinted away.

But in the next instant, a gentle sigh sounded softly behind him.


“You owe me one Grade 5A scenic spot, a quarter of an incense stick’s time interrupted by the tomato timer, the time it takes to heal a fellow disciple, the mental distress…”

“Before you settle this debt, where do you think you’re going?”


She couldn’t possibly catch up.

He had escaped multiple times from pursuit by Foundation Establishment cultivators!

The evil cultivator Liu Ba burned a mouthful of refined blood, spraying it onto the tip of the sword. His speed instantly increased by half.

Equivalent to a high-level practitioner at the third stage of Qi Condensation, running at full speed.

Zhou Xuanwu had just wanted to say that it was pointless to chase a desperate enemy since it would be difficult to catch up.

However, he then saw a brand-new yellow paper talisman flying out from Lin Shuang’s right sleeve.

From her left sleeve, she flung out a sachet filled with ink.

“You want to use binding spirit talismans?”

Zhou Xuanwu’s talisman scores ranked second among the outer disciples.

In an instant, he understood.

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But he quickly shook his head, “No, Binding Spirit Talismans are only first level. They can only deal with cultivators below the ninth level of Qi Condensation or lower. To face someone at the Foundation Establishment level, you would need a dozen of them to form an array.”

Xiao Qi also raised his head to look over, muttering, “Then draw second-level talismans, third-level talismans.”

Zhou Xuanwu smiled wryly.

“Junior Brother Xiao, don’t forget we’ve only learned first-level talismans. Not to mention, the ink and paper quality for second-level talismans are vastly different.”

He pointed at the talisman paper flying out from Lin Shuang’s sleeve, “This is a first-level talisman paper given to disciples by the sect. When infused with spiritual energy, it forms a round moon symbol. How could I mistake it—”

But before he could finish, his words halted.

He looked closely and saw the talisman papers flying out from Lin Shuang’s sleeve, one after another, in succession…

A full twelve talismans, arranged in a row.

“… Junior sister, it’s too late!”

Twelve talismans, one by one crafted, but the evil cultivator had long fled!

Yet, Lin Shuang stood on the broadsword, seemingly unperturbed.

Following closely behind the escaping evil cultivator, from her mustard seed pouch, twelve wolf hair brushes flew out.

With the wind rustling the clouds, she held six in one hand.

Upon the twelve talisman papers arranged in two rows, left and right, she skillfully wielded all twelve brushes simultaneously.

Twelve tips of brushes moved in harmony.

Divine light surged.

The symbols opened.

Twelve sheets, first-level talismans, radiated a brilliant light!

Zhou Xuanwu: “!”

Xiao Qi: “…”

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