The Top Efficiency Cultivator

Chapter 2.1: Senior Sister's Second Lesson (Cu


◎ Shortest path, immersive teaching, understand them. ◎

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Clearwater Hall, Outer Sect.

Wooden hut number ninety-nine, although small with only two beds, a long chair, and a wooden table, every corner exuded a warmth that was both impressive and astonishing.

“Thank you, Senior Sister, for preparing dinner for me.”

Suppressing her inner excitement, Zhao Keran blushed and thanked Lin Shuang.

She wanted to ask more questions, but seeing that her senior sister had already plugged her ears, Zhao Keran quickly finished her dinner, washed the dishes with her last bit of strength, soaked her feet, and collapsed onto the creaking wooden bed.

Without delay, she opened “Research Discussion on the Fastest Cultivation Methods.”

[Map Section – The Shortest Routes between Labor points, Dining Hall, Transmission Hall, and Accommodation Wooden Huts.]

[Miscellaneous Tasks – Discussion on the Fastest Completion Times for 135 Different Menial Tasks.]


Zhao Keran looked at the miniaturized map of the Outer Sect, and the simplified explanations of different menial tasks, suddenly enlightened.

Outside the hut, the starry river twinkled, and the sound of spiritual frogs echoed.


Sitting on the long chair, Lin Shuang, after finishing the latest 143 chapters of the booklet, finally shifted her gaze to her roommate, who was ‘unconscious’ in the room.

Zhao Keran held a jade slip in her hand and stopped on the shortcut path – Map 83.

Her eyes were completely dark, breathing steadily, soundly asleep.

Lin Shuang approached, put away Little Ai, and embedded it in a pile of spirit stones to “recharge,” before slowly returning to her self-made comfortable sofa.

Eighty-five points.

Based on her observations over the past few days, among the 324 new Outer Sect disciples, Zhao Keran had a gentle temperament, spoke little, and was diligent.

She was the type of roommate who was easy to get along with and wouldn’t add unnecessary conflicts to her daily schedule.

After some thought, Lin Shuang turned her head and used a dust-cleansing technique on Zhao Keran, who hadn’t even taken off her outer robe and was sleeping soundly.


The next day, with the morning light shining brightly, Zhao Keran woke up to see her elegant senior sister, dressed in green, sitting at the small square table, writing with her left hand and drawing with her right.

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A silver claw floated above her head, the left chair played the news of Clearwater Sect for the day, and the right chair played the music of a music cultivator playing the zither.

She pursed her red lips around a transparent straw and sipped some spiritual tea.

Then she spoke, “You’re awake. Little Ai, open the window, heat the breakfast, and record today’s character practice for me.”

The first sentence was directed at Zhao Keran, while the second one was directed at the symbol puppet lion-dog.

Zhao Keran: “!”

Her senior sister was doing so many things at the same time, and she even noticed that she had woken up.

“You can do it too,” Lin Shuang replied, still having time to answer her. “It’s the golden 80-20 rule of time management. In your lifetime, 80% of important things can be accomplished in just 20% of the time.”


“Junior sister, you’re going to be late.”


“Ah!” Zhao Keran jumped up instantly, grabbed two steamed buns, and rushed out the door.

As she stepped out, she took a different route from the other disciples. According to the annotation on Map 32, she could walk southeast through the wheat field and pass by the spiritual spring well to collect water along the way. After that, whether it was watering the spiritual field or feeding the immortal crane, she could do it all without retracing her steps. This saved her at least half an hour.

Senior sister, who exactly are you?

While running, Zhao Keran pondered.

“Today’s news: A male cultivator who had been missing for several days near the Biquan Mountain in the Liuxian Village has been found, already deceased for two days. All disciples must be careful when going out…”

As Lin Shuang watched her junior sister leave, the news from Clearwater Sect played in her ears, causing her pen to pause.

Another disappearance and death.

Over the past few years, she had heard of more than a hundred such cases.

Her gaze fell on a faint scar between the left sleeve of her robe, winding from her left chest to her left arm and pinkie finger.

It was three inches long and had faded somewhat.

Seven years ago, when she transmigrated to this cultivation world, this body had a fatal wound that ran from her left chest to her left arm and pinkie finger.

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The original owner of this body died, but after she transmigrated, this damaged body miraculously healed.

After recovering from the injury, she left the place of her demise and joined Clearwater Sect.

Even after seven years of listening to news about the cultivation world, she still hadn’t found any clues about who the enemy was or whether they posed a threat to her.

“Today’s news: In the past seven years, there have been many conflicts between sects over the ownership of the spiritual springs…”


Fortunately, in these seven years, she had transformed from a little girl’s appearance and reverted to her true name, Lin Shuang.

Even if she encountered her enemies, they probably wouldn’t recognize her.

For now, there was no immediate danger.

Lin Shuang shook her head and paused her pen before continuing to write elegantly.

[Methods to Deal with Enemies]

[1. Become the strongest in the world, fear nothing (Current No1: Elder of Jade Balance Sect in seclusion, about to ascend, has been cultivating for 1452 years)]

[2. Create a fifth-order time regression talisman to find the true culprit (Requires cultivation to the God Refining realm)]

[3. Continue searching for other clues (Clues are currently missing)]

After finishing writing, Lin Shuang burned the paper into ashes.

Her eyes flickered.

At the normal pace… it would take a thousand years to become the strongest in the world.

As for the second method of the time regression talisman, it was difficult to obtain and buy.

If she made it herself, the youngest time regression talisman master in the Eastern Region was two hundred and one years old, while she had only been cultivating for seven years.

Lin Shuang shook her head.

Unless she encountered a dozen great opportunities combined, it would be impossible for now.

Forget it.

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Putting aside the unattainable goal would be the most efficient approach for now.

Otherwise, she would be dominated by unknown fear and lose sight of her priorities.

After half an incense stick’s worth of time, Lin Shuang put down her pen and sank into the soft cushion of her bed, her eyes lost in thought.

If she had a divine sense in her previous life, coupled with the tomato timer, she wouldn’t have to work overtime every night.

It was still dark, and the immortal cranes had not yet cried.

Zhao Keran opened her eyes and quietly got out of bed, stealing a glance at Lin Shuang, her senior sister, who was still sleeping peacefully with a sweet smile.

After more than ten days of menial labor, she had been trying to follow her senior sister’s fourth article on labor efficiency, working on two tasks simultaneously. For example, while cleaning the table and sweeping the floor, she would also stew breakfast, and she finally found herself getting faster.

However, she still couldn’t manage to do the menial tasks, cultivate, cook for her senior sister, and clean the room all at the same time.

So, seven days ago, she had gritted her teeth and started waking up an hour earlier.

While working, she recited her senior sister’s collection of the fastest cultivation techniques.

“Good morning, Xiao Ai.” Zhao Keran greeted the paper lion-dog symbol on the ground, even though it was not activated and completely unresponsive to her.

She also applied a soundproofing charm to her senior sister’s wooden bed before starting to clean the wooden house.

After finishing all the tasks, Zhao Keran set off ahead of schedule to the outside spiritual field to tend to the Lingzhi grass assigned to her.

Gently closing the wooden door, as she turned around, she didn’t notice that Lin Shuang on the bed inside had already opened her eyes at some point.

With a satisfied look, she watched her leave.

“Zhao junior sister, I heard that you chose the ‘Haohui Jue’ in the Transmission Hall.” Senior Brother Xu Rui, wearing a Daoist crown and carrying two symmetrically balanced Bagua swords, called out to Zhao Keran after her chores were done.

“Haohui Jue” was a lesser-known technique in Clearwater Sect.

It was extremely difficult to cultivate in the early stages, and over the years, fewer and fewer disciples chose it.

“Yes,” Zhao Keran nodded.

Her father had said that she needed to build a solid foundation in cultivation.

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Although Haohui Jue was difficult in the early stages, once she broke through to the third level, it would become much faster.

She had taken a liking to it at first glance in the transmission hall, and as long as she persevered through the initial stage, she could use it all the way to the inner sect.

Senior Brother Xu Rui’s expression was complicated, as Zhao Keran had no idea what path she had chosen for herself.

“Junior Sister, every thirty days, the transmission master will assess the disciples. If there’s no progress, it will be recorded as a minor failure. After three times, you’ll be advised to leave.”

Zhao Keran: “!”


“Oh no, Dad, Mom, and Big Brother I’m done for…”

“Resonate the primordial soul and embrace unity… I did it exactly as instructed, converging spiritual energy, entering the dantian, but why is there no response at all?”

Back in her wooden house, the exhausted Zhao Keran dared not sleep anymore.

Normally, she would practice cultivation for two hours but now she was performing intense exercises for four hours!

However, after sitting for a while, not only did Zhao Keran not feel any illumination before her eyes, but instead felt more stuck than ever.

Sure enough, should she have followed other disciples and chosen a different technique?

She had been too eager for faster progress in her cultivation and greatly overestimated herself.

Even the steward, Senior Brother Xu Rui, had chosen the simpler “Water Spirit Technique,” and her considerate Senior Sister Lin Shuang had also mentioned it in her guide to the fastest cultivation techniques.


Not listening to her senior sister’s advice, she truly regretted it.

Zhao Keran gazed at Lin Shuang, her senior sister, who had already finished dinner and was sitting on the bench, looking at picture albums, wearing earplugs, and smiling.


She also wanted to be like her senior sister, elegantly cultivating for half an hour every day, and then lying down~

Why was she so stubborn?

“No, I can’t give up like this, I have to continue!”

Zhao Keran continued to wake up early and return late for more than ten days, meditating every night.

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