The Top Efficiency Cultivator

Chapter 20.1: 20.1


Sister’s Twentieth Lesson (Cultivation)

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◎ When tired, take a break and gaze into the distance, eyes sharp as a hawk. ◎

To address her physiological needs, Lin Shuang dashed away with her sword.

Her sky-blue sleeves fluttered in the wind, and the red cord in her sleeve flew high, almost touching Huangfu Yuan’s face.

Bai Yu was riding his sword, carrying Huangfu Yuan with him. At this moment, he was completely stiff and had forgotten to move aside.

He had just remembered…

The memories of the dead were attacking him again!

Today was Lin Shuang’s… fat-burning, sweating day!

Bai Yu was in a daze.


Several hundred miles away.

Meng Zi stood on the flying table and he led the three evil cultivators towards his sword techniques.


“The other two are yours!” He shouted to his two colleagues from the Annihilation Pavilion.

With third-tier speed-enhancing talismans under his feet, Meng Zi could escape at any time. He engaged in guerrilla tactics, taking on three opponents and occasionally harassing them.

“Ranked 1023rd on the Nascent Soul Stage wanted list, with a bounty of two thousand spirit stones… 944th, with a bounty of three thousand five hundred spirit stones… Wanted 491st, with a bounty of five thousand five hundred spirit stones… Huh?”

Meng Zi counted the spirit stones, his eyes shining. But as he turned around, he saw that one of his preys was missing.


He was worth a whopping five thousand five hundred spirit stones!

“Where’s my money?!”

Hearing Meng Zi’s furious roar, Zhao Ming, who had been chasing one of the fleeing evil cultivators, blinked and was already within a hundred steps of Meng Zi.


But with his shout, Zhao Ming felt a rush of wind beside him.

In the corner of his eye, he saw a broadsword like a shooting star, dragging a long silver claw hook, closely following a black-robed evil cultivator, pulling him into a small grove in an instant!

“Zhen Nan Mountain?!”

Zhao Ming’s eyelids twitched.

Zhen Nan Mountain, at the third layer of the Nascent Soul stage, had a relatively low cultivation level, but he was extremely ruthless and ranked 491st on the Nascent Soul wanted list.

Ten years ago, he slaughtered a village, and seven years ago, he massacred 113 members of an immortal cultivation family.

He looked at the small grove in shock. Whose broadsword was this? Was there a fourth person from the Annihilation Pavilion here?

【Ding! You’ve burned 292 calories! Hang in there for a little longer. You’re doing great~】

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The small grove swayed.


The burly evil cultivator looked at the cute girl in pink with fear in his eyes.

This girl had charming features, but at the moment, sweat dripped from her forehead, one drop at a time.

She was panting heavily, and her hands, clad in gloves, were trembling, slowing down her movements.

【Rest for 5 seconds. Prepare for the next move, swinging the battle rope.】

【Let’s work on those arm muscles!】

The strange, cute commentary made the burly evil cultivator’s neck turn cold, and he turned to run. But in an instant, his back was pulled by two heavy ropes, dragging him back like waves.

“Don’t move. I’m almost at my limit, I don’t even have the strength in my fingers…”

“In the last three minutes… you better not make any unnecessary moves, or I’ll get angry…”

The burly evil cultivator: “!”

Sweat dripped from her forehead onto the green grass.

The ends of the ropes she was holding were soaked with sweat from her hands.

【Congratulations, you’ve completed the 124th Hell-Level Fat-Burning III Course.】

【Great job! The next Hell-Level Fat-Burning session will be in seven days~】

Lin Shuang heard the voice and finally took a long breath.

She took out a clean towel from her sleeve and pressed it against her red and hot face. Her legs were trembling, and she leaned against a tree, squatting down, and poked the last evil cultivator who had fallen unconscious during the fight.


She picked up the mustard bag he had dropped on the ground.

There were three to four hundred spirit stones, some elixirs, a small knife, and poison.

Nothing else.

She searched through it twice but didn’t find any suspicious bones or the like.

Lin Shuang lowered her eyelashes.

Although they were all evil cultivators, didn’t they have any peculiar habits? Were they not associated with Liu Ba and his golden hammer?

Well, it seemed like her attempt to kill two birds with one stone had failed.

She suddenly lost interest and wiped the sweat from her face as she walked out of the small grove.

The assassins from the Annihilation Pavilion had distinctive attires, all dressed in black with bamboo hats and masks.

Outside the grove, a masked man was fighting an emaciated old man, who had suffered seven or eight bloody wounds. His attire was similar to the person Lin Shuang had just robbed, clearly from the Annihilation Pavilion as well.

“Well, here you go.”

Lin Shuang panted as she flew up to them, still holding the unconscious burly evil cultivator, and dropped him at the feet of the masked man.

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Zhao Ming, who was locked in combat with the emaciated evil cultivator, turned his head, his eyes widening.

Zhen Nan Mountain, like a dead fish, was still twitching. Was he killed just like that?

The emaciated old man was hesitating whether to flee. Then he saw the female cultivator, who had wiped her face with a towel, climb onto her flying sword. Her legs became weak, and she almost fell onto the sword.

Fortunately, she reacted quickly and propped herself up on the sword.

But her hands were trembling so badly that she could barely support herself.

Her spiritual energy was so weak that it was almost imperceptible.

The emaciated old man was overjoyed, while Zhao Ming felt a heavy heart.

“Young female cultivator, wait here, we’ll deal with this one first!” The emaciated old man grinned wickedly.

“Or you can both come at me!” he added.

Lin Shuang was panting heavily.

The Hell-Level Difficulty III Fat-Burning, which occurred once every seven days, was much more exhausting compared to the introductory fat-burning that took place every two days.

After completing one session, she just wanted to lie down.

With great effort, she let out a long sigh and said, “I’m sorry, but I’ve already finished my fat-burning for today.”

Zhao Ming was bewildered.

Fat… burning?

Wasn’t that the fat-burning thing that Junior Brother Xiao Qi had mentioned in his note?

Was this the woman Junior Brother lost to so outrageously?

“Fat… burning exercise…?” Zhao Ming recalled.

“Huh? What did you say? Speak louder!” The old man frowned and looked at him.

Lin Shuang raised her eyebrow slightly, and her broadsword beneath her suddenly soared into the sky.

Zhao Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

Her departure was a burden to him.

The flying swords she left behind were swaying left and right, apparently due to insufficient spiritual energy to control them steadily.

“Your opponent is me!” Zhao Ming immediately attracted the old man’s attention with a swift strike towards the black serpent accompanying him.

However, before the attack could land, the old man’s scythe cut through Zhao Ming’s right arm, tearing flesh and revealing bone.

“Gah, I told you; no one has ever seen me leave alive!” The emaciated old man squinted his eyes and grinned maliciously.

Far away, the Annihilation Pavilion assassins, who were dressed in disheveled clothes, were in over their heads, attempting to take on two opponents at once and struggling to defend themselves.

In another area, another assassin was locked in a fierce battle and couldn’t gain the upper hand.

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“No one can save you! Die for me!” The old man shouted.

Zhao Ming’s blood, now flowing down his sword, thought of what Junior Brother Seven had told him before. He was going back in four days, which made him smile bitterly.

The two enhancement talismans from the mustard bag had all been used up.

Was he really going to meet his end here this time?

From the day he entered the Annihilation Pavilion, he had been prepared for this.

When you go out into the world, there will always come a day when you meet your end.

Zhao Ming’s back was drenched in sweat. When the black serpent bit him once again, he reached for the communication stone in his ring.

With a gentle touch, he sent out the divine sense that he had prepared before each mission.

[Junior Brother Seven, this time I might be away for a long time.]

[Take care of yourself. Don’t worry about me.]

After sending the message, Zhao Ming gritted his teeth and rushed toward the evil cultivators.

Just as he was about to burn his Nascent Soul Golden Dan and forcibly elevate his cultivation level, a voice, exhausted but clear, came from mid-air.

“One hundred and twenty breaths.”


Zhao Ming raised his head in confusion.

“Hold on for one hundred and twenty breaths.”

The self-damaging secret technique that Zhao Ming was operating instantly stalled.

What did she mean by one hundred and twenty breaths? After that, was she going to start… fat-burning again?

“No, my next exercise is to practice the Fire Eyes and Golden Vision technique.”



The Fire Eyes and Golden Vision technique, what use was there for it?!

Zhao Ming and the emaciated old man continued to battle, both of them having this absurd and incomprehensible thought in their minds at the same time.

Someone was still practicing the Fire Eyes and Golden Vision technique at this time? This ridiculous technique?

Low-level, worthless, and the manual for this technique was unreasonably thick!

Twenty years ago, cultivators used it to prop up their tables.

“Haha, did I hear it correctly? Is it that storyteller who has been practicing for a hundred years and created the Fire Eyes and Golden Vision technique?”

The emaciated old man couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

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Zhao Ming was left with a bitter taste in his mouth.

The creator of this technique was said to be highly skilled in selective quoting and literary nonsense.

He had serialized the technique for a total of 144 chapters, each of which had ten small realms!

A total of 1,440 levels!

“I heard that he only practiced to a little over five hundred levels himself, and it took him eighty years.”

The emaciated old man laughed so hard that his scythe shook.

“In the end, after all that, his eyesight was only at the Nascent Soul low level. The Ancestral Master must be rolling in his grave!”

Eighty years, with no lack of talent, were enough to enter the Nascent Soul level.

What was the use of practicing this Fire Eyes and Golden Vision technique?!

It was evaluated by the Myriad Blossoms Tower as the most ridiculous technique of all time, without exception!

The emaciated old man wasn’t in a hurry to kill Zhao Ming. Instead, he looked at the broadsword in mid-air and the pink-clad woman who was patting her forehead with a towel.

He burst into laughter and said, “How many levels have you reached in your practice? It’s been so many years since I’ve heard this joke!”

Zhao Ming smiled bitterly without saying a word.

But in an instant, he heard the woman’s clear response.

“Well, today is the day I broke through to level 916.”


“What… what?”

[Ding, Fire Eyes Golden Gaze technique, 916th level, progress: 97%.]

[Please focus. It is estimated that after gazing into the distance 13 more times, you will reach the full 916th level.]

A strange, soft voice echoed in the air again.

Zhao Ming and the old man were dumbfounded.

“It’s impossible. I’ve never heard of…” The old man started to laugh.

But halfway through, his throat was choked.

[Three more times are required.]

[…One time.]

[Congratulations, you have reached level 916!]

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