The Top Efficiency Cultivator

Chapter 21.3: 21.3


Lin Shuang stubbornly refused to break through, even though her real strength had reached the peak of the Gasification stage. However, her dantian still showed the third layer of Gasification, as genuine as it could be.

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But just as he was thinking, he heard Zhao Keran’s excited voice.

“Oh my! Senior Sister has made a breakthrough!”


Xu Rui’s expression of distress and worry was only halfway formed on his face.

He looked up at the projection and saw Lin Shuang sitting cross-legged on the cushion closest to the door.

It was strange that she didn’t choose the seat closest to the door today.

Xu Rui’s thoughts flashed for a moment.

Then he saw the golden light of the assessment enveloping her whole body start to flicker.

[Qi Condensation Level Three → Level Four]

The words appeared on the assessment stone within the coverage.

The golden light of the assessment, upon contact with the upgrading spiritual energy, opened in an instant.


[Assessment Passed!]

Xu Rui was stunned.

Today, she cooperated so well…

He lowered his head and checked the communication stone; the message from the inner sect senior brother was also stuck.

[“Is she practicing very slowly…”]





[“Damn, why is she so fast!?”]

“No wonder she’s Senior Sister.”

Zhao Keran looked up with awe and admiration.

“She broke through faster than sending messages.”

Xu Rui: “…”

Zhou Xuanwu: “…”

But in the next moment, the second golden light barrier in the image in front of them closed in an instant.

[Qi Condensation Level Four → Level Three]

[Failed! Please try again!]



Before they could speak, this light barrier inexplicably opened and closed several times.

Level Three → Level Four

Level Four → Level Three

Pass, fail, pass, fail…

In the formation, Lin Shuang in her green robe with a red cord tied to her sleeves sat with her eyes closed.

Her pitch-black eyelashes were reflected by the repeatedly flashing light barrier, sometimes bright as snow, sometimes dark as the abyss.

[“Xu Rui, you must save her quickly!”]

[“You guys from the outer sect have ruined the ten-year Zhencuan trial!!”]

Xu Rui: “…!”

Zhou Xuanwu: “…”

Zhao Keran: “…”

Indeed, she’s Senior Sister.

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Zhencuan, the trial cave on the 349th floor.

For a change, Lin Shuang chose the middle cushion closest to the cave entrance.



She glanced at the pale-faced, slightly trembling eyelashes of Huáng Fǔyuān, who sat beside her.

She saw him cross-legged, holding a silver-threaded hand furnace for warmth. There was a ring of bright red fox fur around his pale, slender neck, making his skin appear almost translucent.

He looked as if he would collapse with a single gust of wind.

Lin Shuang shook her head inwardly.

She, Lin Shuang, wanted to become the fastest cultivator, and not disappoint the expectations of Grandmother Dean.

But speed should come with wisdom.

When traveling, one should make way for the elderly, weak, sick, and pregnant.

Lin Shuang felt embarrassed to snatch a seat from this handsome man who was panting even when talking.

Thinking about it, she gave herself a mental pat on the back with a smile.

She continued to sit cross-legged in this trial formation.

In each of the three trial barriers, there was a trial stone.

[Enter the cave: Qi Condensation Level Three.]

[Ascend one level to leave.]

As soon as she sat down on the cushion, she triggered the question on this trial stone.

She was indeed lucky.

This morning, her original plan was to practice for one incense stick’s worth of time.

Lin Shuang was extremely satisfied.

As expected, as she triggered the question in this light barrier, she found that, as Meng Zhi had said, it was filled with six to seven times more spiritual energy than outside the sect.

The Zhencuan trial was not only an assessment but also a great opportunity for disciples.

Many disciples could use it as an opportunity to break through.

She was lucky to have picked up a big bargain.

Lin Shuang felt ecstatic and quickly focused her mind.

108 threads of divine sense in her Linghai were all awakened.

In an instant, like 108 thick spider silk threads, they shot out and adhered to the spiritual energy in the light barrier, entering her body with thunderous force.

Today’s number four dantian, which was on duty inside her body, was stimulated and revolved rapidly.

It couldn’t bear the load and quickly exhaled a small Qi Condensation Spirit.

In succession, these events repeated.

Continuously dozens of times.

Lin Shuang closed her eyes and observed inside. The newly generated Qi Condensation Spirits gradually grew larger.

“Well, let’s call you the 92nd Dantian.”

It had just been born, and the fluctuations of spiritual energy were very strong, fresh, and vibrant.

The trial stone in the light barrier immediately displayed the text.

[Qi Condensation Level Three → Level Four!]

Lin Shuang smiled.

Two Qi Condensation Level Three dantians had the power equivalent to Qi Condensation Level Four.

She got the data.

The trial barrier opened in an instant.

[Trial Passed!]

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Lin Shuang smiled broadly.

She was ready to stand up, but when she looked around, her smile froze.

Meng Zhi was still practicing on her left, with his big sword resting on his knee.

“Junior Sister Lin, in this level advancement trial, a time-stagnation formation is set up. One year inside is equivalent to one day outside.”

Lin Shuang remembered what Huang Fuyuan had said before entering the trial and breathed a sigh of relief. Then, she turned to look at the right side, near the cave entrance.

She saw Huang Fuyuan sitting there, his eyes closed tightly. His handsome face had turned even paler, and his lips were strikingly red.

When Lin Shuang glanced at him, he reached into his chest and took out a small bottle, pouring three pills with rich spiritual energy into his mouth.

Lin Shuang’s eyelid twitched.

One was still practicing, and the other was still taking pills.

Neither of them had completed the trial.

She had completed it on her own, but she couldn’t leave.

Well, she might as well continue practicing for a while.

After all, the incense stick had not finished burning yet.

Lin Shuang thought this and closed her eyes again.

Immediately, the 92nd dantian entered a dormant state, leaving only the number four on duty.

[Qi Condensation Level Four → Level Three]

[Trial Failed!]

Soon, all 108 threads of divine sense shot out again, rushing toward the spiritual energy within the barrier.

The 93rd dantian gradually formed within the time-stagnation formation.

[Qi Condensation Level Three → Level Four]

[Trial Succeeded!]

Lin Shuang opened her eyes again and looked around.

They still haven’t made it.

She closed her eyes again.

[Qi Condensation Level Four → Level Three]

[Qi Condensation Level Three → Level Four]

[Trial Failed!]

[Trial Succeeded.]

[Trial Succeeded.]

The 97th dantian was formed!

Lin Shuang opened her eyes and helplessly looked around again.

Help, they still haven’t made it?

One year inside the formation, one day outside.

She had spent sixty-eight days inside the formation.

“Chen Sheng, Wu Xing, Zhao Zhikai, Qi Condensation Level Four 349th Floor Trial Succeeded!”

“I’ve been meditating alone in the mountains, and shadows have become three people: it took 186 days.”

“For now, you’re the first in this level. Congratulations to the three of you. You can go to the scenic courtyard to check the rewards for this level.”

Above the air, the congratulatory red list silk ribbon, accompanied by the elderly’s congratulatory voices, floated past Lin Shuang.


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Is it their level?

?? It took 186 days?

Lin Shuang instantly caught the sensitive words in the red list.

It would take nearly half a year for this level.

Isn’t this too long?

Every half year, she had to go on a spring and autumn trip, not to mention the holidays in winter and summer.

She didn’t want to be stuck in this time-stagnation formation for over 180 days.

“Huang Fuyuan, are you awake?”

“Meng Xiong, are you awake?”

“Haven’t you broken through yet? How much longer?”

Huang Fuyuan: “…”

Meng Zhi: “…?”

What did this mean? She had already broken through?!

Meng Zhi opened his eyes and saw that she was already standing in front of him.

“Well, I’ve broken through. I’ve read the scriptures in the mustard seed bag seven times, and I’ve repeated the paintings three times. I also learned three new symbols…”


“If it’s going to take you a long time, I can secretly give you some tips to accelerate your cultivation?”

Lin Shuang couldn’t hold it any longer.


Impossible, absolutely impossible.

He, Meng Zhi, needed her to give him tips for speeding up his cultivation? That was a ridiculous idea!

If his Junior Brother Xiao Bai heard about it, he would be so disappointed.

But after Meng Zhi completed a small circulation, he opened his eyes, sneered, and glared at Lin Shuang.

He saw her take a book from the mustard seed bag, faintly inscribed with the words “Fastest Cultivation.”

Then, she flipped through it, tore out a piece of paper, and shot it toward the space between him and Huang Fuyuan.

Just as he was about to shout in anger, he saw the elegant writing on it.

[“The Fastest Cultivation of the Foolish Bird Flies First”]

Who is the foolish bird?

Meng Zhi stared wide-eyed but was astonished after reading the next line of text.

“Is there a way to make the dantian burst with double or even triple the speed, improving its potential?”

“Yes, the method is summarized as follows:

1. When you find yourself in a fat-burning exercise, your heart rate is high, and your internal spiritual energy circulates faster with your blood, this is the time for accelerated cultivation.”

Meng Zhi was taken aback.

What is fat burning?

Heart rate?

But the more he read, the more bewildered he became.

“2. If you encounter a situation where you cannot burn fat, you can take a hot water herbal bath. High temperatures can accelerate the circulation of spiritual energy.”

Meng Zhi: “???”

“3. Take pills.”

“4. If the above conditions are not available, use the Number One Line Rail Transit Method.”

Meng Zhi: “???”

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“The Number One Line Rail Transit Method: Divide spiritual energy into multiple streams. The first stream departs, and after 120 breaths, the second stream departs, and another 120 breaths later, the third stream departs… In this way, multiple ‘subways’ of the small circulation can run simultaneously in the body! Pay attention to the intervals, don’t let spiritual energy collide! In this way, you can cultivate at a speed multiple times faster.”

“Junior sister, have you learned it? Starting tomorrow, there will be random spot checks.”

Meng Zhi: “…”

Who is the junior sister?

Huang Fuyuan looked at the ink and fell into thought. Especially the last line, “Junior sister, have you learned it?” The ink seemed a bit faded, and there were creases on the paper as if it had been crumpled.

– So, this is the reason you changed from a girl to a boy, ran into the inner door, and refused to say anything? This junior sister is you.

– Xiao Bai, you… didn’t learn it?

—Huang Fuyuan

Between the 2500th level of the mountain path in Zhenchuan, Bai Yu held the communication stone, looking at the familiar but blurry piece of paper in the image, his white feathers trembling.

“White junior sister, have you learned it? Tomorrow, your Senior sister will test you to see how fast your cultivation speed is.”

“Junior sister, how much of the Dantian Acceleration chapter have you mastered?”

The memories of the dead were attacking him again!

Bai Yu was at a loss.

At this point, he couldn’t hide it anymore. He had to come clean.

Yes, Lord…

“Xiao Bai Junior Brother, what’s wrong? Why do you look so pale? We just finished the 2500th level. Shall we go directly to the 2999th level?”

“I’m a terrible student…”


The foolish bird flies first.

The young master of the Yao tribe, who escaped into the inner door, grew up overnight and became a man.

From then on, he changed his name to Bai Yu.

“I can’t learn it, no matter how hard I try to learn the Rail Transit Cultivation Method… I don’t deserve to stay in the outer door…”


In the Outer Sect Management Office, in front of the projection stone.

Zhao Keran also looked up, gazing at the paper with the fuzzy but barely visible title “The foolish bird flies first..”

Her round face was full of admiration and reverence, and she couldn’t contain it.

She looked towards Lin Shuang, who had already laid down and was smiling as she fell asleep in the trial cave.

“So that’s it.”

Zhao Keran’s eyes shimmered with gratitude and awe.

“So, Senior Sister had already given me the answers to the Inner Sect assessments.”

Senior Brother Xu Rui: “…”

Senior Brother Zhou Xuanwu: “…”

“How to quickly break through – Study the first 1,234 pages of the Rail Transit Cultivation Method!”



“Senior Brother, can we set off for work in Zhenchuan now? I can’t afford to be much slower than Senior Sister.”

Note: Please note that the original Chinese text mentions a play on words with “The Fastest Cultivation of the Foolish Bird Flies First.” The term “foolish bird” is used here metaphorically and doesn’t refer to an actual bird. It implies someone who starts learning or cultivating before others, even if they are initially slow learners.

The author has something to say:

“Head Zhao’s Notes 21”: “Over the years, Senior Sister has been revising the Fastest Learning Manuscript. The one that Senior Sister received back then and the one I got later on are not the latest versions.”

– Zhou Xuanwu’s annotation: Too many words. Old version, four words are enough.

– Zhao Keran: …

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