The Top Efficiency Cultivator

Chapter 25.1: 25.1


Senior Sister’s 25th Lesson

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◎ How to Wake Up a Sleeping Person ◎

In the book house, Lin Shuang was puzzled.

The observing disciples were even more confused.

\[How did she find out? Twenty years ago, when I passed through, I was completely unaware……\]

\[Me too. During the 195 days in the book house, I repeated each day and woke up to nothing, but I couldn’t break free, nor did I notice anything unusual.\]

\[As an outer disciple, does she have some kind of spiritual treasure?\]

Lin Shuang’s spiritual treasure was herself.

In the projection array, she had no idea that she had caused astonishment in the sales office and among the senior brothers and sisters watching.

She simply repeated the actions of the previous day.

She still cultivated the “Returning Sword Technique,” just as before.

However, the exhaustion of Dantian No. 6 on duty, something she hadn’t experienced in two or three months, made her keenly aware.


“This double soreness, like doing abdominal exercises yesterday and doing them again today… How did this happen?”

Lin Shuang now had ninety-seven dantians in her body, coexisting peacefully, each taking a turn on duty.

So, there shouldn’t be Dantian No. 6 running low on energy so easily.

After Lin Shuang’s confusion, she first suspected her dantian.

She immediately switched to the seventh dantian and found that the feeling of fatigue had disappeared.

The seventh dantian was in a state of full spirit and energy.

But Dantian No. 6’s spirit and work attitude were lacking.

Something was wrong.


“If it’s not someone robbing me of my memory, then is it that I remembered it wrong myself?”

This was crucial; it would affect the scheduling of her subsequent dantian duties!

Frowning, Lin Shuang opened her diary scroll.

Fortunately, she was well-prepared and had recorded everything.

\[December 22nd\]

\[Entered Zhenchuan

4 Entered, ah, I’m dead (Dantian No. 5 on duty, consumed to 20%, too exhausted, fell asleep early)

5 Entered the Library of Ten Thousand Volumes, to be continued




Lin Shuang frowned. In the Library of Ten Thousand Volumes, it was indeed Dantian No. 6’s turn on duty.

That’s right.

Originally, there was nothing to do in the outer sect, one dantian per day.

But after coming to Zhenchuan, she had consumed a lot.

A project for each dantian.

Now it was No. 6’s turn.

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The diary matched her memory.

Dantians wouldn’t lie.

So, the soreness in Dantian No. 6 had only one explanation.

Lin Shuang raised her head, her clear gaze seeming to penetrate the high walls of the book house.

“Stole my memory, tampered with my diary?”


\[Junior Sister is on high alert!\]

\[She has discovered the truth and is so certain, without any hesitation in her speculation.\]


\[So, does anyone know what she means by the energetic Number Six? Number Six’s fatigue?\]

\[Hmm? I heard it was Number Six Pipa.\]

\[Number Six snoring???]

A bunch of Zhenchuan high-ranking senior brothers and sisters who had been silently peeking at the screen finally couldn’t help but speak out, amused and confused by Lin Shuang.

Soon, they were bewildered by the auditory illusions of the Zhenchuan trial.

\[It seems that this is important information for passing through. Zhenchuan believes that once it is announced, disciples will easily pass.\]

\[She looked at me outside the projection with questioning eyes, as if staring at me—I actually feel a bit scared.\]

\[Me too.\]

Senior Sister’s gaze is sharp!

Zhao Keran fell in love with this ‘housing management’ job; she looked at the seniors’ speeches and felt exceptionally proud.

“Senior Uncle, Senior Sister will pass soon, right?”

“This second-day cycle in the book house should have two more hours, there’s still time.”

Zhao Keran thought so, but soon she saw that the pink-robed Senior Sister’s gaze was not relaxed, but rather somewhat serious as she looked at the projection.

She glanced sideways, holding her breath involuntarily.

In the projection, Lin Shuang, who was in the inner room, got up from the bed and walked towards the outer room where Meng Zi and Huangfu Yuan were practicing sword and alchemy respectively.

\[She’s going to wake them up!\]

\[Experiencing it firsthand, I, a high-level Yuan Condensation stage cultivator, I’m very nervous. Are they about to pass??\]

\[Exciting. A hundred years ago, in this book house of suffering, it would have been great if someone had woken me up!\]

But in an instant, when Lin Shuang walked to the middle of the two rooms, the screen suddenly came alive!

Countless towering mountains, drifting clouds, and flowing water.

When Lin Shuang stepped forward, it was as if she was blocked by a towering mountain.

Outside, even Meng Zi and Huangfu Yuan, who were standing in front of her, seemed not to see her at all.

Lin Shuang’s gaze flickered, her steps stopped, and she tentatively reached out.

But it was like touching a towering mountain, unable to make any progress.

The hand she reached out, clenched into a fist in the air for a moment.


Lin Shuang opened her lips, but her lips moved, and no sound came out.

She frowned and tried again.

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As if muted, she couldn’t shout.

In the outer room, Meng Zi and Huangfu Yuan, only three or four steps away from her, seemed to be separated by a mountain.

She had no expression, looking at the mountain and sea screen in front of her, only to see the characters appear.

—Read ten thousand volumes.

—To know is to know, not to know is not to know.

—Prohibition in this room: You can never wake up someone who reads little.

Lin Shuang’s eyebrows twitched.

\[This screen is drawn by Zhenchuan Mountain ink! It can isolate two places, as if thousands of miles apart!\]

\[Is the difficulty really 1,200 level?\]

\[Thinking about it, I was so lucky to choose a simple cultivation method in the book house back then.\]

The speaking disciples were all sympathizing with Lin Shuang.

Behind the sales jade table in the resting cave, Zhao Keran looked a bit depressed.

The pink-robed woman glanced at her,

“In Zhenchuan, with three people in a team, there is cooperation, of course, individual abilities are also tested. No one can cheat their way through.”

“Can you rely on others in the outer sect?”

Zhao Keran bit her lip.

But in the tea cup in the hands of the pink-robed woman, there were ripples.

In the unseen places, faint patterns were emerging.

\[Disciple triggered the Book House Treasure: Screen of a Thousand Mountains and Waters.\]

\[Difficulty increased. If the disciple passes this level, the time is halved, and the rewards are doubled.\]

\[Triggered disciple: Lin Shuang. If she advances to the Foundation Building stage, she will have an additional opportunity to re-enter the Library of Ten Thousand Books.\]

The woman in pink forced herself to stay calm before placing the tea down.

It had been many years since such rewards were seen.

Lin Shuang, outer sect, Qi Condensation Realm.

She looked at Lin Shuang’s figure in the projection, her admiration barely concealed.

But soon, looking at Meng Zi and Huang Fu Yuan, she shook her head.

“It will soon be nightfall, and it’s time for the moment of forgetfulness again.”

“They are about to fall into a predicament again. Leaving only her knowing the truth is useless.”

Zhao Keran also felt helpless.

But as soon as she finished speaking, the pink-robed woman’s eyes froze.

A familiar question and answer came from the projection.

“What is the punishment for receiving criticism?”


“Consulting Question 1 or 2… What to do if cultivation is slow?”

Everything was as it used to be. Meng Zi seemed to see Lin Shuang practicing rapidly yesterday and had the same question today.

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The talisman-like Xiao Ai automatically replied.

“Ding, Xiao Ai has connected Xiao Qi’s messaging stone for you. He has partially grasped a method for rapid learning—”

\[Good gracious!\]

\[I actually forgot about their ‘yesterday’ matter!\]

\[Hahaha, the ‘Meng Zi’ looping in, still asking the same question! The communication between disciples in the Mountain and Sea Sect is amazing!\]

\[Can the Screen of a Thousand Mountains and Waters block Lin Shuang in the same room and still block the Mountain and Sea Sect disciples from answering?\]

\[Breakthrough is in sight!\]

\[Quick, quick, quick, Xiao Qi from the Mountain and Sea Sect outer sect, hurry and tell them, they asked the same question yesterday.\]

Unlike these three, Xiao Qi from the Mountain and Sea Sect was awake!

He was still outside the Zhenchuan trial!

“Impressive, Senior Sister.”

Outside the projection array, Zhao Keran was amazed. “Senior Sister taught me how to break through long ago, and there’s not just one way!”

“Stay in touch with friends, keep a daily journal, set the fastest contact, and automatic responses.”

“The second approach to this level was written by Senior Sister in ‘The Fastest Learning’!”

The pink-robed woman’s mouth twitched.


Her mockery was profound.

In an instant, Xiao Qi’s reply in the projection array dealt a heavy blow to Zhao Keran.

“Huh? Senior Brother Meng, Senior Brother Huangfu? Weren’t you guys—”

In the projection, both Huangfu Yuan and Meng Zi wore expressions of confusion.

But soon, a harsh, buzzing sound covered Xiao Qi’s strange counter-question.

“Zhenchuan’s spiritual energy is unstable. Please wait—”

“Automatic repair of the communication is in progress…”

After a pause of four or five breaths, a cheerful and noble voice sounded.

“Hey? Sister Lin Shuang, right? You finally have time to ask me for a fat-burning exercise!”

“Uh, Sister, don’t go. Lend me your sword to mortgage to the Clearwater Sect—”

‘Today’ Meng Zi and Huangfu Yuan listened to these words and twitched at the corners of their eyes, just like ‘yesterday’.

“Let me tell you, Sister Lin, I have already practiced the Golden Technique to—”

\[Are the Mountain and Sea Sect disciples affected too?\]

\[No, Zhenchuan Mountain Tower is treacherous and cunning. It blocked his real communication and reproduced his ‘yesterday’ answers!\]


All the projected text was helpless.

This was the disciples’ helplessness in the face of assessments.

Everything was at the discretion of the examiners.

Zhao Keran sat down angrily, wiping all the jade plaques in front of her with great force.

The woman in pink pressed her eyebrows.

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Another long-lost dark pattern appeared between her management jade plaques.

\[Disciple triggered Book House Treasure 2: Replication Mirror.\]

\[Difficulty increased. If the disciple passes this level, the time is halved, and the rewards are doubled.\]

\[Triggered disciple: Lin Shuang. When advancing to the Foundation Building stage, she will have an additional opportunity to re-enter the Library of Ten Thousand Books.\]

The pink-robed woman: “…”

Here it comes again!

\[Huangfu Yuan and Meng Zi, due to being obstructed twice, if they can spontaneously perceive the mist of the library and break out of the cycle, they will also receive an additional reward, a chance to enter the Library of Ten Thousand Books.\]

How was that possible?

Did they think the Replication Mirror and Cloud Mountain Mist were low-level spiritual treasures that anyone could break free from?

For a hundred years, very few disciples had discovered anomalies.

What this level tested was not the disciple’s ability to break out of the cycle but their mentality to perceive their strengths and avoid their weaknesses!

Only by choosing a suitable cultivation method could they successfully comprehend before sunset and leave the mist in the Library of Ten Thousand Books.

\[Library of Ten Thousand Books, Wu Xing… opened on the 173rd day.\]

\[Library of Ten Thousand Books 2, Chen Mu… on the 321st day…\]

\[Library of Ten Thousand Books 18, Yun He… on the 192nd day…\]

Projections of disciples in various predicaments in the library floated.

“It’s all about obsession.”

The woman in pink shook her head.

“The nature of the dantian and divine sense varies from person to person. Cultivation methods are like cave dwellings; being greedy for the high-level ones is useless, only seeking what suits you.”

Zhao Keran hesitated to speak.

“This Meng Zi, unfathomably foolish. He insisted on choosing the most expensive knife technique. How could he learn it before sunset?”

“Huangfu Yuan is even more absurd. He doesn’t even know a first-level pill, exploded the furnace three times, and doesn’t know to change his cultivation method!”

“Ridiculous! Blind to oneself, only seeing temptation. How can you pass this?”

The woman in pink scolded with a stern face.

Thinking about how the three of them had rejected her eight hundred cave dwellings just now made her scold even more vigorously.

As much ability as one has, one should live in the appropriate cave mansion!

Being picky.

Having lofty ambitions but low skills, in the library, they would be immersed in the cycle of practicing without reaching the second level.

“No way.”

Zhao Keran’s lips moved, looking at the cross-legged Lin Shuang in the projection, her eyes staring blankly.

The woman in pink was taken aback and shook her head.

“Even if she masters some kind of pyramid, she learns alone, but the other two will forget and continue to restart.”

\[Ah, look at Meng Zi, he seems to have found out!\]

\[Huh? Huangfu Senior Brother seems to have too!\]

The woman in pink: “???”


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