The Top Efficiency Cultivator

Chapter 26.2: 26.2


Zhao Keran washed the jade plaque with Rain Silk and wielded her sword with both hands.

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Under her feet, it was like running horses…

Xiao Bai.

Were you once like this?!

【6000 Spirit Stones, can be deducted from the basic expenditure of Inner Sect spiritual energy fees.】

【3000 Spirit Stones, can be deducted for the exchange of third-grade spiritual treasures and other items.】

【2000 Spirit Stones, usable throughout the Inner Sect.】

Lin Shuang received a red envelope of two thousand Spirit Stones for universal use.

In addition, there were two Zhenchuan Transfer Leaves with a scent of books in her mustard seed bag.

【Zhenchuan Transfer Leaf: 5000th level, Forest of Myriad Volumes (Accessible at the Qi Condensation realm);】

【Zhenchuan Transfer Leaf: 9000th level, Sea of Myriad Volumes (Accessible at the Foundation Establishment realm);】

Huangfu Yuan and Meng Zi each received two leaves for the 9000th level, one less than her.


She was perfectly satisfied this time.

Lin Shuang was pleased with the updated plan.

——Obtain more Transfer Leaves √√√

——Obtain more Layer Masters √√√

The perfectionist in her felt extremely comfortable.

“Third-grade spiritual treasures can be exchanged!”

Meng Zi was also intoxicated by this harvest.

In the previous three hundred levels and eight hundred levels, there were only first and second-grade elixirs and other items, and they had never exchanged them.


But this time, the Zhenchuan exchange permission for third-grade spiritual treasures was opened to them.

“Sister, all the third-grade spiritual treasures that can be exchanged are on this hundred treasures shelf.”

Zhao Keran introduced while moving her hands and feet.

She was also responsible for such tasks of entertaining Inner Sect disciples to exchange rewards. If disciples exchanged a lot, she could also get a certain percentage as a commission.

With that said, Zhao Keran released a divine sense, activating the Hundred Treasures Shelf.

The first shelf opened, full of first to third-grade elixirs for healing, treatment, dispelling negative states, etc.

The second shelf opened, and all were third-grade spiritual treasures, knives, swords, hairpins, rings, and even alchemy furnaces.

The third shelf was relatively messy, belonging to the ‘others’ category, but it was far richer than what Lin Shuang and the others had seen in the eight hundred levels.

—”Please spare my life, Zhenchuan” (Includes a letter from the elder writing the book, one red leaf as a gift) 10,000 Spirit Stones.

After using this book, it can temporarily pause the Zhenchuan trial and request the elder to appear for guidance once, limited to use below the 3000th level.


—”Disciple’s Insights into Zhenchuan” 12,000 Spirit Stones.

Buy it as you like, I’ll write whatever you want. It is said to be written by a few well-intentioned senior sisters anonymously.

—Portable Daoist Rental: 15,000 Spirit Stones, including ten days.

They can follow you closely in Zhenchuan, cook, and wash for you. Some of these Daoists are well-informed and can provide important information about Zhenchuan.

Some, however, know nothing, completely relying on your luck.

Lin Shuang: “…”

Meng Zi: “…”

Filled with a strong flavor of deception.

But Emperor Fuyuan’s phoenix eyes flickered, and he immediately took out money to buy “Please Spare My Life” and “Insights into Zhenchuan.”

Lin Shuang and Meng Zi curiously leaned over.

When “Spare My Life in Zhenchuan” was opened, small characters different from the large characters on the cover were revealed.

—Water Clear Sect Inner Sect Disciple Code of 102 Rules

Meng Zi: “…”

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Lin Shuang: “…”



When they clicked on the main text, it was completely different from the cover!

This writer didn’t even want to pretend!

But Emperor Fuyuan quickly took a red leaf bookmark surrounded by spiritual energy from it.

There were small characters on the bookmark.

—Recite Rule 102, and I will come to save you.

—Can summon Elder Li Min, to any stone layer within 3000 levels in Zhenchuan, to tell you the solution once.

—It’s true, don’t believe it, try reciting Rule 102. v

102 rules, at least ten thousand words.

Emperor Fuyuan: “…”

With a snap, he closed the booklet.

A flame was ignited.

Lin Shuang lowered her head, forcibly holding back her laughter.

“Senior Brother, don’t you want to take a look at another book, ‘Insights into Zhenchuan’?”


Meng Zi pricked up his ears.

The next moment, Emperor Fuyuan threw the book into her arms.

“Here, for you, Junior Sister.”

Lin Shuang opened the blue cover and saw small characters on the first page.

—In fact, Zhenchuan not only opens once every ten years but occasionally, it may open in the middle for disciples.

—For example, if you have the Zhenchuan Transmission Leaf, once you reach a certain cultivation level, you can activate the Transmission Leaf at any time to enter Zhenchuan.

Lin Shuang was stunned.

This book was authentic!

“Sister, want to see something else?” Zhao Keran reminded.

Now was not the time for reading.

Lin Shuang squinted and decisively put away “Insights into Zhenchuan,” nodding to her junior sister.

Read it during tonight’s scheduled reading.

Meng Zi was also reminded to go look for the precious knife. “Junior Sister, where is the third-grade knife?”

“Follow me, Senior Brother.”

Meng Zi left for the nearby hundred treasures shelf.

Lin Shuang strolled on her own, picked up the third miscellaneous treasures shelf, and found the third volume of “Shao Ke Accompanies You in Making Talismans” (Fake).

She raised an eyebrow.

What did ‘fake’ mean?

There was no such thing in the previous two volumes.

Zhao Keran had already turned back.

Switching to the water-surface-dotted steps, drying her hands, she skillfully scanned the waist tag of the miscellaneous duties on the jade slips under this book.

She introduced immediately, “Senior Sister, this is a copied version without Master Shao’s divine sense imprint. The genuine version can be rented for ten days of reading for three thousand spirit stones. Senior Sister can use a three thousand deduction voucher, which is equivalent to free.”

Zhao Keran knew well how formidable her senior sister was. As long as she borrowed it, she could remember the divine sense imprint of the master.

But Lin Shuang looked at the table of contents of this handwritten copy (fake) and shook her head, putting it back.

The third volume was still stuck on the explanation of the first-tier entry talisman, the Gathering Spirit Talisman.

It didn’t mention the fifth-grade Backtracking Symbol, it was still far away.

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Lin Shuang shook her head, “I’ll look at it myself; you’re busy.”

Zhao Keran understood, immediately danced her legs and hands, and looked expectantly at Meng Zi and Emperor Fuyuan.

Meng Zi was covered in sweat. There was a Hundred Tide Knife on the hundred treasures shelf, which could be matched with the thirteen-style knife techniques he learned in the library.

But it cost thirty thousand spirit stones, and he could only offset three thousand. He simply couldn’t afford it.

Emperor Fuyuan smiled, “Junior Sister, give me a congratulatory phrase for the Twelve Refining Masters, the one with ninety thousand true marks.”

Zhao Keran gasped.

Meng Zi stared.

Do you think you can solve the problem of exploding furnaces by buying spells?

Lin Shuang, after some consideration, chose a third-grade talisman pen and yellow paper. She had always been short of these items in her inventory. Unexpectedly, Zhenchuan could be exchanged for an unlimited amount. After buying a bunch of twelve sheets of paper and three pens, she used up all the spirit stones from the third-level rewards.

Meng Zi truly felt heartache for the two of them, “You guys are really too extravagant.”

[Third-grade Wolf Hair Pen (Consumable): Specialized for talismans, one pen can produce about 1900-3000 third-grade talismans or about 12,000 second-grade talismans.]

“Do you need three pens?”

Three pens that would last an eternity, basically giving away money!

Meng Zi was speechless.

But Lin Shuang blinked, “Yes, I can use up to twelve pens at a time now.”

Meng Zi: “?”

He raised his eyebrows, for some reason thinking of the speed-enhancing table.

But when he thought of the ugly first-grade acceleration talisman he saw in ‘Ah, I’m Dead,’ he shook his head.

Just as he was about to speak, a light and shadow radiated from his disciple badge at his waist.

[Zhenchuan Trial: Team 235, challenges Team 11111.]

[Bet on Victory or Defeat: A personal cultivation technique.]


Lin Shuang hesitated.

The challenge token for Zhenchuan had flown to her.

[The winner can take a personal cultivation technique from the loser. Do you accept?]

“Vicious, they’ve targeted us just as we came out of the library!”

Meng Zi was furious.

Emperor Fuyuan smiled and explained to Lin Shuang, who seemed lost, “Above the thousandth level, Zhenchuan encourages disciples to challenge each other, and bets can be any spiritual treasure, spirit stones, or contributions obtained within Zhenchuan.”

“Even caves; after losing, the bet will be deducted directly from the disciple’s waist badge.”

Compared to Chen Sheng’s irregular challenge, above the thousandth level, they were serious.

Many mid-level disciples with higher cultivation bases often hunted lower-level disciples above a thousand layers.

Especially when low-level disciples obtained spiritual treasures not found elsewhere in certain levels of Zhenchuan.

The recently floated Red List was well-known to all.

The three of them had just come out of the library in a high-profile manner.

“This is also a simulation of the outside world, where cultivators who have just obtained spiritual treasures are targeted by others. Zhenchuan uses these cruel rules to remind disciples not to slack off, which is also reasonable.”

Emperor Fuyuan chuckled, “But there is protection for the weak, and we can also refuse.”

[Team 235: Average strength at the peak of Condensation Realm Third Layer.]

[Team 11111: Average strength at the seventh layer of Qi Transformation.]

[The strength gap is above six levels. If Team 11111 accepts the challenge, they can choose the location and the project of the competition.]


Ripples simultaneously appeared in front of the three.

Lin Shuang checked her upcoming schedule and quickly sent out a divine thought, making a decision.

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Meng Zi’s divine sense flew out without hesitation, and he rolled his eyes, “Do they think we’re fools? Who would agree to this!”

A faint movement appeared on Emperor Fuyuan’s forehead, and his index finger drooped at the corner of his lips.

[Team 11111, 2 members accept the challenge.]

[Challenge accepted!]

Meng Zi: “???”

He turned back in disbelief.

Lin Shuang shrugged.

Emperor Fuyuan lowered his eyelashes, “Junior Brother, maybe you clicked the wrong button.”

Meng Zi: “?! Did I click wrong twice by myself?!”


“If we lose, our not-yet-warmed-up cultivation technique—” His eight thousand spirit stones would be gone!

Lin Shuang pointed behind him.

Meng Zi turned around, bewildered.

At some point, the rest area, a place for Zhenchuan trial disciples below three thousand layers to rest, had become more crowded.

The tea tables that were empty just a moment ago were now occupied by disciples. Some hurriedly withdrew their gazes when he turned around.

“Many disciples who can’t break through to higher levels can only wander around just above a thousand layers.”

“They’re probably eyeing us.”

Emperor Fuyuan chuckled.

Lin Shuang nodded helplessly, “We’re in the lower ranks, and we seem weaker in strength. Moreover, we just obtained opportunities from three-layer masters and a new cultivation technique. We’re probably the weakest lambs within the three thousand layers now.”

“They could rob us of spirit stones, transfer leaves, cultivation techniques, contributions… we have them all.”

Meng Zi pressed his forehead.

“So, Junior Sister means,” Emperor Fuyuan put a pill into his pale lips, “instead of rejecting once, why not face the challenge? Subdue these people in one go?”


Lin Shuang immediately revealed a look of satisfaction, knowing that he understood her.

“Exactly, we’ve only reached the twelve hundredth layer. There are still eighteen hundred layers left here, and we estimate that we’ll have to stay here for at least two to three days.”

“Instead of being disturbed and robbed multiple times, it’s better to resolve it in the fastest way.”

How to resolve it the fastest way?

That would be to kill a chicken to scare the monkeys!

Beat them until they are in pain, scared, and dare not come again!

All disturbances interrupting the schedule would be eliminated, and they could peacefully follow their itinerary below three thousand layers.

Meng Zi’s expression changed, and he had to admit that this approach was correct.

If it were usual when he was alone outside, he would have done the same, but now there were two of them—

“I choose to accept for another reason.”

Lin Shuang smiled shyly, “It’s almost the application hour. My next schedule happens to be the last task of today.”

It was already five o’clock in the afternoon; it was time for everyone to return to their respective places.

“After completing this Pomodoro, it will be time for me to lie down today.”

“At most, I’ll chat with my little junior sister, exchange feelings, and no longer entertain outsiders.”


“? Junior Sister, what does this have to do with accepting the challenge?”

“It does. I see that both senior brothers haven’t shown any intention of bidding me farewell, so I thought, why not kill three birds with one stone?”

“Complete the challenge and also let you have the last Pomodoro of the day for emotional exchange with me. After it’s over, you don’t have to be attached to me anymore, and you don’t have to waste time thinking about me tonight.”

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Who wants to exchange emotions with you?! Who would miss you?

“Thirdly, I’ll complete the last task of today.”

Lin Shuang opened the autoreply talisman with Little Ai.

In the round eyes of Little Ai, the paper read two words.


“My next Pomodoro is defense training. What about you, Senior Brothers?”


Meng Zi and Emperor Fuyuan fell silent at the same time.

They didn’t have anything like a Pomodoro.

Lin Shuang made a sound of understanding and took out the Excel sheet she made, “Then let’s choose a Zhenchuan assessment defense floor as the location for the challenge. How about that?”

Here are the predicted questions again!

Meng Zi and Emperor Fuyuan’s eyes flashed simultaneously.

[Team 11111: Emperor Fuyuan, Meng Zi, Lin Shuang accept the challenge!]

[Against Team 235: Dao Dong, Dao Xi, Dao Bei.]

[The winner can freely seize one personal cultivation technique from the loser.]

[In this battle, the viewing fee is 500 spirit stones, and the tea and speech fees are extra. Ten percent of the income will go to the winner!]


“Dao Dong, Dao Xi, Dao Bei? The three disciples of Dao Mountain who practice ten arts of cultivation each. I heard they are skilled in different areas and are generally unbeatable when they cooperate! ”

“Yes, they have a deep bond, living together in Dao Mountain for many years, like ten brothers.”

“So, East, South, West, North… what are the other six called?”

“Don’t you know this? There are also Zhong (Middle), Fa (Hair), Bai (White), Tiao (Stripe), Tong (Tube), and Wan (Ten thousand)!”


“Meng Zi has some backbone! Daring to resist the tacit cultivation of Dao Mountain’s trio with two low-level disciples.”

“They just came out of the book house! I thought they would soar to three thousand layers, but do they have to break their spears here?”

“Heh, Meng Zi’s ‘Mountain and Sea Thirteen Blades’ hasn’t even reached the third blade. The multiplied power of thirteen blades can’t be displayed at all. I’m afraid it will be taken away.”

[Team 11111 is currently selecting the battle location and content, expecting another 12 breaths——]

[Team 11111 requests an additional 12 breaths to decide on the battle content——]


“We need to think about it carefully.”

“The three Dao Mountain disciples in the east, west, and north, I remember they specialize in formations, knife cultivation, and sword cultivation, right?”

“These three, when together, can attack and defend, with the assistance of formations. Their offense and defense are like one, continuous and unbroken.”

The disciples in the resting cave discussed eagerly.

But soon, another set of ripples appeared.

[Team 11111 selects to confront on the 1720th floor of the Zhenchuan Trial.]

[1720th Floor: Girl, tonight, will you follow me?]




*Author’s note:*

《Master Zhao’s Journal 26》: “When I ascend to the position of the sect leader, I will also pose a question to Zhenchuan, ‘Senior Sister, tonight, will you come with me?'”

Zhou Xuanwu, Xu Rui, Senior Brothers: …

Emperor Fuyuan: …

《Cultivation Demon Manual》: “Gu Yao, during the rest period, only has 7 breaths of memory. If you have something to say, say it directly to them, but don’t ask if they are there. Among the 108 branches of the demon race, they are considered one of the friendliest races to humans because they quickly forget. If they have a grudge against you, they need to look at their little book to remember.”

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