The Top Efficiency Cultivator

Chapter 30.2: 30.2


Huang Fuyuan reluctantly looked at this cave, “It does indeed… look better here. However, the spiritual energy is still a bit less compared to inside Rongbao Pavilion, and there’s no immortal crane mount.”

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Hearing this, Meng Zi hesitated again, “Senior Brother is right. Two hundred thousand is still money; I have to be careful. If I don’t live there, I can also deliver meals. Junior Sister Zhao, I’ll think about it later.”

Zhao Keran finally understood the pain of her pink-dressed Senior Uncle.

Just looking and not buying or renting is fine.

But every time you think it’s about to be sold, and then it’s not, it’s too difficult.

“Okay, welcome to come and see other caves next time, Senior Brother.”

But when she was about to put away the jade slip, Lin Shuang stopped her.

Zhao Keran was surprised. When she turned her head, she saw Lin Shuang sitting on the soft couch, draped in an outer robe, covered with a brocade quilt, looking awake and interested.

“Sister, you’re awake? Do you want to rent this place?”

She figured it out at once; her senior sister was very tempted. After all, three meals a day, and going to the martial arts hall at most once a day.

Being close to the canteen made her senior sister salivate even more.

After ten years in the Outer Sect, her senior sister should have quite a bit of savings.


“I’ll calculate the discounted price for Senior Sister. How many spirit stones do you need?” Zhao Keran was invigorated in an instant.

But thinking that she would also live with her sister in the future, she looked at Cave 1700 and felt a bit… complicated.

Indeed, there was no immortal crane mount, and it was inconvenient to go to the management hall.

It was not conducive to her senior sister’s time management.

Her senior sister deserved something better.

Zhao Keran hesitated, but Lin Shuang spoke, “How close is it to Zhenchuan?”

Meng Zi and Huang Fuyuan were stunned.

“I need to venture into Zhenchuan for at least seven or eight days. Going back and forth between the Outer Sect and Zhenchuan every day is time-consuming.”


When Lin Shuang reached the end of her classes, she began to worry about going home.

Zhenchuan was at the west gate of Clearwater Sect, quite far from the Outer Sect’s 99th wooden house at the east gate.

She didn’t want to run around.

“Are there model houses in the Inner Sect? Around 1700.”

Zhao Keran was puzzled, “Model houses?”

The pink-dressed woman passing by heard this and rolled her eyes, “The model houses you’re talking about are dwellings with a similar environment and spiritual energy configuration. They’re used as examples for disciples to inspect. Even if they exist, they’re only for disciples to visit, not for you to live in, right?”

Huang Fuyuan pondered, “Similar to the treasures displayed at Rongbao Pavilion’s counter.”

Lin Shuang gave a thumbs up, “Indeed, you guys are remarkable, the ace sales in the sales department, and the shopkeeper at Rongbao Pavilion!”


“You’re thinking too much!” The pink-dressed woman raised her eyebrows, “There are no model houses! Even if there were, they’re only for disciples to visit. You think I’d let you live in one!?”


But Lin Shuang nodded vigorously, “Yes, let me live in one.”

The pink-dressed woman: “?”

“I can promote Inner Sect caves among the twenty thousand Outer Sect disciples, Meng Zi can promote them in the Inner Sect and the patrol team and Huangfu can promote them at Rongbao Pavilion.”

“We can also pay several days’ rent. Isn’t this a perfect opportunity for the Inner Sect sales department? A comprehensive gain.”

“Such a good opportunity, the sales department shouldn’t miss it, right?”

The pink-dressed woman: “!”

Make a comprehensive gain on your ancestor!

Li Dao Wei, how did the Outer Sect produce such shameless disciples?

But what she said made sense.

The pink-dressed woman took a deep breath and looked at the increasing number of Foundation Establishment disciples lingering in the resting cave.

Previously, most disciples didn’t come here to rest; they rushed to the next level of assessment.

But now, more and more people heard about Lin Shuang, an Outer Sect disciple, and Huang Fuyuan, an invalid, continuously winning four levels and defeating the third disciple of Dao Shan… they all came to watch.

Lin Shuang and the others were now one of the most eye-catching groups among the Foundation Establishment disciples below the three thousand levels of Zhenchuan!

The pink-dressed woman took a breath.

Holding the spirit key of Cave 1700 that she had thrown out, Lin Shuang sat on the soft couch and quickly rolled out with Meng Zi and Huang Fuyuan.


Meng Zi carried the soft couch and wheelchair, no, bamboo chair, flying away with them.

Afraid that the pink-dressed woman might regret it!

In an instant, the three disappeared from the resting cave in Zhenchuan.

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Only Lin Shuang’s voice came from afar, “Little Junior Sister, after your shift, don’t take a detour back to the Outer Sect. I’ll keep the door for you at 1700~”

Zhao Keran was moved, and the pink-dressed woman’s chest heaved.

“Three hundred spirit stones per day, deducted from their accounts.”


In the resting cave on the sixth thousandth floor.

Disciples with fish-scale foreheads, and others like Bai Yu, all stared at the projection screen on the seven hundredth floor.

【I was here】—one text comment after another floated by.

They frowned instantly.

-The Elder monitoring the puppet-related matters.

-Starting today, collect all information about the Puppet Division.

-Also, I have exposed some of my strength, luring the snake out of its hole.

-Strengthen your guard.

“Let’s go!”

“Inform all the clans!”


After leaving Zhenchuan, Meng Zi and the others entered directly from the west gate of Clearwater Sect.

Within this gate were all Inner Sect areas.

Because Meng Zi and Huang Fuyuan were both present, the disciple guarding the mountain gate today didn’t scrutinize Lin Shuang too much.

Mainly because the guarding disciple was also quite bewildered.

Meng Zi carried two people.

One lay down as if half of their body was paralyzed. One sat as if half of their body was paralyzed.

Because they were fellow disciples, the guarding disciple didn’t want to ask these ‘apparently disabled’ individuals to come down for inspection.

Meng Zi took advantage of this and swiftly entered.

Suddenly, several tall mountains and flowing rivers appeared before Lin Shuang’s eyes.

The nearest cave, at the foot of a mountain and river, was only a dozen steps away from the west gate.

It was the cave they had seen before, number over one hundred—Sixth Ring, no, at least Seventh Ring now.

Lin Shuang watched while lying down.

On the same mountain, there were many caves from the foot to the top.

The numbers at the foot were the smallest, slightly larger halfway up the mountain, and the numbers at the top were the largest within that mountain.

It could be seen that in this cultivation world, everyone could fly on swords, equivalent to having elevators on every mountain.

Everyone liked the mountaintop for the good scenery and convenience, with such locations having the highest prices.

And between mountains, there were differences; some mountains were slender, with fewer caves.

Some were majestic and broad, with four or five caves at the same height.

But now, as they went along, most caves had tightly closed stone doors and no disciples were seen coming in or out.

“They’re all in the Zhenchuan trial.”

Early resting like Lin Shuang was also quite rare.

Meng Zi moved swiftly, carrying them on a soft couch and a chair. In about half an hour, they saw a suspended mountain with an open view. It somewhat resembled the design of a resting cave.

On the mountain, there was a two-story loft. Through the antique-style window frames, one could vaguely see tables and cushions.

A sign that read ‘Chui’ was hung outside the loft.

At this moment, the aroma of food wafted over.

“This is the Inner Sect canteen.”

Meng Zi didn’t stop, casually mentioning it to Lin Shuang, an Outer Sect disciple.

Around the canteen, there were six high mountains surrounding it.

Number 1700 was one of these six, situated halfway up the mountain.

Lin Shuang was carried by Meng Zi on a flying sword, looking up.

[Mount Ling—Cave 1700]

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A spacious cave was opened in the rugged mountain wall, large enough for five adult men to walk in side by side.

The sound of flowing water came from the mountaintop, resembling a waterfall.

Unable to resist, Lin Shuang’s gaze moved upward, and she saw the plaque for [Mount Ling—Cave 1799] at the mountain peak.

Number 1799 was obviously superior to 1700, with mountains and water.

“Above number 1500, the mountains have spiritual springs.” Huang Fuyuan sat on a bamboo chair; a large piece of snowy fox fur draped over him.

As if unable to withstand the wind brought by Meng Zi’s fast flight, he coughed lightly twice.

“The prices of caves are closely related to the size and quality of the spiritual springs.”

Lin Shuang nodded in understanding.

Below number 3000, they were mostly residences for low to mid-level Foundation Establishment disciples.

That’s why the canteen was so close to number 1700 because most high-level disciples had no worldly desires.

In essence, the canteen was just making some spirit stones from low-level disciples.

“The Inner Sect’s Transmission Hall, the Administration Office, and the Closed-door Contemplation Tower are all between 5000 and 6000.”

“The annual rent for those caves is over a million, mostly occupied by Foundation Establishment high-level disciples.”

Places like the Administration Office were closer to the core disciples of the sect.

They took on more sect tasks.

Further in were the caves numbered from 6000 to 9000, where those who reached the 6000th layer in the Zhenchuan trial resided.

These Qi Refinement seniors often closed themselves off and paid little attention to worldly affairs.

“These disciples are long gone, and between 6000 and 9000, more than half of the caves are vacant.”

It’s either feast or famine.

Meng Zi shook his head.

Lin Shuang, however, felt quite pleased.

The entire Inner Sect map of the sect seemed to meet her needs for time management.

But her joy was short-lived. Hence, she needed to find a place in the Inner Sect that was close to the canteen, administration office, and Transmission Hall at the same time, which was impossible…

“Sister, you can buy teleportation talismans.” Huang Fuyuan smiled.

Lin Shuang’s eyes lit up.

When Meng Zi was about to land at number 1700, she stopped him. “I’ll go to the canteen to buy dinner. I won’t leave the cave later.”

Cave number 1700 had four rooms and two halls.

Huang Fuyuan usually lived in Rongbao Pavilion, but he didn’t mind having a cave.

He and Meng Zi each chose a room facing south.

Lin Shuang occupied the middle bedroom, which was convenient for both the practice room and the meeting hall.

After placing the dinner, she bought in the canteen on a warming talisman, she recharged three days’ worth of spiritual energy usage fees at the spirit stone gathering point at the entrance.

Then, she lay down.

At the place where she could see the sunset from the entrance of the cave, she lay still on the soft couch.

Meng Zi was immersed in exploring every corner of the room, stepping through every part.

In a cave that cost 200,000 spirit stones a year, he left plenty of traces.

“Lin Shuang, Senior Huangfu.”

He completed a full circle before finally walking out with the valuable spirit teacup in hand.

It blocked the sunset glow that shone on Lin Shuang’s dazed face.

“It’s been a day.”

“It’s time for you both… to confess.”

Meng Zi lowered his head, looking around at them.

To Lin Shuang’s left was Huangfu Yuan, whom he had moved to her bedside.

Huangfu Yuan helplessly opened his eyes.

“If you still want to move around in Zhenchuan, you better tell me the truth now.”

Meng Zi put down the teacup, squinting his peach blossom eyes.

“What cultivation level are you two, exactly?”

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The pupils of Huangfu Yuan, reflected in the glow, overflowed with a blood-red color.

Meng Zi looked up at the sky, taking a deep breath.

“Lying to others is fine, but trying to deceive me, Meng Zi, whose nose is more sensitive than a dog’s, is thinking too much.”

Huangfu Yuan’s pupils contracted.

“No one should think about taking away a spirit stone from me, Meng Zi.”

“And you two receiving so many red envelopes in the Li family village! More than several hundred, even over a thousand spirit stones, better than my cultivation at the Fourth Layer of Foundation Establishment. Are you in the Qi Condensation or Foundation Establishment initial stage? Is that possible?”

Meng Zi gestured with his hands, becoming angrier as he spoke.

Huang Fuyuan’s eyes momentarily lost their bloody color, his pale face appearing strangely.

“Junior Brother Meng, just because we received more spirit stones, you suspect us of falsely reporting our cultivation level?”

“Then what else could it be?”

Meng Zi angrily lowered his head, glaring at the two of them.

Huang Fuyuan: “…”

Under the snowy blanket, his hand slowly loosened.

“That’s fine then.”


Meng Zi slapped the table, “Why is it fine?!”

“With each level in Zhenchuan, the danger increases. Didn’t you realize? In the Li family village, the wooden puppets at the Foundation Establishment initial stage were already over twenty.”

“What about the trials above? You might encounter real heavy injuries, life-threatening crises…”

Meng Zi took a deep breath. “I love spirit stones, but I also need to stay alive first to earn more spirit stones.”

Huangfu Yuan narrowed his phoenix eyes.

“If you decide not to say, we’ll part ways here! I’ll go challenge the two-thousandth level alone!”

“Tomorrow, I will never bring you up again!”

Meng Zi’s words resonated through the room.

“The more you go up, the more dangerous it becomes. You two, think about it carefully. Facing over ten bandits in the Li family village, Dao Xi… Senior Huang Fuyuan, Lin Shuang, think about it well before you speak to me again.”

Meng Zi wasn’t stupid.

The higher they went, the more obstacles they encountered.

They exposed more of their strength.

Huangfu Yuan helplessly cast a Silencing Spell.

“Junior Brother, Junior Sister, actually I—”

Meng Zi pricked up his ears.

Lin Shuang looked at the sky.

But then a drip sound.

【Calling Lin Shuang for the fifth time, triggering automatic reply.】

【Hello, Lin Shuang is currently in a state of meditation.】


Meng Zi and Huangfu Yuan were both stunned, slowly turning their heads.

Did they discuss this for so long?

She didn’t say a word, wasn’t listening at all?

When they turned, they saw the woman lying on the soft couch, gazing at the sky and the night scene of the mountains.

It seemed that something was in her ears, and her eyes were vacant within the smile as if she couldn’t see them reaching out and shaking her.

【Lin Shuang has attached a one-way glass talisman to herself, and she has cast a soundproofing spell. At this moment, she can’t see you and can’t hear your voice.】



【If you have any questions, during her meditative phase, Little Ai will automatically respond to you.】


“Lin Shuang!” Meng Zi shouted, “Get up and explain your cultivation level!”

He shouted, and Huangfu Yuan frowned.

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But Lin Shuang seemed oblivious, still smiling and looking at the sky.

Indeed, she couldn’t hear or see anything.


【Ding, the keyword ‘cultivation level’ has been captured. If you want to inquire about 1. Lin Shuang’s cultivation level, 2. Zhao Keran’s cultivation level…】

“One! One!” Meng Zi hurriedly interrupted.

【Lin Shuang’s cultivation level has been queried with the latest record. After walking out of the Zhenchuan trial today, the content is ‘I should be equivalent to…’ Ding, the following content is VIP…】


Meng Zi pressed his temple; he had never been so irritable before, something not even a hundred spirit stones could fix.

“Zhenchuan is full of crises. Alright, alright, if you two want to be like this, I won’t care about life or death later!”

【Ding, keywords ‘crisis’ and ‘death’ detected, related to ‘Lin Shuang’s cultivation level’ issue. Are you Lin Shuang’s life-and-death buddy?】

Meng Zi was stunned, and Huangfu Yuan also turned to look at the smiling Lin Shuang in the ‘one-way glass talisman.’

“…I…” Meng Zi was speechless.

What life and death buddy… He felt goosebumps all over.

【Spiritual energy scan verification in progress… Not the life-and-death buddy I-level, Zhou Xuanwu, not the life-and-death buddy I-level, Xiao Qi.】



Meng Zi and Huangfu Yuan both showed a complex and relieved expression.

But the fleeting sense of loss in their hearts, what was that about?

【Ding, found life-and-death buddies II-level, Zhenchuan Meng Zi, life-and-death buddies II-level, Zhenchuan Huangfu Yuan.】

Meng Zi and Huangfu Yuan’s expressions changed simultaneously.

The little fleeting loss, not yet fully thought about, suddenly disappeared.

Did she consider them as life-and-death… senior brothers?

He used to scold her a lot.

He used to make her take the blame for many things.

In the eyes of both, a trace of entanglement and shame flashed at the mention.

【Level II answer as follows: I’ll play a dedicated answer recording for you. Here is Lin Shuang’s real voice.】

“Two senior brothers, when you hear this recording, it is likely that you are in a life-threatening crisis in Zhenchuan and can’t find or wake me up—”

Huangfu Yuan: “…”

Meng Zi: “…”

“About my cultivation level, listen carefully: at the moment of life and death, you can consider me as—”

There was a moment of silence in the voice, then it resumed.

“—Ninety-seven twin Harmony Qi Third Layer peaks, born as one entity, forming the attack and defense Lin Shuang with a power of ninety-seven times.”



The author has something to say:

“Zhao Sect Master’s Notes 30”: Even when daydreaming, the senior sister is extremely serious. Do you understand what concentration is?

—Meng Zi: …

—Huangfu Yuan: …


Draw a ‘hand-drawn’ map of Clearwater Sect.

East Gate—Outer Gate wooden houses—Mountain wall barrier—Inner Gate Rongbao Studio—Inner Gate 9000 → No. 1 (numbers decreasing)—West Gate—Zhenchuan

Apart from the East and West Gates, Clearwater Sect also has North and South Gates (located on the north-south central axis around the five to six-thousand-numbered caves).

Private setting: Each mountain in the Inner Gate has a Gathering Spirit Array and Spiritual Spring.

Although it seems that the Outer Gate and Inner Gate intersect, the Outer Gate does not have a Spirit Mountain, and there is a big difference in spiritual energy.

According to Lin Shuang’s quickest learning style, she should prefer the six thousand-numbered caves. The central position of the sect, the time to go anywhere is almost the same, and then fill the teleportation arrays to various places…

Huangfu Yuan is in the noble 9000-numbered cave villa area next to Rongbao Studio—a bit like the taste of a supermarket owner in a villa area, how did that happen?

Meng Zi and Xiaobai were in the pitiful West Gate suburb (one stingy, the other without a record of Zhenchuan ten years ago).


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