The Trick to Teasing a Noble Family’s Son- Chapter7

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Once this was said, there were only two or three left standing in front.

Most of the men here have decent looks. Wei Lan picked the most youthful one. She chose the one who had a delicate, kind appearance and stood out from the crowd. The man knelt beside her timidly, Wei Lan looked at Xie Jie, the other party didn’t pick a single one, and couldn’t help but say, “Ah Jie brought me here, but he doesn’t seem to be interested ?”

Wei Lan being a Nanfeng [1] was something he had previously surmised, but confirming it terrified him nonetheless. Fortunately, Wei Lan wasn’t thinking about himself.

For the first time ever, Xie Jie realized how fortunate he was that Xie Zichen was more attractive than him.

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In the previous life, although Wei Lan had been guarding her body like a jade [2] until her death, she often visited such places of love and moon so she was very good at dealing with these little herdsmen[3].

The man next to her was dancing and playing the piano. She and the waiter drank and played dice. She occasionally spoke with Xie Jie. The scene was very lively.

     In the middle of the night, Xie Jie couldn’t drink anymore. Wei Lan waved at the crowd, and the little waiters dispersed. Only Wei Lan and Xie Jie were left in the room. Xie Jie opened his hazy eyes and saw Wei Lan walking towards him step by step. he instantly sobered up and said, “Ah Lan, I do not walk that path!”

Wei Lan’s hand, which was about to support him, paused for a moment before laughing aloud, “Don’t worry, I, Wei Lan am not one of those who mess around indiscriminately, especially not with brothers and men.” Wei Lan crossed his legs, looked at Xie Jie, and said, “I have a sense of proportion.”

“That’s good …… that’s good,” Xie Jie who had mostly sobered up, added sarcastically,” Brother Wei must not despise me for my lack of beauty.”

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Wei Lan appeared to understand what Xie Jie meant and looked at him with a smile that was not a smile. Xie Jie studied the other party’s expression, slowly gathered his expression, thought for a long time, and said solemnly:” In fact. Ah Lan must have already guessed the reason I invited you to the banquet today.”

Wei Lan did not say anything, twirled a grape, and took it into her mouth.

Her skin was fair, her fingertips were rounded, and the purple grapes contrasted to make her skin look more pale and glowing white, like jade. The grapes were pressed into the shiny, bright red lips by the fingertips, which caused Xie Jie’s mind to race.

He is not the same as Xie Zichen, the son of a concubine. As the Di son, he has already passed the room pretty early[4]. Looking at Wei Lan’s appearance, he quickly turned his head away, feeling that even if he was a man, this Wei Lan was too outstanding.

On second thought, Wei Lan must’ve felt the same looking at Xie Zichen. He suddenly felt confident and continued,” I think Shizi seems to be very interested in my brother, am I right?”

 “Oh?” Wei Lan smiled, but did not evade: “So obvious?

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    “Shi Zi is not the first person to have such thoughts about my family brother,” Xie Jie showed a narrow smile, hearing this, Wei Lan slightly froze, then there was a cold color in his eyes, faintly said: “I wonder which lord, also has such good taste?”

“ShiZi is not the first person to have such thoughts about my brother,” Xie Jie showed a sly smile. Hearing this, Wei Lan froze for a second, a touch of coldness passed through her eyes as she said,” Oh is that so, I wonder which Lord has such great taste”

Daring to have thoughts on the person she chose, he must be courting death.

 Xie Jie coughed, ” He is already ruined.”

Back then, the Lin family’s direct son fell in love with Xie Zichen and even flirted with him. As a result, the following year, he was caught cheating on the Taixue exam. When the emperor was investigating the matter of fraud, he was used as an example and exiled after tattooing. (T/N: So he was the chicken that got killed to warn the monkeys?)

Hearing that the other party was abolished, Wei Lan’s expression softened a lot. He looked up at Xie Jie and said seriously:” I am not going to lie, from the day I saw your brother at my mansion, I am unable to get him out of my head, however, your brother doesn’t seem to be a person who walks on this path. After all, he is the son of the Xie family, how can I force him…….”

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Saying this, Wei Lan seemed emotional,” Pity, Ah Lan is infatuated, ah” 


T/N: I am so sorry that my updates are a bit irregular. You know how they say that when it rains, it pours? Well my life is pouring lots of roadblock in my way right now. Some of them can be labelled as priorities but others are plain nuisance. And the biggest one being me losing my laptop. It’s gonna take a while before I am able to save up enough for a new one but till then I’ll keep looking for opportunities to borrow it from relatives and friends.

Today was tiring but I was determined to put out at least a third of the chapter before bed, so here’s a short update. Although I cannot promise but the rest will be updated tomorrow.

I am also curious what this fellow is plotting behind XZs back. To be honest, it’s a bit funny how these two cousins look for the same person to plot against each other.

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