“I will cancel our engagement.”

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Upon hearing my words, Demimore’s pretty, sharp eyebrows rose.

That habit of my childhood friend as well as fiancee happened whenever he couldn’t control himself. In other words, that meant that Demimore was not happy with the current situation, but I couldn’t understand why.

He was definitely in love with another woman, so he should have happily accepted my offer, but then why was his face like that……


“You mean you were preparing to leave just like that?”

His sinking voice was as cold as white snow. I didn’t know why he was so angry. Ha, with a deep breath, he raised his head again and smiled until his eyes curved.

“Mary, I think I’m going to get really angry.”


Eh, but I think he was already angry……

“Please, let me breathe.”

He took a step towards me, buried his face on my shoulder and muttered quietly.

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Like a large dog trying to act cute, he rubbed his face on the area between my shoulders and neck, his voice sounded somewhat sad. I wasn’t sure when I had raised my left hand to stroke his back and comfort him.

What did I do?

‘Breaking off the engagement was definitely what you wanted!’


“Wow, f*ck.”

Standing among the children screaming for a quick fight, I was momentarily stunned.

‘Even in my next life, I am still an orphan.’

Because after being pushed to the floor while fighting Brian and almost breaking my head, memories of my past life had suddenly come back.


Ranked 1st in the best novel introduction chosen by Koreans.

I was probably f*cked.

Come to think of it, I, Ha Sohee, was already born that way.

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My parents died in an accident less than a year after I was born.

All I was left with was a gold ring that my parents had prepared for my first birthday party.

And after that, even my grandmother who took care of me after I was 7 passed away, I had no relatives to take care of me.


Because I was an unlucky child who made everyone around me die.

“Look at her raising her eyebrows like that! As expected, the unlucky child is different.”

“You must have been cursed.”

“Because you look like a hoe.”

I squatted in the corner of the funeral house and thought silently as I listened to the random chatters.

If my parents and grandmother really died because I was a cursed child, I really wanted to go around their houses and tear them up.

Seeing me just staring at the air without crying, my relatives started chattering again, saying that I was so strong for not crying.

‘Will my deceased grandmother come back to life just because I cried?’

If so, I would cry 5,000 times.

I might cry enough to fill this funeral house with tears.

But I remembered my grandmother’s words saying that I shouldn’t always cry. If I cried…… People would think I am weak.

I didn’t want to look weak in front of the people who talked about my cat eyes, or me being cursed.

Meanwhile, my uncle came out to take care of me.

Seeing my aunt’s unwilling expression, I couldn’t understand why my uncle suddenly wanted to take charge of me, but I still felt a vague sense of gratefulness.

My aunt had a cousin who was one year younger than me. Unfortunately, my cousin’s birthday was early in the year, so we had to go to the same grade.

My cousin, who hated me so much, bullied me both at home and at school. I tried to understand, saying that she might not like the stone that suddenly rolled up.

Just…… I just held out because I had nowhere to go.

So I grew up being moderately discriminated and harassed against for ten years.

And now, at 18, while my aunt and cousin were away from home, he tried taking off my clothes, saying that I should give my uncle a reward for raising me.

I shoved him as hard as hard as I could and my uncle fell over, banging his head on the table.

As I watched the gray rug slowly turn red, I realized that I could no longer stay in this house and ran away.

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If my uncle died, would I go to a juvenile detention center? Maybe that was better.

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I would probably be called a cursed child again.

But this time I had pushed him to death, could you still call it a curse?

I was just cleaning up some trash.

I stopped for a moment to catch my breath, thinking about it, but like a joke, a car came up from the opposite alley.

And bang!

This was the memory of my past life.

No matter how cursed I might have been, I didn’t think I would die.

As far as I can vaguely remember, after I died, my vision became dark, and then I was moved to a pure white space that seemed to be woven with light.

‘Oh my, a cat-eyed child has arrived.’

There I heard a voice as light as a feather and soft as silk.

‘It is said that a child with cat eyes has nine reincarnations.’

Oh My God.

It would be terrifying to have to live this gutter life eight more times.


As if reading my thoughts, the voice let out a small laugh.

What, I didn’t mean to make you laugh.

‘Dear, your next life will be different.’

At the gentle voice that seemed to be soothing me, I felt like I was about to burst into tears.

The tears that did not flow even when my grandmother had passed away.


‘You said my next life would be different……’

The Brandon Orphanage where I am located, nestled in the Lorque Mountains on the border between the Larvian and Britina empire, was not a place that received much support from the state or the private sector.

Children who have been living with their peers in a scarce and poor environment were naturally filled with mischief as they grew up.

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Even the orphanage director, the only adult in the orphanage, was not interested in us, so the children grew up learning to survive the fittest on their own.

I also learned the art of fighting by myself.

Of course, there was also a narrative about how I grew up affectionately and lovingly under a warm ray of light even in such a gloomy and dark place.

Unfortunately, that narrative was not mine.

That…… That is the biography of Astina in the corner over there.

How did I know all this?

The place where I was reincarnated was ‘Lady in the district’, one of the rofans I secretly read in my previous life during self-study at school!

“I am f*cked……”

“What’s wrong, Mary?”

Leo’s natural response to my words was right.

Okay. Of course, it’s new to me that I lived like that in my previous life and then died.

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However, there was a reason why I kept repeating the words ‘I am f*cked’ like a person who was out of their mind.

The ‘Mary’ that I was reincarnated as was the villainous princess who was eventually kicked out of the country for harassing the female lead Astina!

Mary Conler.

She was originally the only princess of the Grand Duke Conler, the leading aristocrat of the Britina Empire.

However, due to the schemes of those who envied his power, she was kidnapped and brought to this Brandon Orphanage.

Whether it was lucky or stupid, the kidnapper left a note with her real name, Mary, when they abandoned her here.

A family waiting for her?

Her mother, suffering from the guilt of losing Mary, died shortly after, and her father and brothers were the only ones waiting for her in her castle.

But were they actually waiting?

No, in fact, they weren’t very interested in Mary.

The only reason why they searched for Mary was so they could somehow find her and restore their pride after someone dared kidnap the daughter of the Grand Duchess and insult the Conler family.

‘But since she has a family, isn’t it already much better than my previous life…?’

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Mary, whose personality was already tainted while in the orphanage, went to the  Grand duke and slandered him to be compensated for whatever she didn’t enjoy.

All the people in the Grand Duchy, tired of such rebellion, turned away from Mary.

‘On top of that.’

When she found out that Astina, who was in the orphanage with her, was in love with her fiancee the second prince, she tried harming her but eventually got caught.

Still, the Grand Duchy of Conler was like a thorn in the eyes of the imperial family and brought her to immediate trial.

However Mary was confident. Because she was ‘Mary Conler’.

However, the Conler family, who had already lost their affection for Mary, abandoned her, despite having enough strength to help her.

The end of Mary in the novel is that she is eventually exiled to a place called Nicor, the coldest place in the North.

So, this is my planned end.

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Now that I’m about 7 years old, I have about 2 years left until I go to the Grand Duchy.

Perhaps it was impossible to avoid the flow of going to the Grand Duchy of Conler, becoming betrothed to the second prince with her family backing her, and the prince falling in love with Astina.

And it was natural that I, his fiancee, would be a hindrance to this series of processes.

Even if I didn’t kill Astina, they’ll be eager to somehow send me to Nicor.

‘Well, how about this……’

I think it’s right for me to step out of the way for their noble and beautiful love.

It’s much cooler and nicer for me to bless their love and get out of the way rather than being treated as an obstacle and getting kicked out, right?

In fact, if I became an obstacle, I think the second prince will somehow kill me.

OK, let’s go.

Once I get to the grand duchy…… Let’s gather shares.

After that, instead of being exiled, I will fairly go abroad and do business while happily living life as a golden lady.

Among the songs that were popular in my previous life, there were lyrics like this.

‘A shining solo.’*

(T/N: A reference to SOLO by Jennie from Blackpink)

Well, I was used to being alone.

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