The Twins in Naruto

Chapter -1

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Age: 20

Size:6,2 ft

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Weight: 96 kg

Physical description: Short silver hair with red eyes which give him a strange appearence as no one on earth looks like that.An extremely athletic body that could put into shame most of the pro athlete.Way too much scars on his back that make him look like a war veteran while he has a single scar on his torso which is hidden by a spider tattoo. An incredibly handsome and innocent face that is often spoiled by a smile a little too empty to be truly innocent.

Personnality:Kais appears to be pretty calm and friendly but his real personnality is different.He is a sadistic and cruel man who love to mess with pretty much everyone except for his twin sister.While he seems to be some sort of evil character, he is in fact loving and caring when it comes to his precious people sadly they are too few to actually count.He can become a monster when his sister is in danger or when something truly piss him off but those times became less and less when he grew up.

Job: Actor(Assassin)

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Favourite food: Everything made by his parents.Other than that he can eat pretty much everything.

hobbies: Murder, torture, video games, reading, listening to music.(mostly rap)

Story(just a quick summary):Kais grew up with a loving family in France but he quickly saw that he was 'different' while his sister loved normal things, he loved to torture animals and to mess with everyone.Fortunately for him it seems that his sister was just acting since she was afraid of what would happen if anyone knew how...Special, she was.They grew up being always together as if nothing could separate them but a problem soon appeared.Their parents began to fight way too much and when their 16th birthday came, their parents told them that they want to divorce.Instead of being sad or angry the twins just said that they were okay with it since they wanted their parents to live a happy life, but something made them extremely angry.Their father wanted to take Kais with him while their mother wanted Sana(his sister)Naturally the twins wanted to stay with each other but they had to obey to their parents since they weren't adults yet.They lived separately for 2 years and during those years Kais became an actor even though it was quite difficult giving how young he was.He also became an assassin but it was just a side job to gain money.When he finally became an adults he immediately took the first flight to miami and moved in with his sister.He lived a happy life for 2 years before he was suddenly teleported somewhere during his sleep.It was then that the most interesting part of his life began.

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Age: 20

Size: 6'1

Weight: 88 kg

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Physical description: Long and curly silver hair and red eyes.An athletic body with some baby fat left but an overall impressive build for such a young woman.She has an even more beautiful face than her brother and contrarily to him her smile is real, even though it's a dangerous and way too seductive smile.

Personnality:Sana appears to be an energetic girls who's happy no matter what may happen to her but again it's nothing but a deception.She is a seductress who love to use her 'talents' and looks to manipulate everyone around her and treat them like slaves.She is also extremely cruel but she's not a sadist like her brother, event though she still can become a monster for the same reasons as him.Her love for her brother is extreme and can easily be described as a brother complex.She knows him so well that she acts depending on his mood , after all she knows that even with how much she loves him and most importantly how strong she is, there's still a side of him that can easily change her into a sobbing little girl unable to do anything.

Favourite food: Anything expensive.(The more expensive the better it is)

Hobbies: Video games, reading mangas and novels, seducing people and using them as slaves to gain money or advantages, buying expensive things.

Story:It's pretty much the same as Kais but the 2 years she spent with her mother were different than the 2 years Tsarck spent in france.Since she wasn't the type of woman to work, she decided to use her incredibles talents to seduce a female singer who lived in miami.After 2 months which was extremely big considering that she could seduce anyone with only a look, she finally gained the love of the woman.She used her as a slave but this time to ensure her love she stayed with her most of the time and continued to act like a loving woman.Unfortunately she had to stop when her brother came back since she became too busy spending all of her time with him.Contrarily to what she thought the female singer was incerdibly affected by her departure and fell into a deep depression as she really loved her.Not wanting to have the woman pursuing her , Sana just ignored her and acted as if she never even existed, which made the female singer even more sad.Finally the woman couldn't take it anymore and decided to kill herself by jumping from her hotel roof.She left a letter where she detailed how much she loved Sana and how much her departure had left a scar in her heart, she mentioned that a life without Sana(Who actually forgot about her after just a month)wasn't worth living.The female singer was Shakira.

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