The Twins in Naruto

Chapter 11

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After a whole day of 'fun' the twins finally stopped and took a rest.They were pretty lucky because the villagers were celebrating so much, no one heard them.They had 12 years before the start of the story so of course they weren't really stressed.

Kais told Sana that they had to have a serious discussion about the future, because he wanted to change the story, after all they knew so much, they could easily change the whole world.

Sana laughed when she heard that and said that the firstthing they had to do was get rid of the pesky rats after they had finished their training.He knew she was talking about Danzo, orochimaru and the like, but for some reasons she also looked towards the Uchiha clan compound with a frown on her face.

Two days after they were in the forest talking about their future plans.

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"So as i said, i think, we should definitely kill Danzo and his whole army so they don't bother us in the future.Danzo is an overconfident man so it should be easy to lure him and then assassinate him, after that we just need to tell the hokage about the root being still active."Said Sana as Kais shook his head.

"We can do that but the Hokage would be suspicious, then again it's not really a problem knowing that he is gonna die during the chunin exam.We should kill Danzo just before that."Said Kais while Sana nodded albeit reluctantly.

"Yeah, i guess you're right, but what about Orochimaru?"

"hehe~I think we should use him!Orochimaru can be our ally for the time being and then we could kill him after the chunin exam!It's gonna be simple to make him an ally as he can't really waste his chance to have the two of us with him, after all we know so much it would be sad to skip this occasion."

"Okay then that's settled!Now, the Uchiha problem!I know you want to control them and use them to take control of the whole village but, how?"Asked Sana as she was honestly lost, with all she knew only an Uchiha would be able to control the clan.

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"Kukuku!Foolish Sister!It's simple, can't you see it?!We are gonna steal two pairs of sharingan, Obito will help us replacing our eyes with them and then with his help we will control the clan!Obito wouldn't be able to do that alone but with us it's definitely possible!The clan is easy to control as long as we give them what they want, afte they get Konoha we are gonna use their greed to force them to help us in the war."Explained Kais to Sana who had stars in her eyes.

"SHARINGAN!YESS!"Shouted Sana as she hugged him while he laughed at her antics.

"By the way since we have to collect the divine energy of Asura i thought of something.The only 'divine' things in this world are linked to the Otsutsuki and i honestly think that we both know who has this energy."Said Kais as a light bulb lit up in Sana's head.

"Kaguya, of course!Does that mean we have to kill her?I mean, i think we both want to have a little fun with her if you what i mean~"Said Sana who started to giggle like a schoolgirl.

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"*Sigh*I don't think we need to kill her, only beat her and extract the divine energy from her.Problem is that we still need to let the war happen.Zetsu was able to betray Madara because he was injured and tired.We could also become extremely strong and with the help of the entire Akasuki, beat Madara and then resurrect Kaguya.For that we will need to get their help but for the most of them it's gonna be easy.Pain want to become the god of a peaceful world so we just need to end all the wars and let him in command.Konan will follow him everywhere like the good little bitch she is and Obito just want the world peace and Rin."Finished Kais as Sana nodded and they finally started to create their training schedule.Sana decided to start since she was the one who knew the most about the abilities of this world.

"Considering the fact that we tested our chakra affinities yesterday i think we should adapt the training.You have Thunder and wind affinities so train in futon and raiton, but also try to master the chidori and the rasengan.Also you should train your stamina and your speed.We should train our stealth together but also train in taijutsu.Bukijutsu and Kenjutsu aren't really important for now.As for Genjutsu we should train it only after we get our sharingans."Said Sana who stunned Kais, who was clearly not prepared to that.

"S-Sana, y-you.....You can actually think logically?!"Exclaimed Kais who was punched in the nose by an angry Sana, who puffed her cheek in annoyance.


'How cute!'Kais thought as he really wanted to take a picture of his Sister right now.He never told her but he had many cute pictures of her that he always kept in his pocket.She would surely die if she saw those pictures as they were way too embarrassing.

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"Okay, okay!To continue on what you said, you should train in Suiton and Katon.You should work on your strengh and also you should train in bukijutsu a little since you're way too inexperienced compared to me.Medical jutsu could also be a good thing to know since you have an extremely good chakra control."

"Well then.....LET'S START THE MOTHERFUCKING TRAINING!"Shouted Sana as she ran into the forest and started to do some basic excercises.

Kais shook his head and sighed.

"God help us all, if that girl become a real ninja.Well atleast she is still better than useless pink haired fangirl.*Smirk*SIS WAIT FOR ME I'M GONNA TRAIN WITH YOU,I DON'T WANT YOU TO BECOME LIKE SAKURA!"


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