The Twins in Naruto

Chapter 22

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"WAIT WHAT?!"Shouted Sasuke as he glared towards Naruto.

"What?I always wanted to fight against big bro Itachi, also we are pretty equal when it comes to taijutsu, atleast i can beat him at something...Perhaps"Said Naruto as he actually doubted he could win the fight.

A figure approached the students as it walked calmly, exuding a powerful aura.Itachi went towards Naruto as he towered over him, they both over glared at each other as it quickly became tense.

Everyone could see the burning desire in their eyes as they parted and went into opposite directions.They stopped and looked towards Iruka so he could give them the signal.He gulped and nodded as he lifted his arm.


As soon as he said this they rushed at each other and started by throwing multiple punches.Naruto was stronger physically than Itachi so he quickly gained the upper hand but it changed when Itachi crouched and hit him with a high kick in the chin.Naruto was launched in the air as Itachi appeared over him and sent him towards the ground with a palm strike.

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They looked like blurs to the other students but Sasuke could see their movements.He impressed by how powerful Naruto had become but even more impressed by how Itachi handled him like it was nothing.

Itachi grabbed naruto and elbowed him in the throat, then he did a sweep kick that made Naruto fall.Naruto barely had to time to react that he already had both Itachi knees pressing against his torso, he coughed blood and back handed Itachi, he then used this as his chance and took a familiar stance.It was the Thorn Fist style, the same style as Sana.It consisted in multiples techniques of counter-attacks, the basic of this style was to let the opponent get close to you and analyze his movement to block and counter attack.If an attack was blocked then Naruto would grab his opponent and use a leg or arm lock to neutralize him, if the attack was dodged than Naruto would simply use his speed to attack from the sides or from behind.The counter-attacks were light and had the objective to exhaust the opponent both mentally and physically, of course it worked only if the user had a monstrous stamina.

The fight continued and Itachi quickly began to pant as his breath became rough.He had a few bruises on his body and looked slightly tired as Naruto looked completely destroyed but still had a smile on his face as if he didn't even feel the blow.

'Sorry Naruto but i'm not gonna lose so easily.I shouldn't use such a powerful technique against you but...It's a matter of pride, maybe i'm too Uchiha to lose.'Though Itachi as he got up and got into a weird stance.His left leg was lifted at the level of his stomach while his arms were in front of his face.In a powerful step he lunged at Naruto and kicked him with a back kick that sent Naruto flying.He moved so quick that not even the sharingan of Sasuke could follow him.He appeared behind Naruto and kicked him in the guts, sending him flying in the air once again.Itachi jumped so high in the air it looked like he was flying, as he fell on Naruto at full speed.His feet connect with Naruto skull as he pushed to the ground, creating a small crater.

Itachi landed and nodded at Iruka since he knew that Naruto was incouscious.


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Everyone cheered for him but he didn't even glance at them, walking towards his little brother.

"Sasuke, i know who you demanded.I must say i'm surprised you asked for someone so weak compared to you but knowing that she wanted to have her revenge against you, i'm not really that surprised."Said Itachi as he patted Sasuke head and sat in front of a tree, eating an onigiri cooked by his father which was too rare to be wasted.

Sasuke smiled as he was happy to know that his brother didn't become cold or distant with him.With the passing years, Sasuke love for his clan only grew as he now had a blind trust in the whole clan, treating other members like his own family.(Technically he never did that when he was little, even Itachi gave no fuck to them)

"Next match, Uchiha Sasuke vs Yuuhi Kurenai!"Shouted Iruka, shocking Sakura who until now was just sobbing behind everyone.

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"B-But Iruka-Sensei, i-i already requested Kurenai!"Said Sakura who tried to put a little bit of strengh in her words but couldn't due to the heated glare coming from Naruto.

"I know Sakura but Kurenai also wanted to fight against Sasuke.I know you really wanted to fight but don't worry, if you become a genin she will become your teacher, she asked to have you if you succeeded."Said Iruka as Sakura smiled brightly and nodded.

'So that bitch asked for Sakura?HAHAHA!The anti-pervert who treat all the men like pigs and the bitch who wanted nothing more than to become the little slut of Sasuke.An unusual team but.....Interesting.'Thought Naruto as he smirked evilly while watching Kurenai wallking towards Sasuke with such hatred in her eyes that he thought he saw Obito for a second.

"Y-You little rascal!I'm happy that you were stupid enough to accept, i'm finally gonna have my revenge!"Shouted Kurenai as Iruka shouted'Fight!'.She didn't pay attention at him as she continued to mock Sasuke.

"You might think that just because you're an Uchiha you can do everything you want but let me remind you of how things work in this world."

"*Sigh*All that because i kissed a fangirl so she would stop stalking me everywhere i went."Said Sasuke as it only seemed to anger Kurenai even more.

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"Who do you think you are ?You treated that girl like she was an insect!After kissing her you nearly puked and frowned so much, you looked like you kissed a monster!"

"Yeah, yeah keep talking.I would listen to you when you stop being one of the biggest hypocrite in the world.I mean seriously, Asuma?To think that you claim to hate pervert and yet your boyfriend is a guy like that!Maybe you're secretly a pervert?!"Said Sasuke as Kurenai litterally exploded mentally and rushed at him.She however forgot that her speciality compared to Sasuke wasn't taijutsu.

Sasuke moved towards her with lightning speed as he crouched in front of her and jumped.He sent a flying back kick to her face as blood fell from her nose.He continued with an uppercut to the chin and Karate Chop her in the neck.She fell to the ground and was directly hit by an elbow drop that finished her.

"Fucking pathetic, atleast you have your genjutsu but it's useless against an Uchiha.In the end you can't beat me."Said Sasuke as he then whispered to her ear.

"Seems like you're a pervert AND a weakling Kurenai.Instead of being an annoying bitch who fight with everyone for nothing, train and become a real ninja.One like the twins, i know that Sana is your idol so you should become like her."He said as Kurenai looked at him with hope in her eyes and he sighed.

"Even when defeated your fucking annoying.*Sigh*Okay i'm gonna bring you to Sana but....Next time you decide to fight me for nothing.*GLARE*I'm gonna destroy you!"

"Winner: Uchiha Sasuke!"

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