The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1001: 1001

"Keep your voice down. No matter who they used to be, you're all extremely high. You're also the God chosen by the food saint. The ancient beast Feng Lingbao, the lineage of the hundred Li family, and the Xuanling master can throw us hundreds of streets..."

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Jimo Ya can no longer control the look, showing surprise and excitement of the color, lift feet to go forward.

Huan Qingyan's eyes, like ice and snow, swept him without a trace of emotional fluctuation, just like seeing a stranger.

His excitement and surprise were frozen. In a moment, Jimo Ya didn't even dare to open his mouth, nor dare to step forward. He could only watch unreal Qingyan cut his finger, squeeze out a drop of blood and drop it on the life card.

The worry and fear that he had been pressing in his heart surged up at the moment.

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Clearly is Xiaoyan, so familiar, but strange and terrible.

The former round oval face, now thin out a sharp chin, the former charming flying willow eyebrow, although still in that shape, but with a bit of cold pride, skin like snow, lip color such as cherry, Qian Qian slender waist now can only be grasped, the broad robe is more and more thin and pathetic.

Most of all, his eyes, which used to twinkle with a witty smile, are now filled with a thousand year old ice, cold and smoky.

Jimo Ya's heart is deeply grieved, just like a knife stranding.

He suddenly realized that he had been hiding Xiaoyan and pretending to be intimate with Bai Li Zi Xi was such an asshole.

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Now it's just that Xiaoyan turns a blind eye to himself, and he's heartbroken and almost breathless. How did Xiaoyan resist the pain of the cone of heart on that day, but also forced to smile to visit himself?

I was such an asshole!

At the moment, the ceremony of recognizing the ancestors of the Baili family is coming to an end. Jimo Ya doesn't care what Baili Ren is saying. He just looks at the illusory Qingyan in the middle.

That's Xiaoyan, the one he's yearning for and searching for!

Right in front of you, close at hand, but as far away as the horizon.

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Mo Si Yi sees the magic Qing Yan uncovers the next gauze, the first reaction is to find the little lady! Finally, the little master didn't have to worry about himself. Before he could get excited, he saw the little lady's cold eyes looking at the little Lord, just like looking at a stranger.

Ink four's heart suddenly cool half, know that only afraid little madam is hate on little Lord.

At the moment, seeing the little Lord's pain almost unable to conceal his expression, he was in a sour heart and took a step forward to remind him in a low voice: "little Lord, it's best if there's nothing wrong with your wife. If you have anything, you can say it later."

Jimo ya a shock, the surface quickly returned to normal, and as if nothing in general.

If on weekdays, this gaffe may be hidden in the past, but many people who know Huan Qingyan on the spot have heard of those things between her and Jimo ya.

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At the moment, I saw that Huan Qing Yan became a hundred Li Qing Yan, which was recorded in the genealogy and became the God chosen one. Even the Lingbao became the baby Phoenix Lingbao.

Can't help but also feel general, life is impermanent, don't deceive young poor ah!

"I heard that Jimo family disagreed with gongziya and today's fenglingbao goddess's marriage. They said that they were unworthy of their status and that Lingbao was unworthy. They made a lot of noise! Now they are all matched with each other, just like the tailor-made one! It's a slap in the face

"It's not. They are the only dragon and Phoenix treasure in the world. They can't match each other any more than each other." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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