The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1006: 1006

Huan Qingyan reaches out to shake off Jimo Ya's hand. After several fruitless times, she is held more tightly.

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Almost angry smile, he thought that somehow two people fall in love, although came to this step, but also do not want to be like others, make a very unbearable situation.

She had already cold heart cold desire, anything is difficult to wave her heart, but now to see Jimo Ya actually a face of injustice and pain, she felt that she was out of anger.

Since she has to do this in front of so many people, then no wonder she doesn't give him any more affection.

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A cold smile: "childe ya, are you pretending to be stupid? Do you think I was the fool you played around? Look at me for you and bailizhi intimate pain, you are very proud, right?

You are not because I have no one to depend on before, even if the world is big, there is no place for me, so I can only wait for you and please you!

Every day for you, I get angry and feel guilty. I can't sleep every night. When I go to see you, what are you doing? You are making love with Bai Li Zi Xi! Where were you when I was abducted by your mother, locked up in a cave, hypnotized every day, trying to escape?

At that time, I was still dreaming that you could come to save me, save the children! I told myself, as long as you come to save me, I will forgive you, I can also be the little woman who has no self-esteem and self-esteem, and only asks for your love! But you didn't come!

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My heart died at that time! Not to mention my child, my child died in your mother's hand, you let me forgive you? How can I forgive you? Tell me, how can I forgive you? "

A voice of accusation, words cry blood!

Jimo ya, such as being struck by lightning, was almost dazed by the words. He knew he was a jerk! Very selfish! I also know that the best ending between the two at the moment is to let go of Xiaoyan's hand, and then use life to make up for their own mistakes.

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But he can't! What should he do if he doesn't want to let go of Xiaoyan? Even if he died, he would drag Xiao Yan to hell together?

He was holding the hand of Huan Qing Yan, and he could not let go.

Just subconsciously explained: "Xiaoyan, the original thing is really not what you think, I really did not change my heart! I said, I only like you! I only like you in this life! I know I'm sorry for you! I'm sorry for you! Sorry, kid! Don't worry, I'll give you an account... "

In the end, he didn't know what he was talking about. He only knew that he couldn't let go.

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Jimo Ya uses the true force, the unreal Qing Yan also can't get rid of at this moment.

The four saints are elders. Except for bailifeng's desire to fight in person and be suppressed by xuelao, the rest of them are hard to say. They can only pretend that they do not exist.

Bai CHENFENG couldn't see it anymore. She rushed up and glared at Jimo ya, and her eyes were red: "Jimo ya, what qualifications do you have to hold Xiaoyan now, and you still have the face to tell her?

do you know how much harm Xiaoyan has caused when she sees you invite Bai Li Zixi to propose a toast in the form of husband and wife at the Millennium banquet? She looks for you with great expectation, only to see you standing with other women. At that time, she had a big stomach, so silly in the crowd crowded around, if not met me, I was afraid that day there would be an accident! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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