The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1014: 1014

In the bottom of my heart, she is still close to xuelao.

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Although she is a member of the hundred Li family at present, the crazy saint, the clan chief and the elder are very good to herself, but she feels that she is not practical.

Always think that these people are good to her, but because she is the blood of the hundred Li family, and also bring glory to the hundred Li family.

When Xue Lao accepted himself as a disciple, he could not help him except to make two nimble dishes to relieve his boredom.

There was not much conflict of interest between the two people. Later, when she was in the secret environment and dying, she always remembered the kindness thanks to the ice soul bullet given by Xue Lao.

See snow always really care about themselves and Jimo ya, those words that no one can say, finally found someone to talk to.

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She was rescued by the crazy saint, and before she understood what was going on, she heard the crazy Saint announce that she was a hundred Li family member, and then she took great care of her.

In principle, she should be flattered and accept talents from the hundred Li family wholeheartedly.

But her biggest feeling is fear and fear.

In front of interests, even the people you love most can betray. What is this thin blood?

So she was always on the alert.

She can't believe it, and she won't believe it. Baili family can do so much just for blood! There must be something behind her that she doesn't know.

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After she became a god elect, she was relieved. She became a god elect, bringing honor to the hundred Li family and making her more chips.

She had strength, at least no longer a prey.

Even if the Baili family made use of herself or something else, she could stand upright and face it calmly.

To say that she really does not love Jimo ya, how can it be, such love, love into the bone marrow, into the flesh and blood, unless she dies, I'm afraid she will not love.

But can't love! She can't get over that barrier in her heart!

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She no longer believed in him and could not forgive him! How can we keep going?

In the end, Huan Qingyan finally shed the first tear of today, crying uncontrollably: "if our baby is still alive, I can convince myself to let bygones be bygones, but between us there is a baby's life, in any case, I will not continue with him! Let's forget each other in the world. Master, I'm still very sad... "

Snow old seems to be stunned for a moment, eyes long, as if to think of something, between the look of flying across a touch of pain, quickly disappeared.

Touching the hair of Huan Qingyan, he comforted: "master knows! don 't panic! With the master there, you can go to the gate at ease! The master will sit down for you at the hundred mile house. I'll see who dares to use you! "

Finally, the apprentice was still alive, not only alive, but also living a new realm!

It seems that he can break the curse that he must die as an apprentice. He has to protect her in any case!

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in other words, after the allocation of tianyishui.

Lesheng wants to go, and everyone looks at Jimo to see how he chooses.

Is it to continue to be shameless to stay in the Baili family and continue to pester phantom Qing Yan, or to leave indignantly because of being refused?

Jimo Ya naturally will not give up. If you leave Baili home at the moment, you won't want to enter Baili home again to meet Xiaoyan. Therefore, his face did not move, and even his eyes did not blink. He bowed faintly and said, "I'm afraid that I will disturb my Shibo for some time."

This means that my son is going to stay in a hundred miles home. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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