The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1016: 1016

This just eyes a bright, look to Jimo ya, people are closed, you stay is also white stay, follow the Bai?

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Jimo Ya was silent for a moment, turned his head and looked at Bai Li Ren. In the past, he had a warm smile. Now he looks very tired and tired.

"Shibo, I'd like to go back to the holy yard first. This time I came to Baili's home. I like the scenery of Baili's family, especially the courtyard I live in these days. I hope that in a few days, the younger generation will come back and live here. " This is a living attitude first. Although Ye is going to leave, I still have to keep this position.

Bailiren was almost laughed at.

However, after receiving Linghe, Xun Sheng always looked very cautious. At the moment, he didn't have the heart to see these little children's heart and mouth battle. He said goodbye directly and dragged Jimo to leave.

Jimo Ya helpless, can only look at the direction of Xiaoyan from afar, silently in the heart: Xiaoyan, must wait for me!

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As soon as Laisheng, Xunsheng and jimoya left, they left Shangqiu Mengqian, Nangong Beichen and Bai CHENFENG. They looked at each other and understood each other's intentions. For a moment, they both felt that they sympathized with each other and felt that they were very much in the way of each other.

Xiao Yan is now shut down, listening to the meaning of crazy saint, do not want people to disturb, they still have a bit of sense of interest, so as not to leave a bad impression on the hundred Li family.

Three people look at each other, feigned to leave.


Nangong Beichen, Shangqiu Mengqian and Bai CHENFENG's hundred Li family seem to have their own plans in mind.

Now, Huan Qingyan finally broke up with Jimo ya, and the three immediately changed from cooperators to love enemies.

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Look at each other feel particularly uncomfortable.

The words are not opportunistic, half a sentence more, afraid to say more, let the other party aware of their own ideas.

So just saying goodbye in a hurry, we parted ways and rolled away.

Looking at the back of the palace, he told him not to look back and see him

"Yes -" the subordinates did not dare to say much. They left the Baili family at the moment, but they immediately turned around and went back.

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on their way back, they took the Liuyun flying car of jimoya.

After Lessing got on the bus, he directly asked, "but something happened to the holy yard?"

I'm afraid all the people in the main hall guessed it, but Xun Sheng didn't say anything, and others were embarrassed to ask.

Lessing didn't take this into consideration, but he was a little annoyed. Why did the holy house always intervene at the critical moment.

He didn't want to die this time?

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Xunsheng's old face was a little embarrassed, so he had to talk to him and was blackmailed by Lesheng.

When Lai Sheng's heart calmed down, Xun Sheng said solemnly, "the drunkard sent news that someone had sneaked into the dungeon of the holy yard when he was drunk and rescued Baili Zixi."

Jimo Ya eyebrows and eyes beat for a while, want to say something, but quickly control their own, and lower their head.

However, Lesheng sneered: "the dungeon of the holy courtyard is closely guarded. Who can enter and rescue people without being aware of it? There are also old drunkards. Although they are usually greedy for cups, why have they ever failed? Why are people who are not drunk? Has this been a premeditated robbery? Or is there a ghost in the sanctuary

After all, he is a semi saint. With only one sentence, he immediately thought of the key issues.

Xun Sheng usually looks at good people and is good at talking, but he never loses his chain at important moments. He can think of what Lesheng can think of. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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