The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1018: 1018

Shangqiu Mengqian's attitude is sincere: "Shibo, I fell in love with Qingqing at first sight. I have been happy for a long time. I just like childe's career, my nephew can't win people's love. Now Qingqing has nothing to do with gongziya any more. My little nephew is not talented. I want to marry Qingqing as the next eldest wife of Shangqiu family. Please help your uncle

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Under the eyelids of a hundred Li Ren's slightly closed eyes, the essence flashed.

Wife of the clan leader of Shangqiu family, this is full of sincerity.

At present, Shangqiu family only belongs to Jimo family, and Shangqiu Mengqian himself is also a genius without one in ten thousand.

However, the next leader's wife of Shangqiu family, what can Shangqiu Meng qian do?

Not to mention anything else, just say that jimoya and the previous hundred Li Zixi, both sides of the family have shown their intention, and they are almost engaged. As a result, he still refuses to agree, and he will die or die.

And Jimo Ya and Yan wench, even if Jimo Ya is beloved again, be careful of sharp points. The family disagrees. With his strong power, they even make a farce of mother leaving son and then falling apart.

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Therefore, it is useless to talk about Shangqiu Mengqian. What attitude is the Shangqiu family is the most important.

Bai Li Ren took a sip of Lingcha, and his expression was light: "today's young people are very good. How about the opinions of the elders in the family?"

It's not clear, boy! Don't pretend to be a big tail wolf in front of me. If you have the ability, you can take care of your elders, and then tell me about it, otherwise everything will be in vain!

The dream of Shangqiu is so smart that it knows the meaning of the string.

With a smile: "my nephew has already sent a letter home to tell the elders that they will come with betrothal gifts soon."

This is a guarantee that we will never make mistakes in Jimo career. Our elders will come and agree to this marriage.

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After the preliminary opinion was reached, bailiren was no longer too extreme and gave a good face, but his words were still not full: "that's OK. We'll discuss this matter after the clan leader of Shangqiu arrives. Dear nephew of Shangqiu, do you want to stay at a hundred miles home to wait for your elders, or? "

when Shangqiu Mengqian saw the end of Jimo career, he was naturally on guard step by step and would not repeat the wrong old way of Jimo career.

This is the critical moment when you can't leave a hundred miles home. Do you want to drive yourself?

Don't talk about doors, not even windows!

Shangqiu dream in a thousand days of arrogance, that is no one in the eye, but really to lower the head of the time, also better than anyone else.

At the moment, he immediately climbed up the pole: "you're welcome. In a few days, our two families are related by marriage. Aren't the Baili family and Shangqiu family the same family for my nephew? Shibo doesn't have to be too troublesome. He just needs to arrange my nephew to live next to the tilt. "

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Bai Li Ren almost choked to death without a sip of tea.

Pooh! Who the hell is this kid's family! When you think of Daomei, who is your family? There is a face to ask to live next to the girl Yan, why don't you ask to live with her!

Everybody else's son is in debt!

Bai Li Ren, who felt that he could not talk any more, called a member of the hundred Li family and threw him Shangqiu Mengqian. By the way, he asked him to arrange Shangqiu Mengqian's house as far away as Huan Qingyan before Shi Ran Ran ran away.

Shangqiu dream thousand don't care, as long as you live in a hundred Li home, you still worry about not seeing Qingqing girl?

The most important step has been successfully stepped out, the rest is waiting for the beauty to return!

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After Shangqiu Meng Qian left, Bai Li Ren also calmed down, "come on

A valet came in at the door.

"Xiaoyan used to grow up in zhuiyun magic house. Now, we have come to recognize our ancestors. It's time for us to pay a visit to chuiyun with some gifts."


PS: look at the comments these days, we have some opinions on Xiaoyan, saying what she does, and then it's our yashuai's beloved wife madman! Ya Shuai says that he can make you feel at ease. Even if Xiao Yan wants to go to the tile house, he can make it , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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