The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1020: 1020

Hold the wine and come to the wine saint.

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As for the jar of hot sun wine, after inspection, it was found that there was a rare fairy drunk.

As the name suggests, immortals can also be drunk. A little weight is enough to kill an ordinary person.

And colorless, but also increase the flavor of wine.

There's no trace in these spirits.

Where there is such a coincidence, your wife had been locked up well, no outsiders are allowed to approach, who agreed to let Murong Xinnuo go in that day?

Why do you want Murong Xinnuo to ask for wine Saint instead of others?

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There is just a jar of wine with immortals drunk?

Such a coincidence, that proved to be premeditated!

Holy yard or Jimo family, there are people in the arrangement to manipulate all this.

Is this person the master that Bai Li Zi Xi said? Magic eye?

As for Jimo Ya's mother, the wine saint can't deal with it casually, and for the devil's eye, it's better to investigate secretly in order to avoid too much alarm.

After listening to Jimo ya, his face did not move, and his heart was full of waves.

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He nodded clearly, "younger generation, go back to ask, and by the way, thoroughly check whether Mohist School colludes with outsiders."

The wine Saint praised him very much. Why did he talk to Jimo Ya instead of Jimo Wuchang and Jimo Lai? It was because the boy was clear and calm enough, fair and not partial.

He himself was cultivated by Jimo family and the holy yard, so his position would be more moderate, and the Jimo family would not feel that the hands of the holy yard were too long.

He is also very appreciative of Jimo career. Although he didn't mean to pit this boy last time, he didn't complain and saw that he didn't have any color. This is a broad-minded man!

One happy, he carefully took out a treasure that he had got from a secret place hundreds of years ago. He handed it to jimoya: "this box is the Zizhi horse that Ben Sheng got hundreds of years ago. It's the product of ten thousand years of Zizhi, and it has taken shape as a horse. If you grow and absorb aura for a thousand years, you will be able to walk and run, but you will not be able to enter the earth. This time, I wronged you. The girl of the hundred Li family and your children, alas ~ ~ commit crimes

Said the head also did not return to go, for fear that he would stay down on regret, will Zizhi horse and robbed back.

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Jimo Ya looked at the jade box in his hand, only slightly opened a gap, and a strange fragrance curled out, smelling the spirit of a vibration, refreshing.

This is a good thing!

Jimo ya heart move, put the box, straight to the Laisheng yard and go.

Penglai courtyard.

Seeing the jade box in Jimo Ya's hand, Lesheng's eyes brightened: "the old drunkard has got such a good treasure. He hides it so deeply that he doesn't even know it! I'm afraid it's a good thing at the bottom of the box. He's a good judge! "

As he spoke, he opened the box, and a purple pony was crystal clear like jade. The pony, the size of a palm, was lying in the box, head and tail complete, and four hooves were almost shaped.

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At first glance, it looks like a pony.

As soon as the box opened, the room was filled with an indescribable fragrance.

Lesheng decisively cut off the tail of the purple Ganoderma horse, and then returned the jade box to Jimo ya: "this is a good thing. Keep it well. It can save your life at the critical moment."

Then he fed the thumb sized tail into the mouth of the little body on the bed.

Jimo Ya is staring at nervously, his eyes dare not blink. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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