The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1032: 1032

Luoqiao can't make spiritual dishes, but she puts a small piece of the ink jade Ganoderma lucidum left by the eldest lady in the mirage cold food every day

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"Young master, eat!"

Luo Qiao came to deliver the meal with her basket.

As soon as I got to the gate of the courtyard, I found that the aura of the courtyard was flourishing. A walnut star was flying towards their fantasy house

When she saw it, her eyes were bright.

She didn't dare to knock on the gate again, for fear of disturbing and ran walnut star. She twisted her head and looked into the yard. It was not surprising that magic star was breaking through Jin Xing!

Sitting cross legged on the ground, eyes closed, mouth muttering

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Luo Qiao is happy, puts down the food box, turns her head and runs towards the courtyard where the phantom lady is.

"Madam, madam, that's great. The young master has been promoted to the five-star spirit Master!"

Luo Qiao is too excited and happy, and she is running in a hurry. She ran a few hand copied verandahs with a thin sweat on her forehead.

The phantom lady came out from the courtyard, her face was excited, "really? That's great. My son is promising. "

"No? The eldest young master is only ten years old! She is already a five-star spirit Master. The eldest lady is only 16 years old and wakes up to her spiritual treasure? I don't know how happy she would be if she knew that master Xinghan had become a five-star spirit Master. Madam and madam, let's send a letter of blessing to the eldest lady Luo Qiao suggested.

Illusory madam also thinks this idea is good, "mm-hmm, let Star Cold oneself send his elder sister in a moment."

At this time, suddenly heard a loud knock on the door, across a few yards, all spread in.

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Because the magic house did not invite the servants to watch the door, so there was a aura drum at the door. When someone knocked on the door, the courtyard could hear it.

Luo Qiao thought that it was the onlooker who saw the flying star in the magic mansion. So she ran to open the door quickly.

As a result, there were two well-dressed men standing at the door. Behind them were some beautiful and heavy wooden boxes, which seemed to contain some good things.

"Excuse me, is this the magic mansion?" You are very polite.

"Yes, can I help you?" She asked cautiously.

"Is it the fantasy house where Miss Qingyan once lived?" The man asked again.

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Luoqiao again vigilant, "what do you have, directly say, it's OK, I'm going to close the door."

The two well-dressed boys looked at each other and laughed, "Hello, we are members of the Baili family. Miss Qingyan is the blood of our family. Now we have recognized our ancestors. The patriarch specially sent us here to thank you for your kindness in raising our Baili family miss. Please inform your wife..."

Luo Qiao suddenly lost her mind.


after more than half a year's selection, and finally considering the strength and consideration of all aspects, we finally subdued a cadre of elders and decided on the choice of Bai Li Qingyan's husband and son-in-law.

Originally, Bai CHENFENG was also a young man who was very optimistic about him. He was able to speak. His attitude was low and his attitude was sincere. His sincerity was full.

Just hand down to collect Yan wench's previous information.

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Found that the Yan girl and the surname white boy had entangled things.

With Yan wench's personality, since she didn't want to be a white boy, she chose Jimo's, so she won't have to look back.

Don't think about the white boy.

The most suitable person left is the Shangqiu family.

The Shangqiu family's conditions for marriage promotion and betrothal are also attractive. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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