The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1036: 1036

At that time, the mad Saint seemed to say, let her wait, and when your wife came out of Jimo house, he would start.

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The eyes of Huan Qing Yan darkened, and she seemed to understand.

Shangqiu Mengqian sees the loss that can't be concealed on the face of Huan Qingyan. She knows that when she talks about the point, only one last blow can break the heart defense of Huan Qingyan completely, so that she can smoothly accept the suggestions she is about to put forward.

"There is a more important reason, that is, Mohist. Although Murong Ru committed a crime, she gave birth to a good son and married a good husband. Her husband died for the sake of the human race, and childe's career is also the hope of the future of the human race. As long as there are these two men, she will hold the gold medal. Jimo family can only imprison her but not kill her. And once you move Murong Ru, it is to declare war with Mohist family. Even if gongziya wants to protect you at that time, you will not be able to keep it! What's more, if you kill his mother, do you think he will protect you? "

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Huan Qingyan was in a trance. She was full of confidence, but she was analyzed by Shangqiu Mengqian. She had no chance of winning. She died.

When she was about to lose heart and despair, she suddenly realized that, no, Shangqiu Mengqian showed everything to her at such a long time, not to attack her.

He must have other purposes to find himself, such as cooperation?

When he was in a good mood, Huan Qingyan regained his composure: "Mr. Shangqiu said so much, there must be your intention, just say it!"

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Seeing Huan Qingyan was influenced by his own words, he soon recovered his calm. Shangqiu Meng Qian's approval nodded his head. He was worthy of being the girl he liked. He was sober enough.

"I came here to tell Qingqing girl that you want revenge. What is lacking is that there is no huge force behind you to protect you, and we Shangqiu family are willing to help you revenge! And this only needs the girl to agree to my proposal! " Shangqiu Mengqian smiles and summarizes all the analysis today.

This is the goal of Shangqiu Mengqian. To avenge himself, what he has to pay is to agree to their proposal.

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With Shangqiu dream thousand said aristocratic family's characteristic, then oneself promised to propose the value, may let the Shangqiu family help oneself to take revenge!

Huan Qingyan took a deep breath: "what about you? What do you get in this marriage? "

Shangqiu Mengqian saw that Huan Qingyan had already shown signs of loosening. He held up his tea cup and blocked his face. His tone was leisurely: "I have admired Qingqing girl for a long time. I can't stand by in such a dilemma. At the beginning of the incident, I failed to help the girl, but now I have to do my bit. What's more, the girl's spirit treasure and I's spirit treasure fit together. If we can practice with the girl, it will be good for both of us. This is enough for me! "

Shangqiu was born with nothing. From childhood to adulthood, the only setback he suffered was that he could not get it. If he missed this opportunity again, he would be a fool!

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Huan Qingyan pondered for a moment, and she had to admit that every word and every word of Shangqiu Mengqian said hit the secret worries in her heart that she did not dare to think about.

She also knows very well that Shangqiu Mengqian has thrown down this delicious bait, and she can hardly resist it.

This bait includes the necessary strength for his revenge, and his request is very clear. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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