The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1038: 1038

See strange Jimo Ya seems to want to cry, but as if sensing something, open a small mouth, showing a toothless smile.

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Jimo Ya conditioned reflex back a smile, helpless squat there do not know what to do.

After waiting for a long time, the baby didn't wait for the sweet taste in the past. Even though the stranger's natural liking degree was high, he could not resist hunger. His mouth became shriveled and began to cry.

Just because the breath is weak, even the voice of crying is not big, like a kitten.

Listen to Jimo Ya heartache, panic pull Lai Sheng: "uncle, children, this is what? Is there something wrong? "

Lesson's eyes were almost rolling.

This kind of son is full of everything and forgets everything. It's just hot eyes. He says without good breath: "he's hungry. Nuo. It's a thousand year Poria cocos cream on the table next to him. Mix it with milk and give it to him."

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Jimo Ya is in a hurry to adjust the Poria cocos cream, and carefully feed it to the baby with a small spoon. After receiving the news, the baby's recuperation in the past few days seems to be weak, but when it comes to eating, its momentum is still very fierce, and its appetite is not small.

A bowl of milk Poria cream to eat clean, just bar TA small mouth, satisfied sleep.

Jimo Ya looked at the baby for a long time, and then knelt down to worship him.

He really thanks his uncle for saving the baby and his family!

Laisheng waved his hand: "OK, this is also the saint's blessing, God pity, finally still favor me Jimo family. In a few days, I will be able to take the child back. I'll give you a list. I'll take medicine bath every day and take nourishing soup. If you're over three years old, you'll have no worries. "

Jimo Ya thanks not to mention, just feel relaxed, this nearly a year, that heavy pressure and guilt, today can finally put down.

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He has not told Xiaoyan Baobao, for fear that in case the baby can not be saved, she will be disappointed after giving her hope, which will make her mood worse.

And fear of Baili family robbing children!

The two families have been at loggerheads. For the sake of fighting for children, crazy saint, a half saint, can do anything.

So I have not made a statement.

After saying goodbye to Lessing, he returned to his yard. For the first time, he was in a mood. He drank a small pot of wine and poured it on the bed. He had a good night's sleep.


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the other end of the guest hospital.

It has been announced that the hundred Li family has agreed to the Shangqiu family's proposal, and all the Shangqiu family have left the Baili family and gone back to prepare for the betrothal gifts.

People from other families, seeing that things had settled down and their families had no chance, left in succession.

White dust seal face is very ugly, a person locked in the room.

He couldn't understand why the hundred Li family didn't choose themselves. He was the prince of Zhuyun Empire, the future emperor and Xuanling master.

What's worse than people?

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Xiaoyan is not easy to break with Jimo ya, he had a chance, but the Baili family actually cut off his own hope.

Damn them! Fury in the white dust sealed eyes color a deep, pupil almost become vertical lines.

This is the precursor of demonization.

"Bang bang -" outside the door came Nangong Beichen's voice: "brother Bai, is it inside

White dust seal this just wake up, astringent breath, try to let oneself calm down, should a, "in, come in." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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