The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1045: 1045

Bailiye Jun coldly took a look at Huan Qingyan, and the eye dew killed the machine: "you have to talk crazy about Zixi again. Be careful that I cut your tongue!"

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I'm choking on you, mom! Bailiye Jun, this is completely a hundred Li purple brain powder, possessed by the devil.

I don't care about such a brain handicap.

Baili Zixi was very satisfied when she heard Bai Liye Jun's words. She giggled and showed a gorgeous smile. Seeing bailiye Jun's eyes darkened, her throat swallowed her saliva involuntarily, and her whole mind was obsessed with Baili Zixi, and she could not see anything else.

"Huan Qingyan, we meet again!"

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Huan Qingyan to this moment, the heart is calm down, see Baili purple Xi such provocation, do not speak, just look at her quietly.

Bai Li Zi Xi is so despicable that she uses the illusion of her baby to confuse her.

If it is not the illusion of the baby, the general illusion, she would be deceived?

The baby in her heart has become a deepest ridge.

Hundred Li purple Xi saw the unreal Qingyan did not respond, frowned and showed a smile full of malice: "do you want to kill me when you see me? Do you want to eat my meat and drink my blood? Unfortunately, garbage like you, bitches, even if it is the blood of Baili family? Isn't that what I'm playing? "

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With that, he let out a burst of triumphant laughter.

Huan Qingyan knows that he is afraid that he can't be good today. He would like to get rid of Bai Li Zi Xi and then be quick. Bai Li Zi Xi will not let go of him.

Today is the end of the game.

I don't know if Bailijia has found her missing. I just hope I can delay it a little more.

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Or see if there's a chance to escape.

However, Bai Li Ye Jun and the demon girl Zixi are both Xuanling masters. Now she is bound and not easy to escape.

Seeing that bailizixi seems to have the same trend, she barely controls her murderous spirit and hatred in her heart, and quietly stimulates her with words. In her present situation, she can bring her own people out of the hundred Li family unconsciously. No one appreciates such masterpieces, so she can only show off in front of the illusory beauty.

Therefore, he snorted coldly and disdained: "so what? Anyway, I am the blood of Baili family, and you are just an orphan whose parents are unknown. No matter how proud you are, you are a rat that can't see the light. You can only hide behind the traitor and act like a tiger! "

Hundred miles purple Xi bottom of the heart is the most humble, the least want to be mentioned is her own blood.

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Even after she became obsessed with it, she still resented it.

In particular, this has replaced their own magic Qing Yan, that is her heart demon!

The smile on Bai Li Zi Xi's face closed, showing a cruel color. She stepped forward two steps to the front of the bed, grabbed the chin of Huan Qingyan, glanced up and down her face with cold eyes, and gnashed her teeth and said:

"I've been reduced to the present situation, it's all caused by you, a bitch! Now you want to talk? You're just a tramp who lives in exile and doesn't know what kind of untouchable pariah raised you. Isn't it with your face that you seduced Jimo Ya and Shangqiu Mengqian?

Oh, by the way, there are many ministers under your skirt. Nangong Beichen and Bai CHENFENG have a lot to do with you, right? Funny childe ya, the hat on his head is green, and he regards you as a treasure. I help him see through your true face and let him know that you are carrying wild seeds in your stomach. He not only does not appreciate me, but also designs to frame me and expose my identity, so that I have nothing in one night! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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