The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1047: 1047

However, this evil Qi is loaded in the body. I'm afraid that after a while, my divine sense will not be nourished by spiritual power. I'm afraid it won't last long.

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If you don't resist, you can't.

"It would be naive of you to enchant me if you only have this skill!"

Huan Qingyan sends out a killer bee from the space and pours directly at the witch's purple eyes. In addition, the aura in her body quietly gathers a trace of strength, which is enough to sacrifice to the archaic cauldron.

Archaean cauldron can defend and attack, even if they can't beat these two people, they can defend for a while.

The evil girl Zixi was attacked. She was unprepared and angry. She was about to let Huan Qingyan escape, and her credit was broken

Bai Li Ye Jun on the side did not know what magic weapon he took.

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The voice of baby crying appeared on the edge of the ear of phantom Qing Yan. She looked at the witch purple she attacked again and turned into a baby covered with blood.

Not her dead baby. Who is it?

"Mom, I'm so cold, mom, don't hit me, mom..." A sound of soft voice, straight to the heart of Huan Qing Yan.

Let her such as lightning, heartache can not breathe.

His face was full of tears.

"Purple, come on, while she's here, hold on." Bailiye Jun urged.


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Bai Li Zi Xi's own cultivation was abandoned by the holy yard, and her evil Qi was scattered. If she had not escaped, she would not have recovered to 70% or 80% of her heyday without painstaking cultivation and the injection of magic eyes.

However, after all, the time is still short, to transform a person, there are some can not do it, but a spirit to let her bite her teeth.

Seeing that these evil spirits have entangled Huan Qingyan, her face is more and more pale, her eyes begin to be lax, especially in her pupils, there is a faint red light starting to twinkle. It is known that enchantment has arrived at the most critical moment. As long as she persists for a while, she will be irresistible.

With joy in my heart, the evil Qi in my body has almost dried up, and I try my best to carry out a trace of it to attack the divine consciousness of the illusory and inclined Yan's brain


jimoya has been tracking all the way, and I just feel strange in my heart.

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Along with the strange breath, he went around countless circles in the area where the children lived outside the Baili family, and finally stopped in front of a remote little farewell home.

The other courtyard is not big and looks ordinary. There is no plaque on the door. The gate is closed and covered with dust and cobwebs.

It's uninhabited at first sight.

Jimoya has the residential distribution map of Baili family, which should be the residence allocated by the family to the new generation of disciples.

The Baili family now has a large population, and only the new generation of disciples with special talent or face-to-face parents will divide a small yard here as a rite of maturity.

It is also to tell them that you have your own place to rest, to entertain friends and to be on your own.

The courtyard is surrounded by almost the same courtyard, but there are not many people living in it. It's so remote that it's not convenient for the disciples of the hundred Li family to have any resources.

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I'll stay here for a while, unless I come out to have a rest once in a year.

So this is a very quiet place.

Jimo Ya carefully observed a time, gently leaped over the wall, identified the direction, and ran to the backyard.

As soon as I entered the backyard, I felt a few familiar breath.

Let him pick eyebrows, unexpectedly have evil spirit? There is also a breath, he can sense the state is not low, the other, like Xiaoyan, but also intermittent, can not distinguish. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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