The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1051: 1051

She herself is so painful, the baby died, her faith in life is also gone, and Jimo Ya why he thought that apology, she would forgive him?

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Jimo ya, a curved brow, such as mountains, such as splash ink freehand romantic, complex look, with forbearance, but also with doting.

Taking a deep breath, he tried to ease Xiaoyan's mood. "Xiaoyan, baby is actually --"

before finishing his words, he was roughly interrupted by Huan Qingyan: "stop! shut up! Don't mention the baby! You have no right to mention him! You are a murderer, an accomplice, an executioner! You killed our children! You killed him... "

At the end, the voice choked and sank.

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Jimo Ya looked in his eyes, heartache like wringing, "sorry, Xiaoyan, everything is my fault..."

The girl is still under the control of the evil spirit. She can't listen to her too much.

Don't dare to stimulate her, let her into the body to deepen, find a way to expel the evil spirit from her body.

Just at this time, Huan Qingyan suddenly giggled. His eyes were strange and his mouth was full of sweet smile. He hooked his fingers at Jimo end and motioned him to get closer.

Although Jimo Ya knows that at the moment, Huan Qingyan has been controlled by the evil spirit, and her mind is a little unclear. You can see that she smiles at herself like this, and the fingers that hook, as if possessed by a demon, step forward, one knee half kneels on the edge of the bed, looking at her gently.

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Huan Qingyan comes to Jimo Ya's ear, and a familiar fragrance comes to her face. The hot air she exhales is sprayed on the earlobe, crisp and numb, which makes Jimo Ya's body stiff.

Huan Qing Yan has no feeling, only in a soft voice, with incomparable malicious mouth: "is it very sad? Is the heart very painful? Is it too painful to breathe? Remember, this is how I hurt! It hurts ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times! "

Jimo Ya is silent.

Huan Qingyan sticks out her tongue and gently licks the earlobe of Jimo ya. Her breath pours on her neck and arouses a goose bumps.

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Jimo Ya can't help but shiver all over, and his hands tightly clasped on the bed board, and unreal Qing Yan cross neck and rely on, can't see his look clearly.

Huan Qingyan seems to have found the new world in general, with a hand slowly climbing along the waist of Jimo Ya with a smile.

The action is intimate, but the words in his mouth are like sharp sword, filled with poison: "I can kill bailizhi, kill Murong Ru, or kill Murong family to avenge the baby, but I can't kill you. I can't give up you. Are you very happy in jimoya?"

That feeling of crispy numbness, running along the spine, but this is not compared to the magic Qing Yan, this sentence reluctant to give up you, let Jimo Ya move.

Jimo Ya's body moved, reached out to embrace the magic Qing Yan and gently picked up her face: "Xiaoyan, I know that you can't give up me, you only have me in your heart, right? So, don't marry Shangqiu family, OK? "

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Huan Qingyan's pupils are almost half red, half black and half red, which is very strange. The smile on his face is very sweet: "yes, I can't bear to kill you! You are my favorite man after all! So I have prepared a big gift for you! I want to marry another man, let you go! Do you think I'm good to you? Do you really love you? "

Jimo Ya can endure again, feel guilty again, hear this, also can't bear to go on, what is to marry other man or because love oneself most?

Don't think about it! This life, next life, forever, Xiaoyan can only be their own! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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