The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1060: 1060

Looking at the indifferent face in the mirror, Huan Qingyan didn't turn her head and was silent for a while. She began to pull the clothes on her body rudely. The dress was like a shackle, which almost choked her.

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Hand to the deep Lapel mouth, the face of the phantom Qing Yan a Leng, stopped the action, lowered his head to untie the clothes.

First, I felt it carefully with my hands, and then I raised it to look at the light. Through the sunshine outside the window, I could see the faint dark lines on the lapel, collar, sleeve, front and back.

These dark patterns are not embroidered out, but specially woven fabrics. They are not particularly sensitive and can not feel this feeling.

And facing the light, we should be very careful to find out.

Huan Qingyan only looks at these dark lines and feels familiar. It seems that he has seen it on whose clothes, like Jimo ya?

Pooh! Huan Qingyan spits on himself. How does he suddenly think of him?

Can it be that you are bewildered!

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How could the dark lines on his clothes appear on his gifts? This is from Shangqiu's family.

Maybe the patterns of these big family clothes are the same!

The illusion inclines the Yan to press down own heart that faint idea, so comforts oneself.


outside the Baili family, the courtyard where Moya lived.

"Little Lord, the holy master has already started from the family, and the little master has brought it. It is said that the little master is in good condition and has awakened the spiritual master." Mo Si Dao.

Jimo Ya is a trance posture, his beautiful face with a faint smile.

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Then, he said, "Mo Qi did a good job this time."

Mo Si Yi Leng, lying trough, Saint Zun and small master son's news clearly is his Mo four is responsible for, how to pull the ink seven body up, is not the little Lord's brain not easy to use?

In an instant, ink four wants to understand how to return a responsibility, it is his brain show amuse originally.

Little Lord, this is the logistics work of mo-7 in the watch field. Well done!

Nine times out of ten, the young master is peeping at the young lady

Image! Hello!

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So the thief said with a smile, "congratulations to the little Lord ahead of time."

Jimo Ya star like eyes, full of satisfaction, "very good, good-looking, go, we go to pick up the baby..."



the marriage of Baili family and Shangqiu family is a rare event in Lingbao mainland.

Those who have a little bit of prestige should give the two families face and come to celebrate.

Compared with the hundred years ago, the centennial celebration of a hundred Li family is more grand.

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Over the past year, the Baili family has had many happy events, their blood has returned, they have become the God elect in the ceremony of recognizing their ancestors, and the only Phoenix spirit treasure in the mainland has appeared, which has greatly increased the prestige of the Baili family.

Not to mention the marriage between the Baili family and the Shangqiu family, it is even more beautiful flowers and cooking oil with fire. For a time, no one in the Lingbao mainland envies the Baili family.

This is one of the eight families with a good development and a rising trend. Who doesn't want to make friends with each other? Even if the thigh wheel can't reach his own, it's also cost-effective to hold a golden toe.

Therefore, the congratulatory gifts flowed into a hundred Li's home, and the crowded guests almost filled the guest house.

There are still many who can only be arranged to receive outside the main house. Even so, some people enjoy it.

Many of the visitors also have the psychology of watching the excitement. The woman who was the son of the Mohist family was going to marry the Shangqiu family. I don't know whether there will be any congratulation from the Mohist family this time? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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