The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1071: 1071

These are the forces of foreign objects, not much.

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He called that just to distract Jimo ya.

The real means in his heart is his own hands!

In fact, he did his best.

He did not believe that his own strength will be lower than Jimo ya.

Even if the difference is so small, now Jimo Ya is distracted, and his strength is also scattered. Can you beat him with all his strength?

"Swell!" With a sound, the golden light on Mo Ya's arm flashed and disappeared in an instant.

And Shangqiu dream Qianru was hammered, the whole body flew up, fell to the ground!

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The dream of Shangqiu is defeated!

Shangqiu Mengqian failed again! Last time, he was defeated by Jimo ya. After he got out of the secret place, he closed up for a while. This desperate style of playing was also a failure!

The soul has been hit hard, today's pro, it seems that is really no play.

This shows a fact that he does have a certain gap with Jimo career. When he looks at Huan Qingyan's worried eyes, he feels that this entanglement is just a dilemma.

Let him become the laughingstock of the public, some people have begun to laugh.

Nangong Beichen covers his mouth and laughs.

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Shangqiu Mengqian gave him a murderous look and at least let him pull down his face.

Huan Qing Yan saw Shangqiu dream thousand fall on the ground by Jimo ya, and couldn't get up for a long time. She came over with her baby in her arms and said, "dream thousand, do you have anything?"

"Qing Qing, today I am in the way of Jimo ya. I deserve it if I can't get a chance to get along with you. Qing Qing, you should have a good time no matter what. If you are not happy, you can come to me at any time. My Lingbao will always wait for you..."

"Poof!" Jimo Ya is another foot, will Shangqiu dream thousand to kick out of the hall.

Shangqiu dream never gives up, "Qing Qing, I will definitely come back..."

Huan Qing Yan's eyebrows relaxed. Fortunately, Shangqiu Mengqian can say such a thing. It should not be hurt too much.

Bai CHENFENG was as black as the bottom of a pot from the beginning to the end. He intended to rob Shangqiu Mengqian. He didn't expect that Shangqiu Mengqian was so useless that he was used by various means by the despicable Jimo career, and he was defeated.

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Now, he is not sure to deal with Jimo ya, so he can only bear it by himself!

Two words, die bear!

Today is just a engagement, not a marriage. He still has a chance.

The storm of Shangqiu Mengqian has passed, and the people present slowly come back to their senses. In addition to sympathizing with the children of Shangqiu family, they also take a high look at jimoya. This means of doing things by gongziya is simply unlimited!

In order to marry a beautiful woman, he can do anything.

There are also his accomplishments. It is said that he is the first son of the human family. He deserves his reputation.

No one among the younger generation can surpass him!

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Jimo Ya is still that pair of cloud light breeze is clear, elegant and polite expression, the smile on the face does not reduce half point, will be illusory Qing Yan pulled into the arms.

The baby was excited and said, "hit Hit I'll call... "

This little guy is a violent guy!

When Jimo Ya and Shangqiu Mengqian were fighting, he was very excited in Huan Qingyan's arms. Now that the fight is over, he is still shouting

Magic inclined Yan coax way, "darling, fighting is wrong, don't learn from your father."

Jimo Ya heard this sentence, silent smile.

Bailijapo sighed, "look at the three members of their family. They feel so harmonious! How much love , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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