The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1076: 1076

Huan Qing Yan only felt the pain of needle pricking on his hand. At a glance, it was Jimo Ya dry!

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He has a phoenix feather bell in his hand

He squeezed a drop of blood on her finger and smeared it on the phoenix feather bell. The phoenix feather bell made a clear and moving sound, which was like the initial sound of Sanskrit.

In the next moment, Feng Yuling turned into a gorgeous feather and appeared on her shoulder.

It seems that he has a pair of wings and can fly without the appearance of phoenix feather bell.

Jimo Ya affectionate money, "Xiaoyan, I finally wait for this day, Xiaoyan, we want to be together forever."

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Huan Qingyan's eyes are wet.


the news that the Baili family had temporarily cancelled their marriage with the Shangqiu family and wanted to marry with the Jimo family came out, and the whole land of Lingbao was boiling.

Jimo family is vigorous and vigorous. As soon as they get married, they will spread the news all over the world.

All kinds of publicity, all kinds of festivities, invite people from all over the world.

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The day has been set for the middle of next month.

According to the meaning of Jimo ya, two words, fast!

But on the basis of fast, we must do all the rituals that should be done, all of which are indispensable. We want to give Huan Qingyan the biggest and most beautiful wedding.

The two families have been busy.

As the head of the clan, Bai Li Ren has complicated affairs. Ordinary things can be done by people. This marriage matters a lot. Crazy Sheng went to Shangqiu family to apologize and was not in the family.

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There is no one to share, just cleaning up the bride price sent by Jimo family is enough for him.

Jimo family is rich in details, many magic weapons and treasures, which are hardly recognized by those who have no eyesight. There are clan precepts in the Baili family. Wang Lingshi is not allowed to be involved in worldly affairs when he is less than half sage. It is OK to invite them out of town once in a while. All these things can't be handled by them.

So, you have to do it yourself.

Looking at so many betrothal gifts, Baili Ren is happy and sad.

If the bride price is heavy, it means that the size of the dowry can't be less. The two families are equivalent to exchanging each other's treasures. It just makes the newcomers look bright and the world envies them. The ostentatious style of the two families, etc

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Fortunately, there is a granddaughter who is very considerate. Jiabao is helping him clean up. On the other hand, how can he shout, "Wow, grandfather, the sincerity of Jimo family in marrying Qingyan sister is so great! How rich

Baili Ren said, "Jiabao, you are not young. Last time Xiaoyan was engaged, a lot of young talents came from eight families. Do you have a favorite person? There's no chance for you to make great progress in your current cultivation. Why don't you find a husband to marry you first

Bailijapo made a big red face, "Oh, what does grandfather say? We are all Xuanling masters. We have a thousand years of life. What do we do if we marry so early? I haven't met anyone I like... "

"I think Nangong boy is very good. Unfortunately, he has a engagement, and chuiyun empire is just fine, but it's a low marriage. Maybe your mother doesn't agree with him, and Mr. Shangqiu is also very good. He is affectionate towards lovers and has great general demeanor when he encounters setbacks. It's not like other people who are frustrated, but your Lingbao doesn't fit him well..."

In order to get married, the Baili family selected the young talents from Lingbao mainland. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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