The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1087: 1087

Luo Qiao declined, but went with Ma Tianyin to the courtyard where Xinghan lived.

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Xinghan works hard every day. In addition to having to eat, he basically never goes out.

Two people came to the courtyard, but did not see the shadow of star cold.

"Young master? Young master Luoqiao thought Xinghan was tired from practicing martial arts, so she went into the room to wash.

Go in and have a look and find nobody.

At this time, Ma Tianyin's face had changed. He looked at the ground and there were obvious signs of struggle. "Someone took Xinghan away by force. I'll look for it first. Don't make a statement for the time being, so as not to worry about his wife."

Luoqiao is shocked and calms down when she sees Ma Tianyin's order.

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"Well, I'll go out and look for it. Maybe it's just that the young master went out to play with his former classmates."

The two men went separately to look for it.

Madame fantasy is cooking in the kitchen, and rarely humming the little tune she used to hum when she was young. Suddenly, a black shadow stood quietly behind her

I stare at her with pity.


holy city.

The gate of yunya mansion on the middle of the holy mountain is full of excitement and endless stream.

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Today is the day when Jimo Ya and Huan Qingyan get married and get married. Anyone who knows a little about it will come to congratulate them, even if they have not received the invitation.

The holy mountain was also opened for one day. Anyone below the middle of the mountain can enter as long as they have status.

Early in the morning, the gate of yunya mansion was surrounded by water.

I'm afraid it's too late. I can't get a good crowd position.

All the people who came from behind were concerned about their feet and only saw the dense heads.

"Isn't the auspicious day yet? Why hasn't the new man come out yet A passer-by.

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"The bride has to dress up. The bride is very respectable, not an ordinary person Of course, it's necessary to have a bigger show Passerby B.

"In other words, why not hold a wedding ceremony in Jimo mansion, which is bigger and more luxurious than here in the center of the holy city." Passerby C.

"You don't know the inside story. The bride is not happy with the Jimo family, and gongziya is a spoilt wife. It's not easy to regain the beauty It's a long story... "

Outside the cave, the fire of the eight trigrams is blazing. Inside the cave, it is also in full swing.

The lively and beautiful bailijapo is directing a group of clever ladies and maids to dress up the bride.

"Wow, sister Yan, if you wear this Phoenix crown, there will be no more beautiful bride than you! Hurry up, the people who change clothes will be more convenient... "

Huan Qingyan's quilt is covered with layers of bridal clothes, each layer as thin as silk. This is a custom-made magic instrument in the goblin kingdom. There are 18 layers in it. Each layer is a body protecting artifact. Donna made it himself for the wedding of Huan Qingyan.

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This suit is worthy of being tailor-made for Huan Qingyan. After careful consideration, it is not bloated at all. It is elegant, elegant and festive.

With graceful and elegant posture, flying willow eyebrows and cool and beautiful Phoenix eyes, even if they are indifferent to the dust, they are also mixed with a little joy. Their skin is like blood clotting. They are extremely beautiful. They are wearing gorgeous Phoenix crowns on their heads and wearing flaming colored xiapi. The whole person is full of enchanting beauty, which is amazing.

Next to Huan Qingyan, a little cute baby, with a candy in his mouth, is almost finished.

The baby has been more than a year old, white fat white fat.

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