The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1098: 1098

Madame Huan nodded, "well, the name is really peaceful. Xiaobao is born well, smart and smart. The more you look at it, the happier you are. It's good. Xiaoyan's children are so old. Xiaoyan, you were only 16 years old when you left us. It's only four or five years later... "

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Maybe it was because he was too excited. He held Xiaobao too tightly, and his breath was blocked. Fortunately, he was a spiritual master and struggled.

Stuffy not happy to stare at the illusory madam one eye, jumped into the arms of snow Saint again.

Madame Huan is still excited. She finds that Xiaobao has not given any face. She is slightly embarrassed. Bai Liren reminds her, "Madam fantasy, please sit down here. The wedding of ya boy and Xiaoyan is going to be held. It's not good to miss the auspicious time."

"Good, good!" Madame phantom went down the steps.

The episode of the magic lady passed quickly, and Xun Sheng, who served as the Minister of rites, began to speak again.

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"Well, now it's the auspicious time. The new bride enters the wedding ceremony. The couple are willing to be married in public. They want to ask everyone to make a witness, and wish them true love and eternal love and grow old together..."

The crowd was excited, and everyone was looking forward to the moment.

"Hum, after paying homage to the hall, gongziya will be a married husband from now on. Even if I marry him in the future, I can only be a concubine..."

"If you want to be beautiful, you will still be a concubine. Who knows that childe Ya has already vowed to marry only a hundred Li Qingyan all his life!"

Shangqiu dream on the grandstand stares tightly and is ready to move.

Nangong Beichen is fanning the flames on one side, "are you still not moving? Last time Jimo Ya robbed your wedding banquet, how can you bear it

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If it was not for his engagement with the Murong girls, he would have gone up and robbed him.

Shangqiu Mengqian rubbed his hands and said, "in a moment, you can help me stop a little Jimo ya. I hold the tilt and run. You stop me in the back. Why didn't the white dust seal come today?"

"No problem. I'll help you stop some breathing time. Bai CHENFENG must have been crying in some corner to hide. He didn't dare to rob him. He didn't have a backer, and there was an oil bottle of zhuoyun Empire behind him. He had no guts! " Nangong Beichen inspired him.

Shangqiu dream a thousand times, it is true.

The Shangqiu family is also one of the eight families, and there are also semi saints. Although they are closed, the Shangqiu family should not be underestimated. Because the blood of the Shangqiu family is regeneration and healing, as long as it is not killed by seconds, everyone is a small strong and has strong survival ability.

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The two men discussed under the stage, and the stage had begun to worship.

"Worship heaven and earth --" Xunsheng's long and round sound.

Jimo Ya with the hand of magic Qing Yan, toward the center of the holy yard, devoutly worship.

"The second obeisance hall --"

jimoya and Huan Qingyan turn to face the hundred Li Ren and Jimo impermanence, as well as the direction of the phantom lady, just want to bow

"Hold on!"

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Just then, a cold and proud woman's voice came out from the noisy crowd.

Jimo Ya heard this voice on the eyebrows of a frown, there is also magic Qing Yan can not forget the voice.

Everyone looked at the source of the sound, and saw a woman in gorgeous clothes, elegant and powerful, and stepped onto the platform.

It's your lady!

In the process of escape, she also changed into the most gorgeous clothes.

Behind her, there was a young girl in a hurry. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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