The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1100: 1100

Magic lady would like to lower her head to the bottom of the table, very embarrassed and afraid.

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Your wife said again, "in this case, I am not afraid to tear my face, so that everyone can see and see the bad behavior of your unfilial son..."

Jimo Ya Mou brewing storm, in a moment he was pressed down.

He is not afraid to get along with his wife, and he has nothing to do with his wife.

It's just that this situation, let the public see, is always bad influence.

Your lady's appearance of madness makes people feel terrible.

Jimo Ya secretly passed on the voice to Huan Qingyan, "take Xiaobao seriously."

Huan Qingyan is also on guard. She takes Xiaobao from the table, holds it in her arms and takes a step back. After all, your wife is Wang Lingshi, which is a great realm for them.

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Just in case.

Who knows, your wife straight to Jimo ya, with the lightning speed, a bite on the arm of Jimo ya.

Across the layers of bridegroom's clothes, moist blood came out.

Your wife is crazy sucking the blood of Jimo ya, swallowing and saying, "you are not filial son. Since you don't recognize me as mother, I will eat you too! I gave you all your body, hair and skin. I ate you... "

The scene is silent!

Everyone was stunned, as the saying goes, tiger poison does not eat children, but this woman is crazy to eat her own son.

Those who said filial piety were shocked by this scene.

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They could not speak any more. The scene was beyond their imagination.

Even Jimo ya did not expect that your wife would do so, let her bite.

In response, she was struck open with one hand, and your wife would not let go of her death.

"Zi La" a sound, across the thick clothing material, the living bit off a piece of his meat.

Your wife took the raw meat of Jimo Ya in her mouth, wrapped in cloth, and swallowed it all, "what a delicious taste! If I had known that I had eaten you as an unfilial son, my accomplishments would have been greatly improved, and I might have become a saint earlier. Indeed, I am worthy of being... "

She couldn't say the rest.

Lessing's hand was taken out and her words were forbidden.

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Your wife opens her teeth and claws and pours towards Jimo ya, with bloodstains on her mouth, which fragrance in all directions.

With Jimo Ya on guard, he dodges away. Laisheng covers his wife with a light shield. His wife can't move any more. In the light shield, he bumps around, bumping into the light shield and making a sound.

It's crumbling.

Someone exclaimed, "what kind of blood is this? It smells good! Why, why not

"Is your lady mad? After living for hundreds of years, I saw a woman who ate her son alive for the first time... "


Xiaobao in the arms of Huan Qingyan is also scared. He is a little ghost, but he has never seen such a terrible scene.

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There was a cry of terror.

Huan Qingyan quickly coax up, her heart is also a huge shock, your wife's hatred of Jimo Ya is no less than her hate!

They have reached the point of eating their meat. They have never thought of it. They have broken through the upper limit of normal human thinking.

Jimo Ya stops the blood on the arm and seals the blood fragrance in time.

Came to Xiaobao's side, "Xiaobao, don't be afraid. Dad is OK. "

Xiao Bao is still crying. He looks at Jimo Ya and his wife. He is frightened by the sight of eating raw human flesh. His mouth is shriveled and he cries again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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