The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1115: 1115

Xun Sheng, however, loosened his brow and ordered, "wait here. I'll come when I go."

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With that, the figure flashed and disappeared.

As soon as Xun Sheng left, he came out of chuiyun imperial capital.

The plant he took out earlier, named morniancao, is supposed to be a kind of magic plant, which is very sensitive to the evil Qi.

Since the induction is in this direction, it will not be wrong, and it will not be too far away, otherwise it will not be sensed.

With his semi holy cultivation, as long as he knows the direction, it will not take too long to search for the past with his divine sense.

Sure enough, after a while, Xunsheng found two men in black in a disordered mountain and stone, both of whom had a light evil spirit.

And in front of them, it is the star cold in the sleep.

Just two star spirit masters, Xunsheng only rely on pressure to make them unable to move.

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Before they could recover, Xun Sheng spoke.

"Come on, who is leading you?"

The voice was quiet, but it was like a huge drum beating in the ears of the two men in black. At the moment, he could not help but say, "yes Master... "

Xun Sheng frowned, "who is your master?"

"Master Nature is the master. "

"How can you find your master?"

"I don't know..."

The thoughts of the two men in black were totally unable to control themselves at this time, and they spoke only subconsciously.

But this answer, said is equal to did not say.

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Moreover, the evil spirit of these two people is very weak, which should be controlled by people.

It seems that it is impossible to find out the person in charge from these two people.

Xunsheng no longer nonsense, arm in hand to catch the star cold, into a green light far away.

Before leaving, they waved back, and the two men in black fell silent.

On the way back, Xun Sheng inspected Xing Han and found that he only had a trace of evil Qi on his body, which was not a big problem.

Then with the gold spirit to disperse some, the star cold to the phantom lady, and then left.

He has more important things to do.

In the imperial palace of chuiyun.

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Bai Jinghua squints and lies on the tiger seat, enjoying singing and dancing.

He has been in a good mood recently, and the Empire has nothing to do with it. The crown prince has also been established and has gone to Canglang Academy for further study.

Don't be too comfortable.

All of a sudden, all the voices disappeared and the dancers stopped uncontrollably.

Bai Jinghua was shocked and was about to shout when he saw an old man in front of him.

Bai Jinghua was surprised to find that he was familiar with him. After careful consideration, he had a cold sweat on his back.

Found that at the moment also active, rushed down, kneeling way, "the little emperor has seen the Holy Lord!"

He had never met Xun Sheng.

But as a king of a country, if you can't recognize the saints who are in charge of the whole continent, you should just wipe your neck to avoid causing others to be involved.

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In the Empire, he is supreme.

But in front of these saints, there is nothing.

People with one finger, their whole family can be finished, and it is the kind that can never turn over.

"I don't know what the purpose of your coming here is?" Bai Jinghua said cautiously.

It's a great honor for the saint to come here. It's just the wrong way to appear. I'm afraid there's nothing good about it?

Bai Jinghua's heart has been beating the drum, praying not to happen too much.

Xun Sheng stares at him for a while and says, "summon all your royal family members at once!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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