The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1117: 1117

There is no reason, as a devil's eye, the black spirit is not as strong as her apprentice witch.

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When Murong Ru heard this, he immediately said, "yes, Lai Shengzun, I have been married to your Jimo family for many years. I have had no merit or hard work. I have also given birth to such excellent descendants as jimoya. I must have been wronged if I don't look at the faces of monks and Buddhists..."

The drunkard sneered, "your hard work is to eat your son, and then get your grandson and become your puppet? I've never seen such a vicious woman. Tiger poison doesn't eat children. "

"No, I didn't mean to. I was possessed of evil spirit. Maybe I was too close to the witch before and was infected and didn't know it..."

"You are Wang Lingshi. Do you know that you are infected with evil spirit? What about your sense ability? Be honest. When you were a kid, you had a devil's eye on your head. Maybe we can get rid of it... "

Just then, there were footsteps outside.

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A sweep of God's consciousness is the couple of Jimo Ya and Huan Qingyan.

Jimo Ya's fresh and fresh look, every move, is superb, Zhao shows an unparalleled noble spirit, even more elegant.

With the charming appearance of her little daughter, the snow and ice are crystal clear and incomparable. Her appearance is more beautiful, and her body is more charming.

Two people stand together, how to look at how to raise eyes, is really God's pet general.

The two approached and said in unison, "holy reverence!"

When the two saints saw them, they couldn't help smiling. The wine Saint coughed in a strange voice, "you are willing to leave the bridal chamber, ya boy. You have just been promoted to be the king's spiritual master. You have not stabilized your state of mind and put your mind into the bridal chamber. It's not good. The female sex misleads people."

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Huan Qing Yan's face, Teng suddenly red.

Angry stare at Jimo ya, all blame him, must toss three days to let out.

Or Jimo Ya cheeky, not feel embarrassed at all, but also seriously to the wine saint to give a gift, "thank you for your love, boy in mind."

The wine Saint couldn't get in touch with him. He rolled his eyes and said, "what are you doing here?"

Jimo Ya and Huan Qingyan are about to talk, Murong you in the cage suddenly screams.

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"Jimo ya, Huan Qingyan, you two can't die easily! If you marry privately, if you don't pay attention to my biological mother, I will not bless you until I die I will not bless you

Murong you saw the happy smile on her face, and wanted to tear her face.

Anyone who gets happiness in Jimo Ya is hurt to her.

"We don't need the blessing of a vicious woman like you. You don't even know how to write the two words of blessing. It's estimated that you don't know how to write the two words of blessing. What's the meaning of blessing?"

Jimo Ya and magic Qing Yan came here to see your wife, but she did not put her in the eye.

She is just a vicious woman with evil spirit. She used to hate her and vent her anger in Jimo. Now she is only a poor clown.

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She is now in the hands of the half saint and can't jump.

Murong you was so angry that she was so angry that she flashed a white shadow on her body, which was about to shake her face.

Jimo ya hand a move, easily stopped.

Now Jimo Ya is also Wang Lingshi's cultivation. Even if your wife is not locked up, she is no longer the opponent of Jimo ya. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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