The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1124: 1124

Looking at his size, he was much smaller than her. He said with pride, "little p-boy, who are you? Why rob me? "

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"Everyone calls me Xiaobao. I didn't rob you. The stone is on the ground. Whoever finds it will get it."

That big black grape eyes, blink, not Xiaobao who?

Xiao Bao is half a head shorter than Niu Niu. A 12-year-old boy standing in front of a 3-4-year-old boy needs to look up a little to look up at his eyes. This feeling makes Xiao Bao very depressed.

Niu Niu snorted haughtily, "but what I saw first is mine. I don't care. You have to give it back to me. Otherwise, I'll call Daniao Er Niu San rabbit and they'll beat you, hum!"

Leaving home money, Niuniu's appearance is the best one among the girls in the whole nameless town. She is usually held by everyone, and there is no Xiaobao who is so unsophisticated.

Xiao Bao bared his white teeth and laughed silently. He wanted to say that I was not afraid of them. If I dared to offend me, I would turn them into ice blocks. But when I thought of the instructions from my mother and my father, I turned my eyes and changed my strategy.

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Waving the white pebbles in the wave, "you can give it back to you. You have to tell me your name and take me to play with you later. I'll give it back to you if you agree. "

It is not easy to find similar peers, Xiaobao decided to join the new camp.

"Why should I play with you? You are so small, we don't play with little p-kids... " Niu Niu looks at the beautiful baby who is half a head short with disdain.

"Well, don't you think I'm small?" Xiao Bao touches his chin.

This action is learned from Xue Sheng, and it is this action that meets problems.

Xiao Bao pondered for a moment, then his body began to grow rapidly like bean sprouts

One breath, two breath, three breath

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Only after three or four rest time, Xiaobao's size suddenly grew up a lot.

She's almost as tall as Niu Niu, who is three or four years old. Xiaobao is not satisfied with her, but grows up and grows a little higher than Niu Niu. She stops when she is about four or five years old.

"How about it? Now I'm taller than you. Can you play with me

Before a word was finished, Niu Niu already screamed, "ah ah! Monster

Turn around and run

He fell into the river and startled the maid of the palace who was washing clothes. He was so scared that he lost two of his three souls. He came to save his young lady.

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Xiao Bao made a face at Niu Niu who was fluttering in the river. "Coward..."

Then she said, "ah ah! Monster

She was so angry that she floated up and sank into the water again.

Then, Xiao Bao went home without any trouble.


at the end of cross street in nameless Town, a new snack bar has been opened.

All the neighbors are looking around now.

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"What's the name? Snack Bar? So straightforward? "

"Do you think the couple are strangers? I haven't seen it before. How can I think of opening a snack bar in nameless town where birds don't lay eggs... "

The shopkeeper was a young woman with a sallow complexion and spots. Her body was swollen and swollen. Her clothes were very ordinary. She was clean and had a few stitches mended.

It's just the unreal beauty that is easy to tolerate.

Huan Qingyan was full of smiles and yelled, "the new store is open, and the steamed buns are free to taste! There are vegetable stuffing, meat stuffing, father, fellow countrymen, pass by, don't miss it , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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