The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1140: 1140

At this moment, a silver bell like sound rang from the side.

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You are not allowed to play with him. He is a monster! Be careful to eat all of you. "

Looking at the beautiful little jade girl, she is looking at the little girl.

"Miss Niu Niu!"

Wang Niuniu picked up a stone and threw it at Xiaobao. "You go, you are a monster!"

Xiaobao also did not let, pretending to let the stone hit, secretly touched out a big blood berry fruit, put it in his mouth, the corner of his mouth flowed out like blood juice.

She pointed to Niu Niu with her finger. "You are so poisonous!"

Then, one fell to the ground, eyes still closed, as if unconscious.

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"Ah, boss! It won't be crushed to death

"Miss Niuniu, you're killing me..."

"What? I'm so afraid. Let's go and ask the adults to come... "

The kids were so scared that they didn't dare to come forward. Before that, everyone called Xiaobao boss. At this time, they didn't care whether the boss was old or not. They were afraid of being sued for human life.

Xiaobao originally planned to scare Wang Niuniu away, so he jumped over and hugged her leg to bomb her body to scare her

As a result, all the children on the scene ran away, but Wang Niuniu didn't run.

I didn't expect that Wang Niuniu was only four or five years old, but she was very brave.

When she heard people say that she had killed someone, she was scared to death, but she came forward, squatted in front of Xiaobao and pushed him, "Hey, I didn't want to kill you. I just gave you a lesson. Who let you rob my little brother? Wuwuwu, don't die..."

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"Today, my maid is not here. I came out alone. Wuwu, what can I do..."

"I'll drag you to see a doctor in town..."

Wang Niuniu cried so sad and scared that she tried to drag Xiaobao, but she couldn't move it.

Suddenly, Xiaobao jumped up from the ground and made a face at her, "how miserable I died! What a terrible death

Wang Niuniu was so scared that her red face turned white. She screamed and couldn't avoid it. She fell back straight.

There is a sharp and big stone behind it. If you fall on it, it will be strange if you don't break a big hole in the back of your head.

Xiaobao was stunned, quick eyed and quick witted. She hugged Wang Niuniu and went away.

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Wang Niuniu didn't know that there was a sharp stone behind her. She only saw the dead, pretending to be dead!

Don't even say the corpse, still hold her!

So, after a loud scream from heaven and earth, he fainted.

I was so scared out of my wits.

Xiaobao caused this disaster and lost the idea of joking. With a guilty heart, it's not good to let go of Wang Niuniu.

Finally, he decided to send the disaster girl back to her home.

The nameless town was not big. He found it out on his first day.

Xiaobao was so moved that she disappeared in the same place with Wang Niuniu in her arms.

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After Daniel and their parents have been called, they will come to the riverside again. There will be no one there.

"Why, Xiaobao was really killed here by Wang Niuniu just now

"Did the river wash away the body?"

"Let's get ready for them. I was killed by the king's family. I'm sure I'll go to the palace to pay for the money... "



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