The Two-Faced Venerate Emperor

Chapter 1151: 1151

Mrs. silver sleeve looks unhappy. This means that they are going to move when they are in a hurry?

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She didn't mean to

She just wants to marry Niu Niu to a lower family. What's the big deal if she's the first lady? With such a husband's family, in the future, she will not hold it in her hands and watch her eyes live?

This is a great opportunity to marry her to a helpless and small capital foreigner. Through her, we can control the people from the countryside and use all their money as betrothal gifts. As for the dowry, it depends on her mood.

Her stomach is indeed pregnant. As long as Niu Niu is married out, the rest of Wang's property will be her child's in the future.

Unfortunately, the family even wanted to move away and didn't want to marry Niu Niu.

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We can only go back to the second place.

"Can you buy a girl's reputation with money? Forget it, your family really don't talk about morality and shame. Our Wang family doesn't insist on it. You must cure Niu Niu's illness. How much money do you intend to pay? Our girl is the first lady from the palace. She is very delicate. "

Huan Qingyan took out a bag, which was full of silver coins and small copper plates. He counted them, about ten Liang silver, and put them on the table.

"Yesterday, my husband has already paid a hundred Liang to your Wang family. Now there is only so little left in our family. You can take what you want. If you don't want it, I will hire a carriage to the neighboring town to ask for a good doctor..."

Naturally, we should not give too much to such people.

If they give too much, they think their family is a cash cow.

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The onlookers outside looked at all kinds of comments.

"The owner of the Baoye snack bar is really rich. He has more than one hundred liang of property. Are all the people in the countryside so rich? However, the landlady has a unique skill in making food, so it's necessary to make money... "

"I was scared. I paid a hundred Liang silver, my God! What a kind family... "

"No, the people of the Wang family have come to blackmail money on purpose! He also talked about Niu Niu's reputation, but she was not born with her. She was so shameless and shameless that she threw away all the faces of the Wangs. "

"Mr. Wang is a scholar. He doesn't listen to things outside the window. It's said that he's also addicted to alchemy recently..."

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Inside, Mrs. silver sleeve grabbed the money bag in her hand and snorted, "for the time being, I'll go back to cure Niu Niu of our family first. If there's something wrong with Niu Niu, all the parents and villagers will give us a proof, and I'll come to find their family..."

The people in the neighborhood scattered as if they had not heard of it.

Silver sleeve lady face down don't come, spat a mouth, "a group of country mud base son! Pooh

He left with some strong servants.

Today, she had a harvest of ten Liang silver. After they opened the shop for a few months and made money, she would blackmail them with Niu Niu's reputation, not afraid they would not give it.

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If you don't give it, you can carry Niu Niu directly to their house. Anyway, the old man is going to die. She doesn't have to worry too much.


as soon as everyone left, Huan Qingyan closed the shop door.

Little Burton said angrily, "mother, why do you give this bad woman money! She came to blackmail on purpose. Wang Niuniu has nothing to do with her. She also wants me to marry the little evil girl of her family. She wants to be beautiful. Hum! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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